Starting 10/18 and ending 10/22, Shop Your Way Reward Members will receive a $30 gaming coupon with the purchase of Batman Arkham City for PS3 or XB360 for $59.99. You will also receive a bonus $10 gaming coupon good towards Warners highly anticipated Lord of the Rings: War in the North (which will have a $20 gaming coupon with it when it launches in November).
Thats right, one more time, a $30 gaming coupon. Instore only. The coupon automatically prints at the register once the game is purchased and your SYWR card is scanned.
The coupon is valid from 10/23 through 12/3, if you cant find a game that comes out then that you dont like, or you cant find a deal on Black Friday worth the money, then shame on you.
But those dates are only for PS3/360. Rocksteady hasn't confirmed whether or not DLC is coming to PC at all. Their community manager said a week ago that she'd look into it but has provided no additional information since. It's the same campaign of no information as relates to the unannounced release date for PC.RoboPlato said:They've announced the release date and pricing for the Robin, Nightwing, and Skin packs. I was worried before too that the stuff wouldn't be obtainable at all but it looks like we can all get it, if we're willing to pay.
Can't wait for all the junk mail to come flying in.GekigangerV said:Link to Shop your way rewards
Sign up for that first and print out your member card to get the deal
Simo said:So I just saw what DC Direct is offering for their 3 lines or so of Arkham City figures at NY CC which includes a boss/rogue I had no idea was confirmed for AC just rumoured and wasn't mentioned in the OP or first page. I'll just copy the link...
Is there any rogue NOT in AC?!
dreamfall said:Oh my, Catwoman looks lovely! When are these released to the general public?!
CAREFUL!!! It is not just Catwoman in the image.dreamfall said:Oh my, Catwoman looks lovely! When are these released to the general public?!
Simo said:April-December 2012.
xxracerxx said:CAREFUL!!! It is not just Catwoman in the image.
dreamfall said:Oh, I know! I didn't want to post the other villain- but thank you for the heads up!Black Mask looks so awesome as well!
That may not be true, the K-Mart at Astor Place in New York told me I couldn't use my $20 game credit to buy a $20 PSN card even though I was buying something along with it, they said that it couldn't be used because the PSN card has no tax or something like that. It may be different at other K-Marts but just wanted to give people out there a heads up.GekigangerV said:From what I have read it appears these gaming coupons are also good for PSN/XBL points. This seems like the best deal to me. Pick up the game and get a $20 PSN card and not have to spend anything extra for all the DLC stuff. I am actually debating on whether or not to get a $50 PSN card and also get some old Street Fighter IV costumes.
Simo said:That's notBlack Mask but Hush.
dreamfall said:Oh my, Catwoman looks lovely! When are these released to the general public?!
Amir0x said:Also look at this bad boy coming out Q1 2012
MINE for pre-order
neojubei said:yeah i need this.
Amir0x said:Also look at this bad boy coming out Q1 2012
MINE for pre-order
Amir0x said:Also look at this bad boy coming out Q1 2012
MINE for pre-order
Amir0x said:yup. Way ahead of you guys. It's one of the best Batman figures I've seen in a long time
8bit said:Also, I love that you're called Steve McQueen and talking about the German border.
Really wished I didn't click that link. My fault for not reading what you wrote closer -- just saw the DC Direct bit and clicked away. Oh well -- like I have much a chance not be completely spoiled by the time the PC version is eventually released anyway... whenever that may be.Simo said:So I just saw what DC Direct is offering for their 3 lines or so of Arkham City figures at NY CC which includes a boss/rogue I had no idea was confirmed for AC just rumoured and wasn't mentioned in the OP or first page. I'll just copy the link and again it's not a villain thats been formerly mentioned nor confirmed...
Is there any rogue NOT in AC?!
Captain N said:looks much better there than here or is that not the same?
Simo said:Is there any rogue NOT in AC?!
Otrebor Nightmarecoat said:Preordered! I need that for my doll collection. Its so detailed and badass.
Amir0x said:Seems like the one I have is a color modified version of the one you got there, but with slightly more definition and better cape
Lonestar said:I'd assume a bunch of the C-D list villians aren't in here. Great White Shark, Clock King, Ratcatcher, the 3 or 4 different Fire villains, The Killer Moth or whatever he was.
Didn't the first one have this problem? i assume this is something they can patch if it's horrible.The perfect Dark
+ Batman
+ freeflow fighting
+ incredible atmosphere
+ gadgets
+ great controls
+ story summary when loading a savegame
- Problems with camera when fighting near a wall
Hard mode was pretty easy on AA, i always suggest play normal, if it's too easy ramp it up. or do 2 playthroughs, one on normal and one on hard.Marcellus Wallace said:I don't remember how difficult or non difficult AA was on normal or hard difficulty. I'm trying to decide how to play it.
Bazhard said:Didn't the first one have this problem? i assume this is something they can patch if it's horrible.
I don't remember having camera issues with AC:B when pinned up against a wall fighting.SalsaShark said:every game has that problem
There's an achievement for playing through twice and the game will be über fun so I'm playing through twice regardless.Marcellus Wallace said:I don't remember how difficult or non difficult AA was on normal or hard difficulty. I'm trying to decide how to play it.
Are we looking at the same figure? She looks like a dude. The other figures looks pretty good, but Catwoman is not what I would call lovely.dreamfall said:Oh my, Catwoman looks lovely!
Vire said:Someone is posting a Let's Play in HD on Youtube. He apparently got an early copy:
I haven't watched any of it myself but I'm sure there's a few joker's here who want spoilers.
Batman Arkham City Let's Play
The perfect Dark said:
It's Unreal so Xbox360 is the safest bet. That said, I own the PS3 version of Arkham Asylum and it was fine.LowEndTorque said:Any ideas on which console version to get?
I plan on snatching this day one to take advantage of the Wal-Mart deal, so no waiting for DF/LoT.
I'm assuming that graphics/performance will be the same, but 3D mode will be better on PS3?
*arkham city ad*The perfect Dark said:
The perfect Dark said:
I think it's pretty great, but it goes on far too long.SalsaShark said:these ads are so fuckin terrible
they should even pay Judd Apatow for the whole "you know how i know youre gay?" ripoff