I walked out of the movie with 1 hour to go due to being bored off my mind, why in the hell would I watch a version with more footage?
You wouldn't.
I walked out of the movie with 1 hour to go due to being bored off my mind, why in the hell would I watch a version with more footage?
Jena Malone Supergirl?
For what it's worth:
I never considered this but now I want it.
Ill check it out. R rating has me intrigued.
Commend them on not doing the "RATED R MOVIE, check us out, it's Rated R, we're pushing boundaries, Rated R" They just focused on the new stuff and the movie.
Hmm..maybe. Damn, lol. Now I'm really interested.Jena Malone Supergirl?
Wonder if this going be a Kingdom Of Heaven situation where the extended cut made it vastly better like VASTLY better.
I don't mind cinema cut we got of this film but it had horrible editing so that could be fixed
Saw this on twitter, seems like a stretch but maybe?
Saw this on twitter, seems like a stretch but maybe?
Well, Batman is heavily Miller inspired, why not?Saw this on twitter, seems like a stretch but maybe?
Saw this on twitter, seems like a stretch but maybe?
I want AT LEAST 20 mins of Barbara Gordon scenes.
For what it's worth:
Saw this on twitter, seems like a stretch but maybe?
Do we know how much longer this cut of the film is? And any details on the extras/special features?
Do we know how much longer this cut of the film is? And any details on the extras/special features?
30 minutes longer.
Uniting The World's Finest-Glimpse the future of DCs bold new cinematic superheroes
Gods and Men: A Meeting of Giants - Become a witness to history as you discover how everything in Batman and Supermans pasts have been leading up to this ultimate, epic showdown
The Warrior, The Myth, The Wonder - Explore the origin, evolution and powerful impact on popular culture by the legendary Amazonian Wonder Woman
Accelerating Design: The New Batmobile - Batmans newest ride is sleek, tough, loud, and fast as hell. Host Sal Masekela goes under the hood of the celebrated vehicle, then puts rubber to the road
Superman: Complexity & Truth - Experience the transformation as Henry Cavill goes from earnest journalist in glasses and tweeds to a powerful godlike being in a streamlined caped costume
Batman: Austerity & Rage - From cape to cowl and from rugged body armor to carefully-tailored suits, Batmans outer gear perfectly camouflages and expresses the fury that simmers within
Wonder Woman: Grace & Power - From her gladiator-influenced costume to her shield and sword, she is the mortal incarnation of a warrior goddess
Batcave: Legacy of The Lair - Nature and technology exist side by side in Batmans breath-taking and modernistic subterranean digs
The Might and The Power of A Punch - A dynamic and illustrative look at the power, physics and fascinating details that make the battle between Batman and Superman so formidable
The Empire of Luthor - Dive deeper into the inception of an entirely new interpretation of Lex Luthor, including an examination of his storied history in the comics
Save the Bats - Learn how the cast and crew gave back to the environment and brought awareness to a very real ecological problem
Interesting thing I read was the rating only changed in the US. Every other region it kept the same rating as the theatrical cut.
For what it's worth:
She got paid didn't she.what the fuck did they do to jena malone
For what it's worth:
Nah. I still have money on her being Carrie.
I'll watch it because I hate myself
You have to try to get the theatrical cut. If I'm not wrong, it's only avaliable in DVD and VoD, all other retail versions are the UC.Well I liked the movie enough to pick it up at some point (though probably at a sale since blu-ray prices suck here) so why not pick this up? I'm hopefully it'll be a little better. Not significantly, but better.