So what if it cut him? They also speak to the cells turning into normal cells around kryptonite. How much more do you need? How much more is even possible?
Are you one of the ones who is opposed to the idea of Batman vs Superman in general? There was a long prep montage where he creates actual weapons to fight Superman. What the fuck else Do you expect from Batman?
How much more is even possible? There's is only one thing he really needs to do, test that shit. He could, I don't know, figure out Clark is Superman, meet him again at the Daily Planet with a kryptonite sample and see what happens. But nope, too busy being mopey.
I'm not opposed to them fighting at all, Im sure there are scenarios where Batman and Superman would want to fight each other without contrived reasons, I haven't seen any besides mind control, Reagan era stuff and this bullshit, but I'm sure there is one. I expected more of battle plan than a second of sonic weaponry, turret fire and a dependence on kryptonite gas. They have decades of comics to draw from and their own imagination, I'm sure they could think of something less idiotic for him to do.
Batman's fight plan was based on two things
- Superman's apparent "temporal benevolence" so that he wasn't going to kill him in a second.
- Superman's promise of destroying the signal. While it's not explicit, he told him that he'd go to the signal the next time, so he hides the spear inside the building with the signal on top.
I don't see why it's so hard to grasp.
So Batman counted on Superman not trying to kill him and also counted on Supes to just want to destroy the signal?
It's hard to grasp because it doesn't make much sense in either cut. The excuses that in here that he's blinded by rage so he wants to kill Supes but some how reasonable enough to figure out that Superman won't kill him but some how blinded by rage to have this stupid plan.
Like can you honestly say that this plan was well thought out? At least in TDKR, Bruce knew his plan was stupid and he never counted on actually winning.
I guess I probably wouldn't pick on the stupidity of it if the big title fight was even a little interesting.