Battlefield 2042 | Review Thread


I see reviewers have begun getting there complimentary BF2042 chairs/merchandise.


Those chairs are terrible. But no one learns lol


The review scores are apparently based on 4 hours multiplayer, 4 hours portal and 2 hours hazard zone. :/
The is worrisome the reviewers didn't get much time to play the game as a whole. I am all for reviewers doing a "in progress" review though really this should be named "First Impression". I also feel all reviews should do a "Follow Review" after 3 months or 6 months have passed to see how the game has gone. Instead everyone's got to rush out their their reviews and toss some buzz words so they get picked up and spread around.

The reviews could be bad and Id still get the game. There's a lot of games that had bad reviews that I loved and games with great reviews I didn't like. I had fun in the beta but I also expect BF launches to be meh. Its not my first Dice rodeo.


The is worrisome the reviewers didn't get much time to play the game as a whole. I am all for reviewers doing a "in progress" review though really this should be named "First Impression". I also feel all reviews should do a "Follow Review" after 3 months or 6 months have passed to see how the game has gone. Instead everyone's got to rush out their their reviews and toss some buzz words so they get picked up and spread around.

The reviews could be bad and Id still get the game. There's a lot of games that had bad reviews that I loved and games with great reviews I didn't like. I had fun in the beta but I also expect BF launches to be meh. Its not my first Dice rodeo.
Most wont do "first impression" as it won't score as high in tags or SEO for websites or youtube. As for later reviews, that would be great, but most people, most of US, don't have the time to return to every game again. In fact that actually mathematically would become impossible time wise within a short time
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I foresee a shitshow incoming. BF4 all over again. It'll take months for BF2042 to be in a good state.
Sadly ya it may.
I now see why I was told there was no review code or reviews happening though lol.
Cause technically their sort of isn't and I do get prickly about it when discussing code with providers. Not sure why this was done this way. Though in the end, the majority of gamers see the word review, or hear it, or see a thumbnail and watch whatever and tune out of ALL this stuff we are talking about. So its working for them in the long run
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Yeah all of these "reviews" or "reviews-in-progress" are horseshit. BF2042 might turn out to be a complete turd, but in a game with ZERO singpleplayer/offline content what exactly are you reviewing: the graphics, gameplay against bots and/or a curated list of media, the balance of certain features over a limited window. Same goes for the people trying to finger wag reviews and instead tossing out "review-in-progress. . ." so they can get those algorithm hits as well.

. . .if these people go back and update all of these sure, this is justified. However we know they won't.

Who cares about individual reviews when I'm having a blast with the Early Access?

Aren't you a little less than a day early?


Gold Member
That's literally titled review.
Haven't got a chance to watch but you can't say review then say how dare you do reviews, while doing your own review from the same situation as the others lol.
His video says review in progress and he was talking about publications slapping scores on it.


His video says review in progress and he was talking about publications slapping scores on it.
ya can't really do that realistically. If you jump in you jump in and their reviewing score is in their actual title.
Having had to deal with that myself. You can't label it then tell others they can't do what they do if your still slapping SEO tags on it.
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Yeah I'm holding off buying until the game is out in the wild on next gen consoles.
Always for the best if you can. The old versus next gen is going to be the most interesting with the change in maps and size of teams.
I am happy that people can do the bot maps and mess around and all that. There are a lot of options which is great. Portal makes me most interested and how it runs on all the machines
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The performance metrics he gives are basically a big red hands off flag.....

50-80fps with a 3090@1440p with RT completely tanking the FPS and DLSS not doing much....the directional audio completely broken, still a lot of bugs etc etc.

Another game that`s getting released 6-12 months before it`s actually finished.
The CPU he's using is no joke either. Anyone on anything less than a 3950X will get shocking performance when joining 128 player servers.


Gold Member
Always for the best if you can. The old versus next gen is going to be the most interesting with the change in maps and size of teams.
I am happy that people can do the bot maps and mess around and all that. There are a lot of options which is great. Portal makes me most interested and how it runs on all the machines
Ps5 and xbsx crossplay would've been great. I'll just stick to other ps5 players and bots.


Game looks great and is reviewing well. But Gaf cant cope about specialists still so the tone is expected ITT
I mean, for any fan of the series it's a legitimate complaint. Even in the SkillUp video he talks about how they feel out of place and cheesy. That it almost feels like playing Overwatch on a grander scale, rather than a Battlefield title. I mean, a specialist that can see enemies through walls and farm kills with a turret does sound pretty bizarre in a BF title.

I do think it's particularly amusing that they've apparently slapped class titles on the specialists, but it serves zero purpose, lmao.

But again, as someone that has adored the series since its existence, and preordered, I'm sure I'll enjoy my time with it. Even if majority of it is in Portal.
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Everything about this game is so unacceptable on so many levels. They decided to do one thing, one thing and cant do it right. Karak Karak This too is FOMO release. And they keep doing this because we got idiots defending this type of messed-up release from EA for half a decade now.

Xaero Gravity

Played a few matches on Series X, didn't run into any of the issues I ran into in the beta. Need more time with it but first impressions are good, having a much better time than I did on that awful Orbital map.
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Man that beta was tell me in 3 weeks they polished everything so well that the game ended up with even one 10/10 score? BWAHAHA...they took 3 studios off their games to patch this up, i just dont believe it.


So they only gave reviewers PC codes and all the reviews are based on that? Ouch this gives me Cyberpunk vibes all over.
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Been playing it past couple hours. Heaps of fun, gunplay is solid and they have fixed the problems from the beta. Only downside I see is weapon selection in all out warfare however it's a fairly content rich multiplayer game if you look at it as a whole.

Visuals are great on the series x and the sense of scale you feel is quite impressive. Firefights feel large and you definitely get some cool moments. Most memorable one for me so far was running through the canyon on the ice map with my squad and a Firefight broke out. We started clearing the enemies and had them on the back foot pushing them through the canyon, all of a sudden a tank roles up our sqaud breaks out the rpgs fires them at the tank popping the turret off the top like a cork for it to then come down and flatten the last enemy infront of us.

In short it's fun so far and it feels like a return to bf3-4 era except at a larger scale.


Gold Member
More Reviews. All the good ones must have gotten free chairs...obviously. 😅🤣😂

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