Battlefield 2042 | Review Thread

I mean, for any fan of the series it's a legitimate complaint. Even in the SkillUp video he talks about how they feel out of place and cheesy. That it almost feels like playing Overwatch on a grander scale, rather than a Battlefield title. I mean, a specialist that can see enemies through walls and farm kills with a turret does sound pretty bizarre in a BF title.

I do think it's particularly amusing that they've apparently slapped class titles on the specialists, but it serves zero purpose, lmao.

But again, as someone that has adored the series since its existence, and preordered, I'm sure I'll enjoy my time with it. Even if majority of it is in Portal.
I’m a legitimate fan of the series and I don’t see an issue with it. It’s going to make squads more thrilling and lead to more teamwork as we mix n match strats with their abilities depending on the map. Im super excited
What are you basing this conclusion on? It doesn't align with the publishers history, the developers history or the franchise history.
History isn't relevant, Destiny wasnt F2P when it came out either. This is a different landscape and competition is alot more potent than years past.

Almost every other popular shooter is or will be F2P, you think a buggy Battlefield game is gonna convince huge swaths of people migrate from their current titles to throw down $60/$70bucks ??

Alpha Male

Hopped on Series X "All Out War" for a few minutes just to check out gunplay and handling...

It's GLORIOUS! Recoil, vibration and hit feedback is excellent! There is actual recoil and it's more difficult to control full auto compared to the Beta.

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Man that beta was tell me in 3 weeks they polished everything so well that the game ended up with even one 10/10 score? BWAHAHA...they took 3 studios off their games to patch this up, i just dont believe it.


So they only gave reviewers PC codes and all the reviews are based on that? Ouch this gives me Cyberpunk vibes all over.
Not even remotely similar to Cyberpunk come on now


History isn't relevant, Destiny wasnt F2P when it came out either. This is a different landscape and competition is alot more potent than years past.

Almost every other popular shooter is or will be F2P, you think a buggy Battlefield game is gonna convince huge swaths of people migrate from their current titles to throw down $60/$70bucks ??
I don't think Destiny is a good comparison. Or any other title that basically functions as a GaaS for that matter.

I think it's fair to say that they have some form of F2P, sure. CoD is a good example. Games will continue to release and have a full retail price, while Warzone is free. DICE has already mentioned that BF2042 WILL have a free multiplayer component, but they haven't stated what that would be. Other than saying it wouldn't be a BR.

The full game will not go F2P.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
History isn't relevant, Destiny wasnt F2P when it came out either. This is a different landscape and competition is alot more potent than years past.

Almost every other popular shooter is or will be F2P, you think a buggy Battlefield game is gonna convince huge swaths of people migrate from their current titles to throw down $60/$70bucks ??
History isnt relevant? I mean...thats like your opinion man but its 100 percent relevant as you are saying the history of shooters is moving to F2P. But I digress.

But you didnt answer the question. Why would they release the game at $60/$70 then suddenly make it F2P?
History isnt relevant? I mean...thats like your opinion man but its 100 percent relevant as you are saying the history of shooters is moving to F2P. But I digress.

But you didnt answer the question. Why would they release the game at $60/$70 then suddenly make it F2P?

It won't be "sudden" I dont think this game will have wide appeal , it fundamentally changes key aspects of the design philosophy in unflattering ways, performance sucks ect.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
It won't be "sudden" I dont think this game will have wide appeal , it fundamentally changes key aspects of the design philosophy in unflattering ways, performance sucks ect.
When has that ever stopped a game from selling? Especially in the shooter class.

Define wide appeal.

BF and CoD always sell millions. BFV which was considered a disappointment by EA sold over 7 million copies in a little over a month.
Not even remotely similar to Cyberpunk come on now
Im sure its not the same shitshow obviously but when you give out only PC review codes, you are hiding something which would be weird since PS5 and XSX should play this no prob. You are literally giving away the best looking version only to be reviewed.


That's literally titled review.
Haven't got a chance to watch but you can't say review then say how dare you do reviews, while doing your own review from the same situation as the others lol.

He says "Review In Progress" which I still think is a copout as he will absolutely not go back to the game, especially if it flames out and doesn't get the engagement numbers.

I'm about 85% sure that this game will eventually be F2P.

Name one EA game from a major franchise that has gone F2P.
Im sure its not the same shitshow obviously but when you give out only PC review codes, you are hiding something which would be weird since PS5 and XSX should play this no prob. You are literally giving away the best looking version only to be reviewed.
What do you think they’re hiding when you have people in this thread saying they are currently playing the XSX version and are enjoying themselves?
He says "Review In Progress" which I still think is a copout as he will absolutely not go back to the game, especially if it flames out and doesn't get the engagement numbers.

Name one EA game from a major franchise that has gone F2P.

Name me a game Bungie made that went F2P before Destiny 2 (which launched as a paid packaged software)

Differnt era bro.
never trusting battlefield reviews again.....after BF1 got great scores. And that game was the beginning of the end of this series. (well the actual downfall started with the star wars game)


how can you bang on about how great the maps are etc when you only got 4 hours to play CQ for the review lol


I don't know why anyone would care about press reviews of a multiplayer shooter over opinions and footage of the game from streamers/youtubers


Name me a game Bungie made that went F2P before Destiny 2 (which launched as a paid packaged software)

Differnt era bro.

A developer going solo with their product is a bit different than a publisher tossing a well worn series into the F2P bin. They didn't even do this with ANTHEM, what makes you think they'll do this with one of their premiere IP's?


Reviews for these massive mp games when servers aren't live for the general public are pointless. These same sites threw out high scores for BF4 yet it was riddled with issues and it took YEARS to get it where it is today.

People simply look at a number and insert their credit card without second thought, enjoy your post launch pain and suffering, we tried to give you a heads up.


More like:

BF Portal: Because some people never stop complaining.
I actually think because Portal is so feature full they could use that excuse to abandon the franchise if it were to start tanking. I can't see that happening but "hey guys, here are the tools to play whatever BF game you want, forever" ain't half bad.


Battlefield’s modes are slam dunks, I’ll remind everyone conquest, rush etc. we’re here before battle royale or nazi zombies.

What were the modes in Bad Company 2? I liked that objective based stuff. Maybe it wasn't more than Capture area X, but I feel like it was a bit better than that.

. . .of course no one is beating RTCW in terms of MP modes.


What were the modes in Bad Company 2? I liked that objective based stuff. Maybe it wasn't more than Capture area X, but I feel like it was a bit better than that.

. . .of course no one is beating RTCW in terms of MP modes.
Rush and Conquest. BC2 is the only BF with good Rush maps. I'm curious to see how Arica Harbor is in 2042
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Will run my free trial but reviews sound like bullshit lol.

I knew Portal would be the best part of the game.


Stevivor 4.5/10

Animated GIF


watching some streams while downloading my free trial on XSX

game on ps5/xsx looks good, performance ok

for sure is fun. and for sure is more fun than warzone... not even talking about vanguard "pewpewdierespawnpewpewdierespawn" multiplayer

it looks a lot like battlefield to me, after my >300h of BF4 on XO


Are folks playing early switching their timezones or is it just out on consoles for Early Access somehow?


Gold Member
Are folks playing early switching their timezones or is it just out on consoles for Early Access somehow?
People who live in New Zealand and Australia are able to play on Xbox. Same thing for people who "live" there as well.

I'll be able to play (PS5) tonight at 11pm.


People who live in New Zealand and Australia are able to play on Xbox. Same thing for people who "live" there as well.

I'll be able to play (PS5) tonight at 11pm.

New Zealand trip worked for me but servers have been dead most of the day so far.

If you are lucky enough to get in don't leave :)

. . .alright. It also looks like there's a trial version that you can play right now with EAPlay. Said screw it and signed up. At worst it's a 5 demo of a game I'll never play. At best. . .play it early.


What fucking shills. Everybody hates specialists but here they are saying specialists are great and make BF better.
Utter trash. For people who are saying "just play custom"... well, I can just play BF4. Who in his right mind buys MP FPS to play obscure custom modes? Fucking EA, Fucking DiCE.

Before you get totally surprised

Trash. Absolutely terrible. Game we were waiting since freaking PS3! How... Why... Damn bastards, they're massacred BF series.

P.S. How BF 1/Battlefront 2 still looks and performs better?

Get Out Theatre GIF by Tony Awards


So the best part is basically modes on old maps, like a mod. Wow, AAA at its best.
IKR. That's what they were working on since PS3? Wow... definitely gonna buy a game and BP just to fiddle with settings and wait for custom mods to play against bots

Boss Mog

If they had just redone BF4 with next gen graphics I would've been a lot happier and would've bought it day 1. BF4 was a graphical showpiece as a PS4 launch title. It was also a great game (once they ironed out the launch problems) I played non stop for over a year on PS4 until they nerfed a bunch of stuff and killed rooftops in TDM.
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