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Battlefield 3 |OT2| Mine! RendeZook! Wa Isl!





Alborz Mountains is pretty rad


It only takes one engineer to deny airspace to every enemy helicopter now, pretty pathetic. Carrying stinger/IGLA from here on out. Why carry RPGs that take multiple hits to disable a tank and don't even lockon when I can fire a seeking warhead that will disable a helicopter, knocking it out of the sky in one hit?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Armoured Kill is out, huh. Better give it a whirl.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Why was that last patch 3gb if it held none of this DLC content? Wtf kind of patch system is that? Why would tweaking weapon variables require so much?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I can't believe how beautiful Alborz Mountains looks. I spent most of my time staring at the environment rather than trying to win. It has so many layers to it, but it's gorgeous from every angle: even the random rock textures that normally look like shit in games look very good here, which is impressive considering it's not only a multiplayer map, it's fucking huge, too.


good to here its much better on PC than consoles. Expected it but had my doubts after the console impressions

A full server is great fun. I haven't really used air vehicles though, at least for choppers life is pretty tough now i believe. However the new tanks are great, i really like them.

On the other hand a lot of people don't seem to understand how to play vehicle maps effectively. I topped my team 3 times without even trying. I usually don't manage to do that without my friends.

OG Kush

A full server is great fun. I haven't really used air vehicles though, at least for choppers life is pretty tough now i believe. However the new tanks are great, i really like them.

On the other hand a lot of people don't seem to understand how to play vehicle maps effectively. I topped my team 3 times without even trying. I usually don't manage to do that without my friends.

Enlighten me please. Hows the infantry combat though? I'm not much a vehicle player apart from occasionaly tanks or IFV and transport heli lol.


Enlighten me please. Hows the infantry combat though?

Infantry combat hasn't changed. Not sure why you'd expect it to with new maps. The maps are bigger but you play exactly the way you do on the old large maps, you stay around flags and avoid the open areas in between. Oh, and you find cover if there are enemy rocket barrages incoming. ;)


Enlighten me please. Hows the infantry combat though? I'm not much a vehicle player apart from occasionaly tanks or IFV and transport heli lol.

Imo, to be really effective as infantry you need to use IFV's/buggies a lot. It minizes travel time and Flags have good cover most of the time. Also, Infantry has the most impact when defending heavily contested flags, it's a bit more important than in caspian/firestorm as the flags are a bit farther apart. There are also a lot of vehicles (duh), so you will want to play engineer often. On the other hand Assault has a real edge in infantry fights since they are rarer and have the best Rifles, especially at longer range.

As far as inf vs inf. It's more varied than in the other maps as there are more long range engagments and the terrain is more interesting to take advantage of (exept on the desert map, where inf sticks to the flag cluster). A well organized squad is as hard to kill as ever though. It'll be interesting to see how much impact the artillery will have once people get good with it.
the ac130 is destroyed as soon as it spawns on the servers i've played on. People are actively avoiding using the thing lol.

In my brief experience (40 mins) playing last night, this was the complete opposite for me. I never had a chance to get in the gunner seats, just paradrop.

Paradropping is cool, if only because several times it was me and 4-5 randoms all dropping on the same location. Wee Battlefield moment, there.

Balancing the AC130 will be interesting. It may be vulnerable, but it's like a demigod mode. Basically anytime the AC130 is bigger than a speck on the horizon, you are in danger of being killed by it, no matter what you are in.

Enlighten me please. Hows the infantry combat though? I'm not much a vehicle player apart from occasionaly tanks or IFV and transport heli lol.

Eh, I wouldn't say it HASN'T changed. It's a lot more dynamic on a map like Alborz, as you don't just have wide open spaces, but lots of peaks and valleys that hinder/help your visibility. I don't feel like an idiot for picking a long range loadout on these maps.

Really glad they brought the quad bike back...contributes 200% more stupid Battlefield fun.

More from the 2012 screens thread...it's comforting to know that you can traverse pretty much all of this terrain:



DICE knocked the environmental detail out of the park. We should have gotten maps like this at release.

Armored Shield on CQ isn't so bad. It reminds me of this weird mix of Harvest Day and Heavy Metal.
lol, first time trying Armored Kill, played Armored Shield on CQ, it didn't go very wheel. Didn't know if it was a bad team or not but we never got any flags and kept getting hammered at the base.


Damn, still stuck at work. I think i'm going to sneak out early. Glad the download won't take long with 50mbit. Anyone playing on weaker hardware? Noticed a slight perfamance loss when i play CQC maps. Armored kill will fry my PC.


Is this the usual map design with all the flags clustered in the middle and a huge empty space around them ?

If it's another Operation Firestorm or Caspian Border I don't have an interest in them

Oni Jazar

It only takes one engineer to deny airspace to every enemy helicopter now, pretty pathetic. Carrying stinger/IGLA from here on out. Why carry RPGs that take multiple hits to disable a tank and don't even lockon when I can fire a seeking warhead that will disable a helicopter, knocking it out of the sky in one hit?

I call BS on this. Maybe it changes when there are more people but a good pilot can handle one stinger.
Alborz is legit, fantastic map. The infantry fighting up in the mountains is incredible.

Armored Shield feels like a flatter, bigger Caspian.


I just bought this game and it reminds me of all that is wrong with PC gaming.


THIS GAME CRASHED MY WHOLE DAMN PC. Black screen and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. WTF. This happens like 1 minute into the game. I would be in the train walking to the second part of the train and black screen and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Then my monitor would go to HDMI standby mode. Can't even ctrl alt del.
I have tried every fix that I found. Updated everything to the newest driver. Brrrrrr. Unchecked the exclusive access right on the sound. Brrrrrr. Disabled my onboard sound from the bios. Brrrrrr.


I have 2500k with gtx670, 8gb of ram with windows 7 64bit. Does anyone have a clue what else I can try in order not to BRRRRRRRR?


Looping sound. Sort of a constant static sound.

Just tried a clean boot shutting down everything with msconfig. Guess what. Brrrrrrrrr.


I call BS on this. Maybe it changes when there are more people but a good pilot can handle one stinger.

Nope, I use Stingers now exclusively instead of the other launchers. Way too easy to kill choppers with them. ECMs don't work if you've already fired the shot and with flares you just have to wait a little longer.
Nope, I use Stingers now exclusively instead of the other launchers. Way too easy to kill choppers with them. ECMs don't work if you've already fired the shot and with flares you just have to wait a little longer.

This isn't entirely true. ECM do affect stingers, just not very well. The best way to avoid getting hit with a ECM after a missile has been shot is to actually fly straight.


Is there a way to make the game look better besides all settings on max? i know there is this FXAA injector but i dont want to mess with punkbuster etc.


-_- , started Origin and now it wants to "repair" my Battlefield 3 installation. Started downloading 17 Gigabyte... glad i have 50mbit connection so it already downloaded 6 GB. Still shit i have to wait.
Sandwhich time.

edit: and damn i need a new rig. these pics look sooo awesome.


I call BS on this. Maybe it changes when there are more people but a good pilot can handle one stinger.

The only way to handle it is to run away. Running away = Denial of Airspace.

Call BS all you want, I've been racking up plenty of disables and kills. The ones that I don't disable/kill are the ones that run away as soon as they hear tone.

Doesn't matter how good the pilot is. He uses flares or CM, then you reacquire and fire, nothing he can do about that but hope he can put some geometry between himself and the missile. There are more spots where you can't do that then where you can.

So perhaps before calling BS you should actually try it yourself post helicopter nerf? It really has nothing to do with how good the pilot is or isn't. You swat them out of the air like flies.
I love this map pack.

I love the M14.

Also, I'm still convinced that most people are stupid. You don't charge into the enemy armoured column in a heli at the beginning of the round. You just don't.
I'm trying to get back into this game, I've been playing CS:GO at 5000 dpi and .5 sensitivity, this feels perfect to me.

Every setting I use either feels too fast or too slow.

Anyone recommend a good dpi/sensitivity setting?

Also just noticed enhanced pointer precision turned itself back on - 3rd time I've turned it off and it's come back. Frustrating.

OG Kush

Anyway to make it easier to see enemies? Is this game designed that way that enemies just blend in with everything? any certain settings I should use?


Anyway to make it easier to see enemies? Is this game designed that way that enemies just blend in with everything? any certain settings I should use?

-you can always use "q" when you believe you have seen an enemy to spot him.

-being able to hide in bushes is intended


Anyway to make it easier to see enemies? Is this game designed that way that enemies just blend in with everything? any certain settings I should use?
When playing normal mode, learn to spot at all times...especially when chking corners. Learn the timing with the spotting cooldown too. Then shoot at the doritos!
Armored Shield is 5 flags? i thought DICE said all the Armored Kill maps were 7 flags on PC!

Might not have been the Conquest Large version. Lemme check.

*edit* It was, 5 flags.

No wonder it was a mess. I'm encoding a video of an awesome Death Valley game I just did. Lots of AC130s going down with a jet and a superb heli run. It was all so pretty!
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