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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Very impressed so far. Nice clean font used for the text in "searching for games please wait..." Stellar framerate on the the little circle that spins around. Nice lengthy campaign, feels like it takes hours. They definitely keep the tension up by saying "joining game..." just before saying "Connection to the game server has been lost. Please check your network connection and try again." Ending sucks though.


Updating stats takes forever on PC version, and you can't cancel it. Every time you get kicked when trying to join, which happens a lot, it updates again.
Teknopathetic said:
If you don't know, now you know. Conquest fucking slays Rush as a gametype, confirmed. I'm actually kinda upset Rush is in the game at all, there would be more Conquest maps in the game if it wasn't.
Agreed, Rush is a waste of time on PC; probably better for console since you rarely need to do quick 180s in such linear maps.
EviLore said:
Game rocks so much harder than the beta did (PC). Graphics are much better, and Conquest mode owns. Also, despite earlier reports, character progression is much slower than it was in beta.

Single player seemed awful though, but I don't much care.

Yea, kinda disappointed with single player. It's like a made for tv version of cod's story mode. Online kicks ass though. My only complaint so far with online is that their are too many lone wolves running around. This causes some 1 sided server matches on PC. One server I was in, my team constantly kept winning. Some of the players on the other team quit, but the game didn't balance out the team numbers. I had one game where it was like 10 vs 15 or something, which really sucks. With no team scramble or auto balance, it's kind of a crap shoot on finding a balanced server(luckily there's a gaf server).


Anyone elses sound effects sound really garbled with war tapes on? My front left and right speakers just cant handle it, it sounds like complete shit especially when I'm dead and choosing my kits. I really loved the bass from it though :(
What's with the fugly Steam icon?!

RotBot said:
Updating stats takes forever on PC version, and you can't cancel it. Every time you get kicked when trying to join, which happens a lot, it updates again.

Also, you can't leave a game after winning/losing. You have to wait for the server to load before you can go into the menu ui and quit.
Got a little bone to pick here, when I need to suicide myself to switch classes and blow up the tank that's annihilating my team I don't need a 5 second screen that tells me I epic fail (hell I did ask to suicide so how do I fail? yeah I would have lived had I not chose it wtf). Just let me re-spawn as normal please.
Eternal Sleeper said:
If you're having trouble getting veteran unlocks despite being veteran rank 1+(PS3 only):

Apparently there's a problem linking PSN ID to the EA account emails.
Linking it through the EA site alone will not work.

What you'll have to do is
1)Find someone with a copy of BC1,
2)Let them sign on as onto PSN using your account
3)Allow them to play a game of BC1 multilayer
4)Enter in your PSN ID for bc1 the battlefield veteran site (officially linking your PSN ID to the ea account email)


Solved 2-3 friend's vet issue with this method.

I've played tons of BC1 on my PS3, and no veteran unlock for me. :/

Is the PS3 store up yet?


Subconscious Brolonging
I played a couple multiplayer rounds earlier and the first three levels of the campaign (PC). So far I'd say this game looks like a poor man's Crysis, that's a compliment actually as Crysis is still the best looking game in existence. Some of the textures are ass and Crysis still wins out when it comes to a lot of the details (foliage, for example) but I'm really happy with how BFBC2 looks, especially considering how well it runs. My only complaint so far is that the server browser is just as shit as it was in the beta. It takes so fucking long to bring up the list, I have a feeling I'm going to be using the Friends and Favorite Servers tabs on the left and right side of the screen quite a bit. Logging into my EA account doesn't bother me at all since it logs in pretty much instantly (when EA's servers are up, anyway).


Subconscious Brolonging
j-wood said:
Could someone explain to me how the ticker works in conquest mode?

If it's like all previous BF games, each team slowly loses tickets. The more bases you control, the less tickets you lose each tic. The object is to control more bases, so your team loses tickets slower than your opponents, therefore they run out of tickets faster and you win.


Spire said:
If it's like all previous BF games, each team slowly loses tickets. The more bases you control, the less tickets you lose each tic. The object is to control more bases, so your team loses tickets slower than your opponents, therefore they run out of tickets faster and you win.

Your team also loses 1 ticket with each death so you don't want to be just throwing yourself at CPs. I believe you get ticket backs for medic revives though so pick up kits and revive where you can if you're not a medic.
Mulberry said:
i'm kinda new to the 360 thing, how do you do this?

on the friends screen and do a search for friend

look for gafbcbf2 and request friend

if gafbcbf2 isn't full, it will automatically accept.

now anytime you want to play with a gaf user, go look at gafbcbf2 profile and click on the 2nd tab and you'll see his friends list. now you can see all the gaf players.


Subconscious Brolonging
Tokubetsu said:
Your team also loses 1 ticket with each death so you don't want to be just throwing yourself at CPs. I believe you get ticket backs for medic revives though so pick up kits and revive where you can if you're not a medic.

Yeah, that's how it works on Rush too. I haven't played Conquest yet in this game, so I'm not sure if it's that way as well but it wouldn't surprise me.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
j-wood said:
Could someone explain to me how the ticker works in conquest mode?

Tickets are "lives". Each time a player dies and isn't resurrected by a team mate a ticket is lost. Controlling more control points then the other team causes their tickets to slowly tick down, the more points you have over them the faster they tick down. First team to 0 loses.
dralla said:
cant get into a game on 360. and once it starts searching you cant do shit, have to back out to dashboard :[

I see it's for everyone. i dont want to play the single player :[[
Yeah, I'm having the same problem.

I'm just glad I'm not the only one. Was scared it was my 360!


Subconscious Brolonging
Confidence Man said:
EA servers overloaded? My stats don't update, it doesn't recognize any weapons I've unlocked.

Yeah, I can't log into the EA servers anymore, I think they're down.
Sorry if these are noob questions...but where the hell is the PC version store? Isn't there some VIP code I'm supposed to input somewhere to get some maps? Are those limited edition perks already unlocked for me as well?

Another question: For sound settings, I have a 5.1 surround setup. Should I choose hifi or home cinema?


Cool Smoke Luke
Teknopathetic said:
If you don't know, now you know. Conquest fucking slays Rush as a gametype, confirmed. I'm actually kinda upset Rush is in the game at all, there would be more Conquest maps in the game if it wasn't.

Conquest=Battlefield, always was...always will be.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Linkzg said:
anyone else on pc failing to connect?
Tons of people in this thread.


Anyone else having graphics issues on PS3? For one, my blacks are too black in a lot of maps and I lose shadow detail. It wasn't like this in the beta or demo and I haven't changed my TV or PS3. fixed by putting in-game contrast way down.

The second thing is explosions at a distance. I won't see the RPG trails or explosions, only the debris. Same for grenade launcher rounds and mortar strike. This doesn't happen every time but enough where I noticed; again no problems on the beta or demo.

I also have some roadkills with the atv that it didn't register which could be up to lag, but again it happened too many times.
Spire said:
I played a couple multiplayer rounds earlier and the first three levels of the campaign (PC). So far I'd say this game looks like a poor man's Crysis, that's a compliment actually as Crysis is still the best looking game in existence. Some of the textures are ass and Crysis still wins out when it comes to a lot of the details (foliage, for example) but I'm really happy with how BFBC2 looks, especially considering how well it runs. My only complaint so far is that the server browser is just as shit as it was in the beta. It takes so fucking long to bring up the list, I have a feeling I'm going to be using the Friends and Favorite Servers tabs on the left and right side of the screen quite a bit. Logging into my EA account doesn't bother me at all since it logs in pretty much instantly (when EA's servers are up, anyway).

you have to be impressed with the large vista's in the backround though. there not just backround images too, you can actually go there if it let you.
Ok I'm only rank 2 since I've been mostly playing medic and they thought it would be funny to only give the medic a machine gun, pistol and 0 ways to actually be a medic and gain points at first.. So far I've unlocked the healing pack but it doesn't show up in my gear config so I can't even use it, I'll work on my engy for now since more than enough noobs play recon and assault. I won't touch those 2 classes until I've max my medic and engy. I've loved the series and so far my only disappoints are that you can really tell that the maps were made for rush, they're not really open at all however its not that big of a deal.

I can't wait for mods..it really needs jets and harder heli controls.
Linkzg said:
anyone else on pc failing to connect?
Do you use Internet Connection Sharing? I have to disable it to get BFBC2 and RF:G to work.

Linkzg said:
How do you change FOV in the PC version? I thought that was added
My Documents/BFBC2/settings.ini - change last line to Fov=65 to get a horizontal FOV of 90.


Junior Butler
Teknopathetic said:
If you don't know, now you know. Conquest fucking slays Rush as a gametype, confirmed. I'm actually kinda upset Rush is in the game at all, there would be more Conquest maps in the game if it wasn't.

I knew this would be the case.

Is there more chopper activity in conquest since it should/can exist the whole match?
BigKaboom2 said:
Do you use Internet Connection Sharing? I have to disable it to get BFBC2 and RF:G to work.

My Documents/BFBC2/settings.ini - change last line to Fov=65 to get a horizontal FOV of 90.
Nabs said:
check your documents/bc2/gamesettings.ini


I thought they were going to make it an in-game option
man looks like the servers are getting slammed especially now being evening

some chatter on twitter:

demise99: #BFBC2 Has already shattered records set by #BFBC1. And it's not even out in Europe.

what record did BFBC1 break if any???
DarkAngelYuna said:
Ok I'm only rank 2 since I've been mostly playing medic and they thought it would be funny to only give the medic a machine gun, pistol and 0 ways to actually be a medic and gain points at first.. So far I've unlocked the healing pack but it doesn't show up in my gear config so I can't even use it, I'll work on my engy for now since more than enough noobs play recon and assault. I won't touch those 2 classes until I've max my medic and engy. I've loved the series and so far my only disappoints are that you can really tell that the maps were made for rush, they're not really open at all however its not that big of a deal.

I can't wait for mods..it really needs jets and harder heli controls.
You don't start out with a defib?
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