Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Hell yeah. It's gonna be a baller party on PC.Mr. Snrub said:Preordered and ready to play Saturday![]()
Hell yeah. It's gonna be a baller party on PC.Mr. Snrub said:Preordered and ready to play Saturday![]()
Gowans007 said:Jumped when I saw this on Games on Demand on 360 so I wouldnt need a disc, jumped again when I saw the price £30 ?!?!?
betweenthewheels said:As a noob, are there any websites out there that can get me up to speed with the multiplayer (map layouts, tips). Or is it trial by fire?
Nah it's standard edition, good point about the VIP code, don't know how that would work.betweenthewheels said:It's $39.99 Canadian, which is what it's retailing for.
Does this include VIP code and ultimate edition?
The map layouts are pretty easy to learn especially on rush, where you are spawning at point A and heading to point B by one of maybe 3 ways, with the odd secret way that isn't essential to know. You'll learn some particular positions that are advantageous and some of the positions that people are likely to be over time, but they aren't essential to playing the game.betweenthewheels said:As a noob, are there any websites out there that can get me up to speed with the multiplayer (map layouts, tips). Or is it trial by fire?
betweenthewheels said:As a noob, are there any websites out there that can get me up to speed with the multiplayer (map layouts, tips). Or is it trial by fire?
betweenthewheels said:As a noob, are there any websites out there that can get me up to speed with the multiplayer (map layouts, tips). Or is it trial by fire?
Stallion Free said:Hell yeah. It's gonna be a baller party on PC.
Spl1nter said:and im going to be missing out![]()
Mr. Snrub said:CHE CAZZO
Spl1nter said:lol did you put what the fuck in google translate just for me. I got two finals next Tuesday, Wednesday before Im done for the term. I dont need the distraction :/
Dreamgazer said:1)Watch this:
betweenthewheels said:What does the tracking dart do, compared to just spotting?
i was playing with rock and then he left. we were winning, but our team SSSSSUUUUUUCCCCKKKKEEEEDDDD... our two scores were around the same amount as the rest of the team combined. i kept playing for half a game, then my ISP started acting up again...TheSeks said:Oh, sure. Get on for a minute and then get off, Faceless. :/
they lock onto people too.TheSeks said:Tracer makes the RPG-7 and Carl Gustav able to be "locked on" to whatever you tracer (any thing a "vehicle" anti-air wagons, anti-air/VADS, ATV, Humvee, Tank, even the mounted machine guns) provided an engineer "locks" the RPG-7/Carl on before firing their shot.
Useful, but it takes your pistol slot so you have to have a good primary for it and hope someone locks onto your dart.
TheSeks said:Tracer makes the RPG-7 and Carl Gustav able to be "locked on" to whatever you tracer (any thing a "vehicle" anti-air wagons, anti-air/VADS, ATV, Humvee, Tank, even the mounted machine guns) provided an engineer "locks" the RPG-7/Carl on before firing their shot.
Useful, but it takes your pistol slot so you have to have a good primary for it and hope someone locks onto your dart.
Mully said:The M136 AT4 also hones in on a tracer when it gets really close to one.
Mully said:The M136 AT4 also hones in on a tracer when it gets really close to one.
i'd have to see a mythbusters to believe that.Mully said:The M136 AT4 also hones in on a tracer when it gets really close to one.
abuC said:I might play later if the usual suspects are on.
At the last second you'll see the missile veer off of your course and go directly towards whereever the tracer is.The Faceless Master said:i'd have to see a mythbusters to believe that.
betweenthewheels said:Is there a noticeable difference between PS3/360, graphics or performance-wise?
Thanks for not abandoning me there. :lolrecklessmind said:Seks... vinz was a gaffer so I didn't want to leave him by himself with randoms.
Was sending you the message via psn when my system froze. :/
liposome said:Thanks for not abandoning me there. :lol
Good games tonight. The game is definitely that much better with people to play with. I still gotta get used to how fast you guys go from station to station when attacking.
UFRA said:OMG I have to share this right now.
Playing conquest with abuC and Seks right now on Port Valdez.
Just started the match, all vehicles gone, running from the spawn to point A. (our spawn is the one on top of the big hill, as if we were attackers in Rush).
Enemy chopper battling with our chopper way up in the sky over an area between B and C.
I launch my AT4 at it, takes about 8 seconds to travel the distance, BOOM - FIRST SHOT.. Fucking nailed it, mid flight, while it was in heavy combat with another chopper. :lol :lol :lol
TheSeks said:LMAO. Faceless should've saw that. JM UAV killcam humping someone on Arica after we were steamrolled on join, we proceeded to steamlol them in return.
Cue rage quit and JM and Abu playing "how low into the chilly waters of Port Valadez Conquest can you go?" (SMH at JM catching on an oil pipe going under it, nearly killing us)
Edit: And the servers don't fill up all night. Everyone must be playing Oasis/Harvest Day conquest and then leaving to redo those maps. SMH.
Anyway, PS3 froze. Sorry Abu. But those were free wins, only one person stuck around and let us bleed ticket win and I got volunteering to do tomorrow and it's 1:30AM. So, I should really be getting to bed.
TheSeks said:Cue rage quit and JM and Abu playing "how low into the chilly waters of Port Valadez Conquest can you go?" (SMH at JM catching on an oil pipe going under it, nearly killing us)
UFRA said:OMG I have to share this right now.
Playing conquest with abuC and Seks right now on Port Valdez.
Just started the match, all vehicles gone, running from the spawn to point A. (our spawn is the one on top of the big hill, as if we were attackers in Rush).
Enemy chopper battling with our chopper way up in the sky over an area between B and C.
I launch my AT4 at it, takes about 8 seconds to travel the distance, BOOM - FIRST SHOT.. Fucking nailed it, mid flight, while it was in heavy combat with another chopper. :lol :lol :lol
To bad for the cockblockers :lolUFRA said:C4 dominoes is awesome!
sw33tclyde said:Black Oops' terrible patch might be right in time to drive people back when Vietnam comes out - on PS3 at least. I'm hoping there will be a lot of people playing on 360 as well.
the transparency effect on bushes and tree leaves up close looks different. seriously, that's about it.betweenthewheels said:Is there a noticeable difference between PS3/360, graphics or performance-wise?
:lol :lol :lolDreamgazer said:Damn, GT5 has conquest mode with AT4s?
i'm guessing a few KB for the unlock key. the vietnam game data is in the latest update with the map pack 7 maps and white pass fix.Moobabe said:Does anyone know how big the Vietnam download will be roughly?