I've got a case of the 'grass is always greener on the other side', a friend in my house got BC2 on the pc. He's only running it on medium, but some aspects just look and feel so much better. Obviously KB/M > controller for this, but the clarity and higher fps. The water! Real sweet.
That said, when is BC2 going to acknowledge that I have a bronze medal for every gun?

I checked my stats the other day and saw that the UZI, M9, MP-443 and M93R were bugged, they'd display being bronze but the Uzi only has 19 kills and the others were not bronze according to the website.
So I played a few games until I'd get a new medal for these guns, which turned out to be Silver at respectively 25 kills on each of them :| Still no patches for all weapons bronze and all vehicles bronze!

that's 15k i'd love to have.
Oh and Oasis <3 even with just the pistol play, which is so much fun, 45 kills

Awesome points.
oh and I HATE the m10 with a passion, piece of shit machinery.