PatzCU that's normal, don't worry about it. In-game you're fine usually with a ping under 200. At least under 200 when you check the in-game tab.
I just had the most frustrating Rush match in my entire time in BC2+Vietnam (123 hours).
For whatever reason, I seemed to be the only person on my team who knew how to arm/disarm objectives. So we're on the attackers on one of the new maps, whichever the wide open field with barns and towns is, and I'm the
only person going after the crates and arming them. Apart from MoFuzz who was in my squad, no one was even going out far from our main spawn to try to do anything.
Yet we somehow kept moving forward. I managed to get to a point where I would arm both at once and try to take out as many as I could and hope that they couldn't get both in time. This kind of work eventually brought us to the final set. I say eventually because it took
for fucking ever to get the objectives as a single person.
We couldn't get the last set of crates though, even though someone FINALLY armed one on their own. I ended the game something like 40-39 with a score of 4735 (before the award bonuses) or thereabouts.
tl;dr Fuck randoms.

I earned that motherfucking ace pin.