Razor210 said:I may actually have my console with me permanently, so I'll hopefully be joining the BC2 crew more often.
And a private match would be fun, so I can do nothing but hunt down dream and striketh
Razor210 said:I may actually have my console with me permanently, so I'll hopefully be joining the BC2 crew more often.
And a private match would be fun, so I can do nothing but hunt down dream and striketh
Yeah the shotgun buff bad no sense at all. It was already powerful to begin withTheSeks said:Edit: And I'm more annoyed by the shotgun buff than anything. Nothing but level 50's packing a Saiga now. Oh so skillful. *SMH*
Daigoro said:uh oh. you missed a name. better pull the pic and edit in the blur before someone sees it!
TheSeks said::lol :lol :lol
Lay off him, Photoshopping names out is hard.
Also I want to make mention in here that the X-box 360 is the biggest piece of shit I have ever bought.
Do all the GPU fixes, plug it in and... E74 and death still. SMH MS for your shitty hardware. SMH.
TheSeks said:You can count me out of any private games.
Only need 20000 or so more points before I hit level 50. With these see-saw player counts this week, I think it's going to take me longer than usual. *sigh*
TheSeks said:You can count me out of any private games.
Only need 20000 or so more points before I hit level 50. With these see-saw player counts this week, I think it's going to take me longer than usual. *sigh*
Mikasangelos said:board warped? Solder Joints borked on the processor?
The people I've seen playing/talking about it in general seem a bit on the serious side, or not happy if you make silly mistakes. It strikes me as a lot less friendly than TF2, and I see a fair bit of "*(@#$ I'M LEAVING THIS TEAM SUCKS", with occasional players named things like ASSLICK PEANUTZ (or something like that, lol). If you mostly ignore the textchat and use Mumble or vent or something to play with people you know, it is pretty fun. Javaman and some of the other old TF2 people have been playing in the evenings recently. I think someone mentioned there's some small ingame friends list limit though, like 15-20 people? Not to mention, I think for some bizarre reason you can add people as friends ingame but not confirm people adding you, so there's a bit of a dance to get everyone on the same server until everyone's friended. At least it has queues so you can sit in line to join a server (and hope PunkBuster doesn't kick you out, making you wait another 10 minutesVik_Vaughn said:Just started playing this after buying it during the steam sale. It actually looks quite nice maxed out @ 1920X1200. Anyways, I'm enjoying the game, and think I may actually play this online. I typically stay away from MP, and I can't even remember the last time I played a MP PC game. Anyways, good community? I don't intend on jumping into Vietnam yet, especially considering what I just typed a sentence ago, but is it still active and is there maybe a steam gaf group I can join? Thanks in advance for catering to my noobish ways.
AbuC said:>>Stuff<<
Cuban Legend said:Regarding Medics reviving you when you don't want to, when I roll Medic I tell my squad to let me know if they don't want to get revived, simple.
TheSeks said:And small game against level 50 clantards with shitty randoms.
Duuuuude, why didn't you circle strafe? I got in the gunner seat for that reason. But your friend is kinda horrible. :/ He's sitting there in the pilot seat and I'm like "GTFO. ABU IS FLYING. AND I'M GUNNING TO MAKE SURE ROCK CAN GET IN. >:|"
But then you were flying on auto-pilot easy mode and not strafing, why?
TheSeks said:Duuude, all you had to do was strafe around A after I took the VADS out and rock armed. I would've made sure no one got in that sucker. A random started flying, I took out the VADS and went to town... until they tracered us because he wasn't moving. I was like "SMH randoms. :|"
TheSeks said:I don't mind Rock reviving me, but he revives me at the shittest possible times. Yes, Rock, because I'm begging you to revive me into a snipers waiting to resnipe me because you're coming across the field's bullet. >:|
I hope he learned the lesson against those 50 clantards, he dies. I revive, die, he dies, we get disarmed.
yeah, i check my stats all the time, i literally have 2 tabs for BFBCS and 2 tabs for Statsverse open as a regular part of my 'always open tabs' when i'm browsing the internet.Cuban Legend said:On the subject of stats, I know that most Battlefield players are stat whores/check thier stats alot... I check them only on this site every once in a while.
Regarding Medics reviving you when you don't want to, when I roll Medic I tell my squad to let me know if they don't want to get revived, simple.
recklessmind said:Getting revived after being sniped shouldn't be an issue... you have a second or two of invulnerability, the ability to juke the recon who killed you, and generally knowledge of where the kill-shot came from. Doesn't even matter if your mag was spent either, since it's not a CQB situation.
The Faceless Master said:yeah, i check my stats all the time, i literally have 2 tabs for BFBCS and 2 tabs for Statsverse open as a regular part of my 'always open tabs' when i'm browsing the internet.
TheSeks said:So you're telling me you haven't had:
*Staring at a wall*
"Goddamn it, Roc--"
*sniped because if I turn instantly trying to get my barings the inv. is broken. Don't move for two seconds, inv. is gone, sniped*?
Because I have had it with Rock's revives 9/10 of the time. It's so incredibly annoying, as I am a visual person. Being revived in a gunfight and facing a wall screws me 10/10 of the time.
The Faceless Master said:yeah, i check my stats all the time, i literally have 2 tabs for BFBCS and 2 tabs for Statsverse open as a regular part of my 'always open tabs' when i'm browsing the internet.
Crakatak187 said:Oh yeah Seks your landmine saved me from a roadkill on Atacama desert. Some poor guy was about to run me over from behind then boom the cars flies away next to me. I didn't notice I was standing next to a landmine.
but again I'm not always considering your situation. I have to say you get mad props from me playing visually, without audio cues. The other day I was thinking about it, and how some very vital information is constantly conveyed to players only through audio. I once had a bugged game -- and in no way am I trying to draw a false equivalence -- but I had to play without sound and found it very disorientating.
And it's true too sometimes you get revived facing weird directions...
my steam is cuban_legend, try a space if the underscore doesnt work.Mr Sandman said:Yo Cuban, I don't think I have you on my friend's list. I play every night or so and it would be nice to play with some more teamwork oriented people. What's your Steam ID/EA ID? I have retail but added the game to my steam list so it pops up when I'm playing.
(I'll try adding your GAF name next time I'm on btw)
Calion82v said:Sigh. Froze at the loading screen. >_<
DarthWoo said:What are some good maps to play as an assault or medic?
I have recon, engineer and vehicle all maxed out, but the other two seem relatively useless on Heavy Metal.
See You Next Wednesday said:Wow, surprised to see this thread still active so much.
I rented the game yesterday & online was a ghost town. Couldn't even find one game of Conquest half the night or squad deathmatch. Seemed like there were only 3 or 4 matches going on at one time throughout all the game modes by the way I kept getting tossed in with the same groups over & over through the day.
if it was anything like yesterday, they might be having server issues. i remember quite a few people having issues connecting at around this same time yesterday.TheSeks said:I seriously don't know what's up with the drop in players, considering any game I've joined generally has a few players, why can't DICE just put them in one map or something if it's a popular map? I don't think most people are going to bitch that their White Pass selection is turned into Arica or something.
TheSeks said:ALL.
Except this one, but even then Assault and Medic to heal infantry is a bit needed on the base, but that's a vehicle eccentric map with sniping dicks. So they aren't as important.
Play Rush if you really want to get score for unlocks. Assault and Medic are needed there.