Sooooo mad. You have no idea.
Why not? It's fun.
Now i'm going to have to keep settling for just imagining your sultry voice in my ear, lambasting people for using magnum ammo.

How considerate of you.
Now That's asking waaaaay too much. Good thing you have no say in the matter
Good games tonight 360 GAF!
Hey Faceless, when I ask for an ammo box I mean like sometime this century, thanks.
Sill4, You want to gold star that m40? Do it on your own time. I needed you to go medic and basically just shadow me all game, hide in a bush somewhere and spring out only when I die and the coast is clear and revive me please.
Serpico? I got killed by PBR's like 5 times. That's on you, bro
Also, great job getting the last crate on Vantage Point. I was posing, getting ready for my cameo that never happened.
Am i doing it, right?