Serpico MTZ here, you may remember me from such films as "Manic Medic" or "Eccentric EMT".Sill4 said:I'm going to be honest.
When I join gaffers, I have no idea who anybody is except for faceless and 8 quid.
1stStrike said:I think most of those dog tags on PS3 are from me. I've been getting knifed a lot lately =\
1stStrike said:Valparisio was embarrasing. Nobdoy was pushing until the end.
1stStrike said:Valparisio was embarrasing. Nobdoy was pushing until the end.
@Evolved1 - Damn you for not being in my squad. I was on the left gun in your helicopter and you were just hovering there while I was about 3 inches away from being able to shoot at the guy that shot a rocket at the heli.
I was just like "FUCKING MOVE TO THE RIGHT ARRRGG" *watches rocket fly and hit helicopter*
abuC said:It also didn't help that some of my friends joined the other team and helped an otherwise incompetent but resilient group of suckas win.
recklessmind said:I hate the stretch of map they stopped us on... it's too dark, I can't see shit... I always get a major headache right after playing it.
Probably the most Gaffers I've seen at once on 360.The Faceless Master said:steamroll
server cleared
server cleared
server cleared
i liked the part when the other team did the PBR glitch on Hill 137, so one of our teammates switched sides, brought the other boat to us and we did the PBR glitch and went under the map to kill their glitched PBR.
yeah, that one enemy medic had like 6000 points and i don't think he had a single kill. they endured so much grenade spam!bean breath said:Probably the most Gaffers I've seen at once on 360.
Medics on the opposing team at Vantage Point turned what should have been a quick victory into a long, drawn-out, slow bleed. Other than that pretty damn easy.
abuC said:Took a screenshot of Xbox 360 players at work:
It's difficult to do this on the consoles. On the PC, you just go to a regular server that has rules in place and a nice group of regulars.Crakatak187 said:At that point might as well leave and find a game with people that actually does the objective. Don't torture yourself by staying and being the only guy doing something that matters. It's near impossible for 1 guy to dwarf an entire team.
I do server roulette everytime I'm starting a server alone (other gaffers not playing atm). If I join and see an M-com armed and nobody on the team is going in to stop it, I'm gone right afterwards. If I see a team that camp when attacking is to much of a pussy to actually go in their base and attempt to arm, I'll leave.
Rorschach said:It's difficult to do this on the consoles. On the PC, you just go to a regular server that has rules in place and a nice group of regulars.
On the consoles, you're shit out of luck. Hard enough finding a game at night. It would also be nice to have the option to not play against clans like in COD. Though, I guess that would make finding a game that much harder. heh
Got the game free, so I can't complain. Just wish I knew that the 360 had a worse community than PS3 beforehand. I had the choice between the two.
btw consolites- why does no one even attempt to cover someone else's back?I'll have 3 guys behind me and be like "well, I guess there can't be a guy behind me, so I'll just watch the front" then *bam!* shot in the back while 3 guys just watch. No attempt to kill him before I die, no shoutout, nothing. Does anyone use the mic? And getting guys to toss you a med kit or ammo is fucking impossible. Hey, you're one of two guys on the team that's not a sniper. Congrats, you've gotten this far! Now do your job.
When I first go the game, I was thinking about getting Vietnam because that's where the people would be, but this has left too sour of a taste in my mouth to spend my own money on it.![]()
Yeah, glitched boats vs. each other had me laughing pretty hard. Also, one time attacking on Hill 137 some guy on the other team kept destroying us with AT mines. Throwing them on our head and them blowing them up. I thought that was pretty clever.The Faceless Master said:steamroll
server cleared
server cleared
server cleared
i liked the part when the other team did the PBR glitch on Hill 137, so one of our teammates switched sides, brought the other boat to us and we did the PBR glitch and went under the map to kill their glitched PBR.
Darkshier said:Yeah, glitched boats vs. each other had me laughing pretty hard. Also, one time attacking on Hill 137 some guy on the other team kept destroying us with AT mines. Throwing them on our head and them blowing them up. I thought that was pretty clever.
hahahahaha oh yeah i remember hearing some of you guys talking about that! i had no idea he was skeet shooting AT Mines though, that sounds hilarious! i've done it a few times in the p0ast, but i found it to be unreliable, the mine didn't always blow up.Darkshier said:Yeah, glitched boats vs. each other had me laughing pretty hard. Also, one time attacking on Hill 137 some guy on the other team kept destroying us with AT mines. Throwing them on our head and them blowing them up. I thought that was pretty clever.
Good matches though and I love bathing in medic points, it's awesome.
1) add GAF BFBC2 to your friends list.Rorschach said:It's difficult to do this on the consoles. On the PC, you just go to a regular server that has rules in place and a nice group of regulars.
On the consoles, you're shit out of luck. Hard enough finding a game at night. It would also be nice to have the option to not play against clans like in COD. Though, I guess that would make finding a game that much harder. heh
Got the game free, so I can't complain. Just wish I knew that the 360 had a worse community than PS3 beforehand. I had the choice between the two.
btw consolites- why does no one even attempt to cover someone else's back?I'll have 3 guys behind me and be like "well, I guess there can't be a guy behind me, so I'll just watch the front" then *bam!* shot in the back while 3 guys just watch. No attempt to kill him before I die, no shoutout, nothing. Does anyone use the mic? And getting guys to toss you a med kit or ammo is fucking impossible. Hey, you're one of two guys on the team that's not a sniper. Congrats, you've gotten this far! Now do your job.
When I first go the game, I was thinking about getting Vietnam because that's where the people would be, but this has left too sour of a taste in my mouth to spend my own money on it.![]()
Rorschach said:It's difficult to do this on the consoles. On the PC, you just go to a regular server that has rules in place and a nice group of regulars.
On the consoles, you're shit out of luck. Hard enough finding a game at night. It would also be nice to have the option to not play against clans like in COD. Though, I guess that would make finding a game that much harder. heh
Got the game free, so I can't complain. Just wish I knew that the 360 had a worse community than PS3 beforehand. I had the choice between the two.
btw consolites- why does no one even attempt to cover someone else's back?I'll have 3 guys behind me and be like "well, I guess there can't be a guy behind me, so I'll just watch the front" then *bam!* shot in the back while 3 guys just watch. No attempt to kill him before I die, no shoutout, nothing. Does anyone use the mic? And getting guys to toss you a med kit or ammo is fucking impossible. Hey, you're one of two guys on the team that's not a sniper. Congrats, you've gotten this far! Now do your job.
When I first go the game, I was thinking about getting Vietnam because that's where the people would be, but this has left too sour of a taste in my mouth to spend my own money on it.![]()
ooh, i should jump in! i was playing earlier, but i had to eat, and having the GAF squad attacking the entire other team while the smurfs played with themselves just accelerated my hunger.bean breath said:Sorry 360 gaf, my connection keeps messing up.
Haha. The other day I landed a smoking UAV next to an engineer that was repairing a stationary machine gun for some reason. What does he do? Gets in the machine gun and blows it up.recklessmind said:12. Randoms do not know you can repair the UAV.
This kills me. They all WALK to the middle of the field and here come a couple of full enemy vehicles zipping through to the base. Not that they're gonna run back, but even if they did, they'd be too late.Crakatak187 said:10. If you are winning on defense with near 20 tickets they might get cocky and desert the base to spawn camp and causing you to lose that base.
I'm on that BFBC2 list. Haven't seen anyone. Mostly Netflix and Halo players. Guess I play at weird times.The Faceless Master said:1) add GAF BFBC2 to your friends list.
2) view it's friends list.
3) play with us.
4) add some regulars to your friends list.
5) play with us even more.
Ah. Figured. But like I said in my last sentence, it's hard to spend on a game so dependent on team play that has me so frustrated with the community at large.bean breath said:Do you have Vietnam? It's what most of us are currently playing.
yeah, we're like 8 deep right now, plus non GAF friends of mine.Crakatak187 said:Rorschach you should play with Faceless and the 360 gaf. Faceless is one of the best players on console gaf.
Crakatak187 said:14. Random rambos will revive at any cost no matter how impractical it is.
15. Randoms love attics.
Crakatak187 said:Deathmatch and BFBC don't mix. Unless the person love hiding in houses all the time shooting across to other houses haha.
Strike and JM here's that youtube video you miss of the Arica Harbor musical
no, matchmaking has been screwy all week. SDM usually has 3-4 full squads.scoot3r said:Hey gaf just got this the other day and love it! Better than black ops imo, however i noticed that it didnt seem like a lot of people were online last week when i was playing(360 here) i usually play TDM on black ops, so i tried squad deathmatch or whatever. Is it just an unpopular game mode?
1stStrike said:18. Randoms will spend an entire game sniping, get 8 kills, lose at the first set of mcom's, but feel like a bad ass because they managed to shoot 8 people from 200 yards out.
Don't have Vietnam yet. Maybe I'll get it later.Crakatak187 said:Rorschach you should play with Faceless and the 360 gaf. Faceless is one of the best players on console gaf.
.abuC said:Took a screenshot of Xbox 360 players at work:
Turn off auto login; log out; log back in. It should have a list of your characters and your clan tag.Kaijima said:Just started playing this on PC thanks to Steam Holiday sale. One utterly stupid n00b question.
How do I change my clan tag after setting it the first time?
Forgive me, DICE-GAF.
1stStrike said:I wish we could have a PS3 vs xbox show down. We already know who would win that one.