Ah, good to know.
I always put on the smoke perk for vehicles, but I'm not a great driver except for with a quad or a jetski. But if both of us have it on, it's rather pointless.
So which would be the second best vehicle perk that you'd recommend?
I'd be picking that one then.
The thing I love most about this game is that it's centered around actual teamplay and is objective based.
That's also what attracted me to KZ2 so much. But since that community completely went to shit in the past 6 months or so and the new one doesn't do anything to fix the problems, it actually makes them worse, I wanted to get into a new tactical, team based shooter.
Had no idea that it would be so easy to slip right into the play style of BC2.
Still have a lot to learn and probably a lot of nuances yet to discover, but I certainly don't mind putting in the time to learn them.
One thing I love is how the good/bad game ratio is on the high side, even on a bad day.
Most of the time you only have to join 2 or 3 games to find a good group.
And with more gaffers on my friedlist it's even easier to get a fun game going.
What draws me to a game like this is how you can strategize and create counter strategies to outsmart the other players and not just have to rely on twitch reflexes alone.
Some of my most loved moments is when you get this feeling that something not quite right, and you suspect that the enemy is going to do certain things or come via a certain route even though there's nothing that points in that direction.
Yet when you follow in on that hunch, there they are and they certainly weren't suspecting you to anticipate them suddenly doing what they are doing.
Also been starting to jump through windows a lot more instead of using doors, especially when it's obvious someone is in that house.
It usually startles the shit out of them.