Mr Sandman said:
It does about 8 damage (maybe less, not totally sure). Which can be annoying when two+ snipers are shooting your heli, plus tank mg rounds, shells, AT4, AA, VADs, Tracers, other helis, etc.
There's plenty of ways to kill helis as it is.
Sniper: 8 damage.
Machine Gun: 1 damage a round.
Tank: 2 damage a round.
Anti-air: 5 damage a round.
So I guess everyone should go sniper, lead their shots and calculate the insane drop as their on the ground, and then spam recon shots and hope the enemy is dumbasses to where they can explode the chopper?
Yeah, no. There is very few ways to kill helicopters if the pilots isn't a dumbass and is circling. Sorry.
The Faceless Master said:
choppers are good, but overpowered? i dunno.
Dude, you've flown them with me in the gunner seat. Abu's flown them with me in the gunner seat. If you guys are circling or evading, do you honestly think they aren't overpowered? All I/you, Abu have to do is take the anti-air (which is shitty and they need to switch to VADS, no I don't give a shit if it's "US flavored" it's the only fucking anti-air option) stationary unless Port Valdez then we take out the laughable HP anti-air wagon and then basically strafe.
Crack said:
On consoles good luck hitting the circle strafing pilot with a tracer.
This is the "reliable anti-air option," which is fucking poor. Fire directly at them, and they can shift left before the tracer hits, even with the buff. Fire at their nose? Tracer zooms past or is too slow in hitting.
The tracer dart should
not have to be the reliable way to take down the chopper, man.
And the anti-air would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that they can circle faster than you can do damage, explode it, head back to base, repair, and then come back and anal fuck the defense into submission.