Lots of fun games with Gaffers yesterday. Two very close call games at Isla Inocentes and Nelson Bay winning with 4 and 6 tickets left.
Two Battlefield moments:
I joined a Laguna Presa game with Danthaman, Ejas,... as attackers. At 4th set the defenders got the Bradley near the remaining MCom. I arm the MCom with C4 and got shot running for safety. Moments later the C4 got detonated taking out the Bradley with its crew and the squad disarming the MCom, points messages start piling up, a lot of deaths, a lot of squad bonuses and finishing with the MCom bonus totaling over 900 points in a single event.
The other one was hilarious. I join Ejas and Manny squad at Arica Harboor as attackers. Manny Abrams got stuck in the bridge, Ejas suggested using an RPG to push it. I decided to give it a try with C4, I applied it to the side of the tank and blow it. It certainly worked as it tipped the tank over the bridge edge and it fell to the water channel below. I laughed so hard that my abs hurt. Sorry guys next time I promise to put the C4 on the other side of the tank.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
sorry to Whoever was in the Blackhawk with me on Isla. I dropped the controller :|
GGs though!
Don´t worry pal.
TheSeks said:
2) No one uses mics because I'm a cripple and as such it's useless on me. For the others, they probably curse and call each other names (or insult me and my disability) during games.
I find amazing you can play so well without audio clues. Sometimes I got the audio bug losing all sound ingame and you are aware the many audio clues the game gives, C4 in the tanks, steps behind your back (followed by a quick shotgun in the face and a little teabagging for the LOLs), etc.
TheSeks said:
I dunno who MannyRameriez2006 is, but I've run across him in GAF games lately and he's... shitty. I'm not sure if he's a friend of Rock or Ejas or what, but he uses the tanks and helicopters pretty badly (and I say that as a shitty helicopter pilot). Anytime he gets in one, I back the fuck away.
Manny is a friend of Ejas, I think he is a pretty competent player.
olimpia84 said:
No offense but you and Cal (I think) performed the same on that Atacama Rush round today. I'm still trying to figure out why you guys were waiting for the chopper to spawn.....we were short by two people so the last thing we needed is to have a chopper in the air, besides the MCOM we needed to arm was inside the wrecked ship so it's not like you can shoot at enemies when they were trying to disarm.
That match was so fucking frustrating because the other team was so bad and we could have easily won with more support. Rock and I did 90% of the work, we managed to arm B like 6 times but didn't have any help because the rest of the team was useless and because you guys were too damn busy flying the chopper.
Ugh, that Atacama round, arming, got killed, arming, got killed........ we were able to win finally.