The Faceless Master said:play on 360, we go to 1AM EST!
sheeit. 1AM is start time.
The Faceless Master said:play on 360, we go to 1AM EST!
Jtrizzy said:Yeah I haven't seen you guys on at night lately. 7 ish is the new time? I'm still around later in the night if anyone wants to play.
priorities man... i needed a new phone first!
TheSeks said:It's not really the "new time" some of us (Crack, notable) are taking a break. Some of us (me) are playing other games we've been neglecting (or starting a new RPG like Tactics Ogre), and some of us (Fersis/Meppi) are on the other side of the world so they play in the afternoon for our time/early evening.
Crakatak187 said:AOD got like 8-10 guys to join a team just to beat 4 gaffers. Pretty funny.
Cuban Legend said:I'm surprised to hear that.
I never quit games, even when there's hackers.
vixlar said:I quit when I already lose, not when I'm losing. And only when I lost a really big string of games...
Crakatak187 said:I don't know I wasn't in those matches with those guys who called us pussies. We almost beat those AOD guys 3 times if our dumb team didn't drop the ball on defense as we were winning as well.
They were so angry they were tea bagging me and Dan haha.
TheSeks said:I hate joining losing teams that are confirmed to lose. Trying to cross the desert of no trees in Port Valadez with only two other attackers (see: GAF) is fucking stupid. Yeah, no. I'll find another game with people that actually attempt to push.
Really, matchmaking is stupid on this as generally your forced into losing teams when you want to join a session just starting, not in the middle of ending. :|
Meanwhile: Fuck Sangre Del Toro. Stupid Havoc sections where you have to hit them with the Carl Gustav is stupid on Hard. DERP TWO OF THEM CIRCLING AROUND WITH A FEW ENEMIES TO FIRE ON YOUR ASS. DERP.
*slaps the person that designed this level at DICE*
Also you can't roadkill with the buggy in it. WTF. You can slam into the dude and push him and then he can kill you. Stupid.
Mizzou Gaming said:After a long hiatus I am returning to the awesomeness that is BFBC2. Looking through the dlc I see the class upgrade content that gives you a different look, a new weapon and a few achievements. What do you guys suggest, buy or not buy?
I'm actually one of those guys that loves unlocking stuff as you are playing so keep that in mind. I've also already purchased the Vietnam expansion so I was wondering if those class upgrades do anything for you in the Vietnam expansion as well. Thanks
EDIT: Just to be clear I am not talking about the ridiculous shortcut dlc
vixlar said:The class upgrades don't give you any real advantage. For me, the only advantage is for russian medic because it changes your red beret for a green one.
Those upgrades gives you some different designs... but be careful. Normally, the outfit your character receive is based on the stage. But with upgraded outfits you always get the same outfit in all stages. With the medic, for example, you always get a green outfit even when you are playing in snow.
The upgraded weapons are camouflaged, and, well, many times i got killed because i didn't see that smg in the bushes, hehehe. Ah, and there are achievements for killing many people with those weapons.
Those upgrades have no effect in Vietnam.
The Faceless Master said:the green Recon Ghillie is great on Valparaiso and Laguna Presa
We lost really everytime we almost won the guys on our team went farther from the m-coms. We had them under 20 tickets 3 times and those randoms didn't hold their weight. We held them under 20 tickets with 8-10 AOD as well.olimpia84 said:Did you guys lose that Laguna Presa defense round? I had to quit that match at the beginning because a friend stopped by but I figured you guys would win with no problems. When I quit there were only 4 AOD guys so I guess the rest of them joined later in that round.
TheSeks said:My bad Dream. That's what I get for pulling Faceless antics with the helicopter (AKA: Roadkilling) in small games.
Get sniped and have Olimpia and Dream get C4'ed. WHOOPS.
Mizzou Gaming said:Cool, I think I'm just going to get the medic upgrade as thats what I use the majority of the time. I wish I could get the bundle discount later on if I do end up buying the others, but its really not that big of a deal. Microsoft prints new points out everyday from space.
THANK YOU very much for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback.
yeah, but my priority was a new cellphoneTopher said:Are you planning to get a replacement PS3 in the future Faceless?
Jtrizzy said:Man I hope they release beta info asap. I could probably skip buying Killzone all together.
Mr Sandman said:I'm probably going to get some negative reactions, but meh.
i love doing that!Mr Sandman said:I've been addicted to spawn sabotaging vehicles lately. If we're winning I'll sneak over to their base and I'll throw C4 on their vehicles and wait. I can wait forever, the payoff is worth it. I usually wait a few seconds and let them drive a while then blow (also, I find a really good hiding spot and watch the vehicles vanish from the map). Ignition mining is pretty fun too (throw mines under vehicles, so when they get in and turn the 'ignition' they blow). I used to be against this shit, but it feels good man. After 800 hours you start looking for new shit to try out.
I'm probably going to get some negative reactions, but meh.
i only waited that long because it was GAF, regular folk get a few seconds.Mr Sandman said:Haha I get way too impatient and blow it way before that. I want to wait at least 45 seconds one of these times. :lol
I love it when the same guy keeps spawning, dying, and tries to find you. And when he does you kill him. Over and over. They rage so hard.
The Faceless Master said:i only waited that long because it was GAF, regular folk get a few seconds.
Silly antics and ATV repairing is usually the bottom of my thought process when defending.TheSeks said:@Dream: 100% HP = I can get to the UAV. I was attempting to do that six times and you never came to repair. *bangs head into PS3*
TheSeks said:@Rock: I'm not sure you got any kills while I was strafing. Sorry, man. At least after that shitty gunner left I kept it up for the rest of the map.
TheSeks said:Dude, Dubbed. The Blackhawk is NOT an attack chopper. :/ I can't lay down fire as you WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH past them. :x