Nabs said:ea stats servers
is this only a 360 problem?
The Faceless Master said:attackers bailed on their chopper on Oasis and somehow it landed safely... BASERAPE!!!
Jtrizzy said:Can someone tell me how many c4 it takes to destroy a tank, with and without the explosives perk on.
Finally getting close to the pins, I just have to play shotgun assault on conquest. I tried it out tonight and was killing it, not going to be nearly as time consuming as I thought.
Dreamgazer said:It ain't rape if they voluntarily gave in to you.
:0recklessmind said:I think I did that with the Blackhawk... on Isla
Fersis said:I need advices to get the Road Kill pin. (Four road kills in a match)
Is the only pin am missing.
Fersis said:I need advices to get the Road Kill pin. (Four road kills in a match)
Is the only pin am missing.
So you know Seks if you see me playing like an idiot its because im trying to get that damn pin.
Fersis said:I need advices to get the Road Kill pin. (Four road kills in a match)
Is the only pin am missing.
So you know Seks if you see me playing like an idiot its because im trying to get that damn pin.
Fersis said:I need advices to get the Road Kill pin. (Four road kills in a match)
Is the only pin am missing.
So you know Seks if you see me playing like an idiot its because im trying to get that damn pin.
hgplayer1 said:I got the roadkill pin on Harvest Day. It was the first map that came to mind when I decided to go for that pin.
I didnt use the quad I used that other vehicle that seats like 5. Keeps its momentum better and is wider so easier to hit people.
2 in most cases.Jtrizzy said:Can someone tell me how many c4 it takes to destroy a tank, with and without the explosives perk on.
Finally getting close to the pins, I just have to play shotgun assault on conquest. I tried it out tonight and was killing it, not going to be nearly as time consuming as I thought.
well, in the game before that, i was choppa ho-ing it, 16-0 on attack, had the chopper the whole game and we steamrolled.meppi said:Not to mention that when it comes to attackers on Oasis it's impossible to rape them as it automatically defaults to "receive what you had coming to you, bitches". ;P
this. the hummer has a wiiiiiiide front end, makes it easy!TheSeks said:Arica Harbor Rush. Find a team of idiots that don't RPG/mine you in seconds. Run around the base. 4 kills so long as your team doesn't take the base in seconds. Easy.
(Thanks Faceless for that one. <3)
yeah. in the helis i use 1st person, but in vehicles i drive in 3rd. i shoot in 1st on the tanks etc though.Fersis said:Do you guys used the third person camera to run over people?
Fersis said:I need advices to get the Road Kill pin. (Four road kills in a match)
Is the only pin am missing.
So you know Seks if you see me playing like an idiot its because im trying to get that damn pin.
The Faceless Master said:yeah. in the helis i use 1st person, but in vehicles i drive in 3rd. i shoot in 1st on the tanks etc though.
They aren't, but to get a good ping on a server with a good rotation is surprisingly difficult. I hope DICE has completely reworked the netcode for BF3, because it's inexcusably bad in BC2.TheSeks said:That's because Heavy Metal is the best map, son. Tank sniping helicopters.
(I'm sure there is some other map in the PC server list. Surely PC players aren't that one-map focused?)
Well if and when you build a pc, me and mr sandman will join you in mining/ c4'ing vehicles in spawn points, always looking for more amigos to join our squad, lol, Sabotaging vehicles is my new favorite tactic. I will also be snagging bf3 on pc as well, cannot waitThe Faceless Master said:one more reason to build a PC... so i can cap gameplay like my friend does!
footage from last night!
Eh? What else would ping be? It definitely feels like what it is when I'm in the game, because I'm certainly not getting 19 to 30 like the server browser spits out at me. I'll join a game that claims 40 ping and end up with 150-180 (and the latter measure definitely feels more accurate as far as lagginess goes).Mr Sandman said:You do know that the "ping" on the scoreboard isn't accurate? It's not really ping, but ping+other shit. Whatever your ping is in the game is like half in reality. My states not too far from Washington. Maybe your browser isn't showing all the servers.
I've been telling this to the PC bros in the Mumble server for ages and some still don't get it and ask about it all the time. <_<Mr Sandman said:
High pings even on local game servers. We're actually showing game latency instead of ping.
This is basically how far behind the client is compared to the server. We try to keep the server a small portion in front of the clients so they in most cases can use replicated data until they get the next ghost update from the server. If they get a lag spike they will start predicting the state when they run out of information, however, the basic idea is to smooth out the experience compared to everything having to be corrected when the predictions are slightly off.
They should just show the real ping.
maxxpower said:Ok I have yet to find a concrete answer to this question.
For those of you that have played core Vietnam, have you ever noticed that when you get killed and you're watching the killer cam sometimes the killer's eyes will pop out? I have some random theories but if anyone knows the answer I'd appreciate it.
Dubbedinenglish said:From my friend, a uav whore.
I'm pretty sure that some servers auto kick for 'ping above 200' when they mean latency, so I don't think anyone gets it. They should put ping and latency, then people would at least slightly understand.Cuban Legend said:I've been telling this to the PC bros in the Mumble server for ages and some still don't get it and ask about it all the time. <_<
bbagwell said:Join the friends already in a match and then invite to a second squad.