Crakatak187 said:I'm joking about that picture part.
You're killing us man.
Crakatak187 said:I'm joking about that picture part.
Dreamgazer said:Now that JM and I got new jobs, we should pitch in some money and buy you a new one
Sorry I haven't been on much T_T
...Is that a thousand kills?The Faceless Master said:Mortar Strike Platinum! the hits keep coming!
The Faceless Master said:Mortar Strike Platinum! the hits keep coming!
500 killsSchmattakopf said:...Is that a thousand kills?
Wait, then how come I see people with nine gold stars?The Faceless Master said:500 kills
handguns and secondary weapons are 50 kills per gold and 500 for platinumSchmattakopf said:Wait, then how come I see people with nine gold stars?
u mad is my most used troll tool, lol always pisses them offmeppi said:Woohoo! Got my first hate mail as well!
Some moron called Khameir from Holland I believe, perhaps Belgium.
Sent me: Noob look yr ratio!
At first I thought that he might be from that last game where I got 12 dogtags on defense as I was sneaking up from behind enemy lines most of the match.
But no, looks like it was from the very first game I played, not even 10 minutes in.
Sucked really bad those first couple of games as two clans did nothing but camp inside houses and shoot through windows from the other side of the map.
I don't even remember him.
I guess I should start playing like those COD ratio whores and do nothing but camp for kills and ignore any objectives. That would probably make me a "real gamer". lol
Was tempted to reply with lol noob, 1.17 win/loss ratio against my 2.75, but I went with the classic: lol u mad!instead.
Calion82v said:I despise Oasis. Ugh.
what kind of card and settings you running, if you don't mind me asking?OttomanScribe said:Got a new gfx for my birthday last year. Hadn't thought to try out BC2, then I read an article about BF3 and decide to fire it up again.
just drool.
Jas said:Good games MemoryCure, Meppi, and Mancunian. Only got a chance to play a couple of games this afternoon but those were fun and really competitive.
I thought you bailed Meppi because when you joined we were getting our asses handed to us by 2 choppers on Oasis but you just squaded up with Mancunian. Winning that game felt good![]()
meppi said:Yeah, sorry about leaving the squad.
We came from another game that really sucked, so we joined your game.
But as I joined, we were in a full squad so he couldn't join as well.
Since he's my best friend, I naturally always squad up with him.
Our playstyle is extremely similar and we both speak Dutch throughout the games, so as to not annoy everyone else, we mute others anyway, unless we're playing by ourselves.
I couldn't believe we won that Oasis map like we did.
Put up a good defense at the second set, but it got taken anyway.
I finally was able to tracer one of those circle-strafing baboons and shoot him down. Felt so good.
The very last M-com defense we just insane.
Being surrounded by enemies from all sides at all times, yet still able to hold them off.
Oh, and if I'm not accepting invites, that's probably because my notifications are turned off due to not liking how it displays people going on and offline every 45 seconds.
what kind of card and settings you running, if you don't mind me asking?
Another great thing is rushing in and c4ing the ground level lolOttomanScribe said:A Radeon HD 5870 and from memory I run most of them on the highest I can get em. Though with the brightness turned down some, glare much!?
I love the moments that emerge from the game. Even if they don't quite get to BF1942 level.
I am unsure if it is cooler fleeing from a building as a tank brings it down around you, or being in a tank destroying a building full of snipers.
Crakatak187 said:Man I never get fan mails to that extent, but I hardly send any messages at all.
Calion82v said:Got some rad fanmail just now:[IMG]
They so mad.[/QUOTE]
R1 R1 R1 R1?
Massa said:R1 R1 R1 R1?
Calion82v said:Got some rad fanmail just now:
They so mad.[/QUOTE]
I'd like to know why you were sucking his cock as well. ;)
Jas said:Must be fanmail night...
Got that in a game with Seks and dantheman.
I never reply to this stuff so he felt the need to send another message saying "cheating mother fucker".
I guess he thought I might of missed the point of his first message, lol. I told dantheman what was going on during the game and he had some fun with him![]()
Bumblebeetuna said:So I have been thinking about getting back into BC2 because the PS3 version of BLOPS is so goddamn terrible. A few questions if someone doesn't mind answering them. Is there still a good community for BC2? Is the Vietnam DLC worth $15? Has there been any other substantial DLC and it is paid DLC or VIP stuff? I think VIP MP #3 or something was the last one I saw while I still had the game, could be wrong though. I thought I read somewhere that they eventually started releasing actual new maps? All I had ever seen were existing maps opened up for other modes. Thanks.
Xux said:Why can't you get stars on the Flamethrower?