Pete Rock said:
Quit because at that point it isn't fun. Literally the instant you realize "what the fuck..." just quit and pull a new quick match on a different map so you won't get dumped into the same server. Do the same thing five minutes later when relatively identical behavior occurs there. If you aren't playing with a squad and you can't rely on anyone there's literally only so much you can do in the face of relative cohesion, let alone organized catassery.
As far as Blackhawk camping, unless they are a really amazing crew and constantly oscillate in slow backwards circles at a distance I'd say the best option is to snipe the pilot through the main window, particularly if they are already facing you by way of giving both the door gunners the narrow angles down the body of the aircraft.
Regardless, there really isn't a way a single guy should reliably be able to kill a good crew like that unless he has access to an AA gun, so again you might as well just leave. There is no point in not having fun with a game, particularly one which has a lot of depth and opportunities for all players when the skill levels are at parity.
So due to a few frustrating games playing solo with shit teams against catassing 50's, you are inspired to pay $10 for DLC for a game with a completely broken vehicle sandbox in pursuit of a broken gametype which features a whopping 6 on 6 three tiered system of territories, territories and one flag - all with awful hit registration translated over a garbage peer host?
I find this unbelievable, either that or you are a glutton for punishment.
Yeah, I end up quitting a few matches towards the end of gaming session and managed to get a few decent matches in because of it... but the more I play (and I
am enjoying the game) the more I realise there are more and more people who couldn't give a fuck about the objectives of Rush or Conquest - and would rather get together with friends, grab a couple of vehicles (or get together a team of M95 + Auto Spot Snipers)... and pub stomp until it is absolutely necessary to take the objective and move on.
The Blackhawk chopper was side-on (almost facing away from us - I definitely couldn't see the pilot). I managed to hit the gunner once but the Chopper quickly dropped behind a hill and came back soon after. Ultimately, I should have had the Tracer dart and a better leveled Engineer class, or should have positioned myself to Snipe the pilot. However there was still the tank, Snipers and tubers to worry about. Granted, it was pretty epic. I don't think there was a structure still standing in the entire area by the time the Mortars and grenades were done, we were just sitting ducks.
As for your comments about Reach, this really isn't the thread to get into a debate over it... but even with my newfound enjoyment of BC2, Reach remains the best FPS MP game I've played to date. The vehicle sandbox, P2P system and hit detection have rarely felt broken (certainly not as broken as BC2 Choppers) - and despite dedicated servers, I feel a similar level of lag in both games. It's mostly the "oh I just escaped around a corner, oops maybe not" moments that make me notice. I also find Invasion quite a lot of fun despite your description of it. It may not be complex, and not on the same scale as Battlefield - but 90% of the matches I play are pretty good/great experiences with few douchebags. BC2 is starting to feel more like 50% lately.
Anyway, feel free to PM me, I don't want to drag this off-topic. My friend gets his Internet tomorrow and is hyped to get into BC2. He also understands the need to capture the objectives over KDR and the like, so I expect some awesome fun over the few days.