Hehe, thanks. But I guess you're talking about the times when my brain doesn't actually shut down and I go into zombie more and nothing I do seems to make any sense.

I just need a game to have a certain something which I can't explain. And Battlefield MP certainly seems to have that.
It's really weird, sometimes the game flows perfectly and everything just works, no matter how hectic or impossible a certain situation looks.
Yet in a matter of 15 minutes or so, or in games that fail to keep my interest like when the other team doesn't attack and instead gets sniper happy, I think I just lose interest without realizing it at the time and end up at the bottom of the list.
One thing that really helps is that my best friend in real life, Mancunian11, is either at the exact same level as me or a little bit better in just about any game we play.
Mario Kart DS/Wii, Crash Commando, Killzone 2, Dead Nation and many others I can't think of right now.
That's a great way to build new tactics and learn to see and try things in a way that you yourself probably wouldn't have thought about.
Can't wait to find out if he likes Portal 2 or not once our copies arrive.