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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT2| See, Spot, Run


JJD said:
For me leveling up to 20 something was quite quick. You should have all the unlocks by lvl. 25 or 27. The real grinding starts when you reach 30...it takes ages to reach 50. I've logged about 360 hours on this game and I'm still lvl. 49...

I think Cal was the guy who reached 50 fastest. Around 300 hours right?

How long do you use to play your online shooters BigAT?

Yup, I did it in 297h, 33m. Congrats on getting your account approved!

Also, I ran into Ash yesterday on a Arica game. Fun times.

Pete Rock

questionmark said:
First out, a love letter to the motherfucking MP-443 Grach. This godsent weapon is so far superior to any other sidearm, and honestly it boggles my mind how anyone can use any of the others for any other reason than to get stars.
Grach fo days!


...the Grach can easily take out someone on mid range as fast as any machine gun.
Indeed, this is supported by my statistics and experience as well. It's my #2 highest scoring weapon, right above the prepatch M60. Upwards of 90,000 rounds through each while maintaining a consistent 11% accuracy edge with the Grach.

I hope they do a better job balancing the pistols in BF3 honestly, we would be lucky if they were all half as much fun to use.
The Grach is definitively my favorite pistol.

As for spotting, I always spot before sniping someone. If I miss the headshot, I can either get them the second time or someone will follow up and I'll get an assist. Also, playing recon without a bolt-action is no fun to me.
TheSeks said:
Then you're doing it wrong. VSS/SVU non-Magnum Ammo will trump ANYGUN that comes against it non-Magnum Ammo since it spits out bullets faster. MA breaks the delicate balance of the guns though, so I can't blame you for being DERP MAGNUM AMMO ALL DAY ERRYDAY.

Also Heavy Metal is awesome. Fuck the haters, except when it's double helicopter fuck.

No, I am doing it right, because MA is in the game, whether you like it or not. I will kill an equally skilled player using a person using VSS/SVU face to face most of the time, because they are dependant on me missing.

Calion82v said:
Psh, M9 all the way. It's the power that gives it an edge over the Grach.

The rate of fire increase is much more significant than the power of the sidearm (M93R not withstanding for obvious reasons). Add in the superior iron sights and there is really only one choice, the Grach.


Well those choppers on Isla certainly were dropping like flies. :D

Wough, wough, wough, wough...traced....destroyed.

10 sec later
Wough, wough, wough, wough...traced....destroyed.

20 sec later
Wough, wough, wough, wough...trace missed....ah what the hell: aim Gustav anyway.....destroyed. lol

Not sure how many I got but it had to be 7 or 8. Just about any trace attempt worked, no matter how far of the target or how it's trajectory was laid out. :)


meppi said:
Well those choppers on Isla certainly were dropping like flies. :D

Wough, wough, wough, wough...traced....destroyed.

10 sec later
Wough, wough, wough, wough...traced....destroyed.

20 sec later
Wough, wough, wough, wough...trace missed....ah what the hell: aim Gustav anyway.....destroyed. lol

Not sure how many I got but it had to be 7 or 8. Just about any trace attempt worked, no matter how far of the target or how it's trajectory was laid out. :)

I figured that when I saw the scoreboard at the end of that game, haha. Me and Rock were upfront having fun with the recons :)


meppi said:
Well those choppers on Isla certainly were dropping like flies. :D

Wough, wough, wough, wough...traced....destroyed.

10 sec later
Wough, wough, wough, wough...traced....destroyed.

20 sec later
Wough, wough, wough, wough...trace missed....ah what the hell: aim Gustav anyway.....destroyed. lol

Not sure how many I got but it had to be 7 or 8. Just about any trace attempt worked, no matter how far of the target or how it's trajectory was laid out. :)

Psshhh, real manly men like me take out those choppers using the AT4 even with the missing smoke/explosion effects.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Calion82v said:
Psh, M9 all the way. It's the power that gives it an edge over the Grach.

Keep thinking that when I drop you and another person in the time it takes you to down me, bro.


questionmark said:
The rate of fire increase is much more significant than the power of the sidearm (M93R not withstanding for obvious reasons). Add in the superior iron sights and there is really only one choice, the Grach.

It's the Red9 v. Blacktail argument all over again. Power vs. speed.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Calion82v said:
It's the Red9 v. Blacktail argument all over again. Power vs. speed.

Speeds helpful against multiple people, though. Mobility in general is better than power.

Besides, I agree with the argument that the MP-443 has the best pistol sights in the game. But then again most of the pistol sights are better than the M9 pistol sights in CoD4.
I really enjoy using all of the pistols with the exception of the post-nerf M1911; they each have their niche and work well within it, even if the M93R seems to have a narrower window of usefulness than the others. If memory serves the Rex does the highest damage per second when taking bullet damage and rate of fire into account, so I suppose that might be the best pistol in the hands of someone who can handle the sights/recoil OK. If I had to pick a personal favourite it would probably be the M9 though.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
endlessflood said:
I really enjoy using all of the pistols with the exception of the post-nerf M1911; they each have their niche and work well within it, even if the M93R seems to have a narrower window of usefulness than the others. If memory serves the Rex does the highest damage per second when taking bullet damage and rate of fire into account, so I suppose that might be the best pistol in the hands of someone who can handle the sights/recoil OK. If I had to pick a personal favourite it would probably be the M9 though.

The Rex is terrible for a side-arm that is a "general purpose" weapon. Unless you're seeing yourself in close-quarters in general, but even then BF's maps aren't built for door-to-door room-to-room battle/indoor combat in general for the Rex to be truly useful. It's a terrible "sniping" pistol, which all the other guns (even the M93R) is able to do better.

That said, before my PS3 kicked the bucket I was using it as the replacement for my MP-443 Grach due to the fact I platinumed the MP-443 and wanted to try to adjust to the Rex's recoil. In general, the power worked. But the lack of mobility and "if you miss your shot/range of OHK-ability, you're fucked" was a bit too much for me to handle.

I can see why people enjoy the M9 or the M91A11, but I find them to not have the "well shit! *FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE*" multi-person ability that the MP-443 allows in terms of quick trigger finger, steady aim (due to low recoil) and fast mobility to switch targets if two are coming at you and you have the pistol out already.
TheSeks said:
The Rex is terrible for a side-arm that is a "general purpose" weapon. Unless you're seeing yourself in close-quarters in general, but even then BF's maps aren't built for door-to-door room-to-room battle/indoor combat in general for the Rex to be truly useful. It's a terrible "sniping" pistol, which all the other guns (even the M93R) is able to do better.
I can hit things at all distances better with the Rex than the M93R.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Schmattakopf said:
I can hit things at all distances better with the Rex than the M93R.

M93R is meant normally for a backup when the primary is out. The sniping ability for it is to get people/snipers to move out of an area/hassle them to move.

Rex has stopping power, but the recoil and slow firing speed doesn't allow it to have that ability and in general in long-range battles you'll lose. Even in mid-range battles you'll probably lose because the Rex truly shines when it's in it's "OHK area." But that OHK area is EXTREMELY too close for my comfort and the Magnum Ammo buff doesn't help too much other than to give you that OHK range + lower the bullets of other kills by one.


On the scoreboard, there are sometimes black numbers in white backgrounds besides some of the players' names. What do they mean?
Hyunkel6 said:
On the scoreboard, there are sometimes black numbers in white backgrounds besides some of the players' names. What do they mean?
it's veteran status, how many other battlefield games they have played on their EA profile.


Jas said:
I figured that when I saw the scoreboard at the end of that game, haha. Me and Rock were upfront having fun with the recons :)
Yeah, I saw that. :)
At first I was able to spot a couple of recons here and there but when you guys went up there, barely any sniper dared to make it up the hill anymore.
Saw a panicking one just jump of the cliff and splatter into the rocks below. :D

Patrick Bateman said:
Why the hell does this game always get stuck, when you have way more points than in those other rounds?

That's so true.

Dr Prob

Patrick Bateman said:
Why the hell does this game always get stuck, when you have way more points than in those other rounds?



Game of a lifetime? Freeze/back to dashboard.

Join a friend only to be stuck on the useless opposing team squadless? Smooth sailing.


Junior Butler
Any PC gaffers experience and solve the hard lock/freeze issue on BC2?

I'm trying to help a buddy out and he's getting really frustrated. I've found about a million different workarounds/"fixes" but the results seem very inconsistent.

I've fixed numerous PB errors, driver and system related errors, but this one is a bit baffling. Basically, he can play for a matter of seconds or even minutes, then the game completely freezes his PC. It's not a crash to desktop, but a complete freeze where he has to manually power his machine off.

PC GAF is usually pretty savvy, so I didn't know if one of you fellas ran into this before.


Junior Butler
Nabs said:
Is he overclocking at all?

No, bone stock.

GTX 470

Nothing too fancy. He's got a shuttle rig he uses to LAN with us so I'm going to have him throw that 470 in it (if it fits) and see if he has any issues.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
JJD said:
No one seems to be playing on PS3 anymore...

I'm sad...

Tough. Don't blame me, blame yourself or Sony. *rides off on a Chocobo to PC land*



JJD said:
No one seems to be playing on PS3 anymore...

I'm sad...
I'd play all day erryday if I could, but I'm one of those weird Gaffers that prioritize work and workout over videogames :(.

That said, I'm about to play in a bit.


TheSeks said:
Tough. Don't blame me, blame yourself or Sony. *rides off on a Chocobo to PC land*


So you're finally getting your PC? Good for you man!!!

Every now and then you seem to pop on the PSN, the last time I even sent you a message, I hope you get your PS3 up and running again! Come on man! Dark Souls and Uncharted 3 can't be played on a PC!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
yeah, sony needs to do something about their shoddy hardware and industry trailing warranty length.

Indeed. Seems not even MS's warrentys can help Sony. :(

JJD said:
So you're finally getting your PC?

That's the plan, but it still isn't solid. I'll know in August when I beg for it. >_>


eternaLightness said:
Hey JJD, add me I'm on pretty often.

Argh, knife makes me angry. Stabbed some guy and he turned around and knifed and killed me. D:

Will do! I was just playing some games with minhtfresh, he's the only one consistently around. God damn I can't play with randoms anymore, our team just wouldn't push foward...I think we armed 6 of the 8 crates in the whole game...I still don't understand how we managed to won...


Normally I'd say you fellow PS3 guys would be more than welcome to add me on PSN since I play quite a few times a week, but I'm staying at a hotel for a few weeks and I only have my friend's PS3 with us till then. :(

Also, I found this extremely hilarious last night for some reason,

Some bushmonster was sniping us as we were trying to arm B on Arica Harbor so I snuck all the way around to flank the guy from behind. I think he had a headset on or something since as I started walking towards him and he slowly turned around only to see me unload a barrage of UMP bullets in his face. Then got this:




JJD said:
Will do! I was just playing some games with minhtfresh, he's the only one consistently around. God damn I can't play with randoms anymore, our team just wouldn't push foward...I think we armed 6 of the 8 crates in the whole game...I still don't understand how we managed to won...

Hahaha and there were like 6 50's on the other team too. That was such a weird game. Had a great moment in it where some dude was running after me trying to get my dog tag. Some dude spots him, I turn around, the other guy jumps off the little mound, and I get a midair knife kill :D.

olimpia hopped on after you left, btw. Most of PS3GAF seems to be EuroGAF as well, so that's probably why no one's on at this time.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
CatPee said:
olimpia hopped on after you left, btw. Most of PS3GAF seems to be EuroGAF as well, so that's probably why no one's on at this time.

Most of US GAF is either down for the count (Me/Faceless' PS3 down), or on vacation/break/other stuff. So I can see why JJD, a South American(?) has issues finding games with GAF right now.

It's too bad I still can't find actual work to get my PS3 up and I'm very pissed with Sony AND Microsoft's hardware this generation to where I am not ready to jump on the horse again with someone else' money. Hence, my moving my PS3 pre-order of BF3 to PC.


I just purchased this today on 360 and need some fellow gaffers to play with. I love team aspect of the game and def want to play a role within a squad. Can I get some gamer-tags to add?


TheSeks said:
Most of US GAF is either down for the count (Me/Faceless' PS3 down), or on vacation/break/other stuff. So I can see why JJD, a South American(?) has issues finding games with GAF right now.

Yeah, I'm brazilian. Later I tried to join a game with Blue (don't know his GAF name), but it was full. Played some rounds with a decent team of randoms.

I want to build a gaming PC too. I tried to get Dolphin running on a Mac and it sucks. The thing is...I think I'll never get used to mouse & keyboard combo...I know it's much more precise, but I've been playing with a gamepad for nearly 17 years. Some time ago I bought a joystick to play SFIV and it was a waste of money. I can't adapt to the damn thing, and I have doubts if I'll adapt to a K&M too.


I haven't played much multiplayer, but the campaign, while somewhat short, was very entertaining. I loved the subtle remarks towards Call of Duty regarding snowmobiles and heartbeat monitors.

I just wish more people would play Vietnam. That was probably my favourite of all the Battlefield games and I was so excited to see it make a return, even if it was only with three maps.
JJD said:
I want to build a gaming PC too. I tried to get Dolphin running on a Mac and it sucks. The thing is...I think I'll never get used to mouse & keyboard combo...I know it's much more precise, but I've been playing with a gamepad for nearly 17 years. Some time ago I bought a joystick to play SFIV and it was a waste of money. I can't adapt to the damn thing, and I have doubts if I'll adapt to a K&M too.

You would definitely be able to adapt to m/kb, but it could take a long time. It took me 2-3 years to become good at cs, and now I feel like I can play any fps and immediately be better than 95% of the people that play it, maybe excluding twitch shooters like Quake and UT. It is extremely rare I meet someone in BC2 that I feel are better than me, or even equal to me. That may of course be my inflated ego ;), but I suspect that many good players only play rush/hc/with a closed group of players. While superior in every way concievable in my opinion, cq is kind of casual compared to rush.

But can you not play BC2 on PC with a gamepad? I hate it when developers/publishers don't add features like that when it is possible on PC. Feels like they never utilize the potential that PC gaming has (I blame consoles :>).

AusQB said:
I haven't played much multiplayer, but the campaign, while somewhat short, was very entertaining. I loved the subtle remarks towards Call of Duty regarding snowmobiles and heartbeat monitors.

While I approve of jibes direct at COD, I couldn't stand the singleplayer at all. Incredibly boring. If it had been great, it would have bothered me less that they are are wasting resources adding singleplayer to BF3 which should have been a pure multiplayer game, but it was awful and I am pissed off.

AusQB said:
I just wish more people would play Vietnam. That was probably my favourite of all the Battlefield games and I was so excited to see it make a return, even if it was only with three maps.

Never played BF:V, but I was really excited for BC2:V as it was more BC2. It was among the greatest disappointments ever. Half-assed effort and a major step back. Gave it a week, never touching it again unless I platinum everything but boats.


CatPee said:
Most of PS3GAF seems to be EuroGAF as well, so that's probably why no one's on at this time.

Yeah, the best time to play with Gaffers right now on PS3 is mid-late afternoon (I'm on the east coast in the US)

JJD said:
I want to build a gaming PC too. I tried to get Dolphin running on a Mac and it sucks. The thing is...I think I'll never get used to mouse & keyboard combo...I know it's much more precise, but I've been playing with a gamepad for nearly 17 years. Some time ago I bought a joystick to play SFIV and it was a waste of money. I can't adapt to the damn thing, and I have doubts if I'll adapt to a K&M too.

You can try practicing with the Battlefield Play4Free game, pretty sure it's Mac compatible.

I was in a similar situation but coming from PC to console. I grew up playing FPS games on PC until a couple of years ago when I started playing them on console because of real life friends.
It's definitely frustrating at first but if you stick with it you'll get comfortable with it eventually.
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