Well that certainly was something...
Has a great time tonight and I really wish there was a camera option as I witnessed not one but two Battlefield moments tonight.
The first one was on Oasis attack.
I'm driving my tank halfway down the road to the fist set, when I notice from afar that someone had thrown mines on the side of the road and hid behind the house.
I blow up the mines and start to tear down the house. I hit him but can't kill him.
The defenders are shooting rockets left and right as well as that special mounted grenade launcher on the second floor and even the AA at me.
I take out the AA, take out the grenade launcher while our chopper takes out the infantry.
Then I turn my attention back to the house next to me.
At this point someone on my squad mentions there's a recon besides me that I didn't even see.
I back up and shove a shell up his ass wondering what he was doing sitting there crouched in front of the house looking at me not even 3 meters away.
Then I realize what he was doing, he called an air strike.
At this time an enemy tank rolls up to me as I back up out of the airstrike, shoot 2 shells at it as I realize he had the edge on me and will fire first. So I jump out as my tank only has 8% left, quickly pull out my AT4 and blow it up.
I turn around and the guy that was hiding all along and threw the mines has jumped into my tank.
Now I know I don't have time to reload since he is swinging the barrel straight at my face, so I take my took and destroy the tank that way.
As it blows up, he jumps out and tries to knife me, as I'm still out of ammo, I turn to my pistol and shoot him in the face.
Holy crap.
The second one was during conquest in Panama Canal.
We're having a hell of a time trying to keep C.
It goes back and forth all the time. I'm playing attack recon with a SV98 and x4 as I jump into C and notice about 6 guys hiding in and around the containers in the building as I throw a motion ball.
As I'm in the middle, all I can do is go crazy and try to take out at least a couple before I bite the bullet.
First I snipe the one guy who realizes I'm there as he walks into the container I'm entering. With my handgun I take out his teammate who's right behind him.
I want to go into the other container now so I can reload, but as I do, I see 2 guys crouched in there, one is reloading.
I stab the first one and swipe at the second one, killing both. Only have a second to reload my SV98 as 2medics come in.
I shoot the first and realize I'm completely screwed now, so I pick up whatever kit is closest to me.
This happens to be an LMG. So I pull the trigger and don't let go. His buddy goes down with remarkable easy as I see 2 more guys enter the container, yet again from the other side. Without letting go of the trigger, I mow those two down as well. lol
Then it's time to revive the one person who was crazy enough to spawn on me in my moment of madness.
Besides these two stupidly crazy moments there were a couple more where I just said WTF.
At Harvest day for instance, I knifed 5 people in a row as they were sitting around B trying to take it over.
On the first Heavy Metal I shot down two choppers with my tank. One with a shell and a second with my machine gun.
All the while enemy tanks were dropping like flies as it seemed my shells were magnetically charged all of a sudden.
Then on the second Heavy Metal I ended up with a K/D of 10/0 even though I was jumping, running and driving all over the place.
Never happened before.
What a crazy night.
Too bad I had to stop since I have a huge headache from playing so long.
Evolved1 said:
I think meppi is one of our best PS3Gafers now... good games dude.
You and Cal started late but have become go-to guys. Of course Cal has since abandoned us. :/
Also props to Ejas. Seems like whenever we are in a squad together "best squad" pin is a lock.
Thanks man.

I have my days.
Just wish it would always be like this as it certainly was soooooooo much fun tonight.
But on certain nights I want to throw my controller at the wall out of frustration. Very weird how the game sometimes flows without you having to break a sweat and sometimes nothing you try seems to work.
Can't wait for BC3. Gonna be so much fun.