Evolved1 said:
What do you mean... they don't work?
the 360 pad is mapped all crazy and broken in a way that makes it useless by default and you can't change it. from what i remember clicking the left stick pauses the game and the left and right triggers are completely broken.
i think it is possible by editing config files to stop it from detecting the pad, so that you can then use xpadder, but I really don't like xpadder, since you have to map left stick movement to key presses and so it feels weird because it is all 'digital'
people have been complaining about it since it launched and they still couldn't be bothered to patch it.
(actually maybe its only the wireless pad that has this issue? i forget.. i'm installing the game right now so I will check later)
edit: oh and I totally agree with you, I used to do just fine in BF2 with a pad on the PC.