Wtf did they do to the Apache? It's broken, like flying in molasses
Picture this if you will: Port Valdez on Attack, playing with randoms, making steady progress on the office town before the harbor. I realized that our team had been using vehicles effectively the whole round so I assumed they would damage the Apache very heavily as soon as they got the new light tank spawn. The enemy team has two 50's who've been playing like lightweights so I assume they are biding their time waiting for the chopper.
I had left the quad from our spawn between the old construction site and the two story building across from the old A site, so I ran back and drove it up the hill right as the bases switched over for us. As soon as I get hunkered down behind the tree line I peer out and see a smoking Apache coming in for a landing, and amazingly enough they fly all the way to the back of the clearing! I was frantically running around trees and over some crappy rocks trying to get a shot through the glass before the engineer was done repairing, but it wasn't viable and I didn't want to Gustav it and give away my position with a dumb move like that.
So I wait patiently, retreating into the bushes and listening as the aa fire spews out, watching the spotted icon circle over the harbor road and the container area before returning for a second round of repairs. I've shifted closer to the halfway point between the trees now and I have the perfect shot, lining up the pilot as he touches down. The instant the engineer steps out I drop two headshots with my M14 through the glass into the pilot, the rotors spin down as the engineer turns around in shock, fumbling with his repair tool as I step out from the trees and pump the last 8 rounds into his chest. They must have been raging watching that killcam as I hop in their shit and take it off solo
I proceed to net 18 rocket kills while a random squad mate spawns in the turret and guns fools down, we are eating away at their defenses from the inside out but our team is just not taking out the damn crates. We have 50% of A left and only 30 tickets and I've been pushing the chopper a little hard, punishing the two 50's I stole it from - they are of course hell bent on revenge, trying to shoot me down from every mounted gun position in the harbor.
So I fly back to repair it as we only have 34 health, and oddly enough there's someone on my team sitting near the trees by the clearing where I originally hijacked it. I think nothing of it, assuming it to be some retarded afk, get out and repair as normal. This level 24 Assault asshole comes running over, jumps in the pilot seat and steals it from me, taking off with the random gunner to do god knows what. I couldn't believe it, I was so fucking pissed I didn't even want to chase him and watch it careen into a fucking mountainside. Needless to say, by the time I was done sending two absolutely rage induced voicemails this shitbag had already crashed the chopper and the enemy was pulling up their new one as I dropped to the dashboard. He never replied.
The random gunner sent me a message stating that "i got that noob back for u" but I don't even know what that means. I've always had this feeling, but mid level 20 players are the worst goddamn fucking BC2 players ever, consistently. It's as though they only focused on a class or two for cheap points or M60 whoring or whatever other dumb shit appealed to them, and they can't conceptualize any other strategy besides aping the top players in whatever round they are currently playing. Same shit happens if I'm in a random squad and I have a good recon spot racking up kills, some level 22 dipshit will spawn next to me with his goddamn VSS, strafing in front of my scope while spewing tracers out of my previously low-key location. Go back to MW2 you fucking plebes :lol