The Faceless Master said:bah, arm only would be a full squad of defenders camping the crate. like playing anyone with common sense on the final B on Nelson Bay. for every crate. every game.
crates were weaker in BC1 than BC2. it was 8 C4, RPG's, 8 AT Mines (Pre-nerf) or even 8 Mortar Strikes (on crates with no roof) and the small tanks MURDERED the crates if you watched the cooldown.abuC said:The damage to the crate should be more like BC1, most people didn't blow crates up, they actually armed most of the time. To encourage more arming give out more pts too, thats why most people are C4ing it, because you don't get half as much for arming it and detonating.
I just don't understand how they could take a step back from BC1, where I felt it was very well balanced.
Worry not buddy, you level up the same ranks.Snowballo said:Concerning Vietnam DLC
Do we know if being for example level 40 will it be possible to play Vietnam and increase our level up to 50? Or we will have to play Bad Company 2 to reach level 50 and Vientam will follow different rules?
Fersis said:Worry not buddy, you level up the same ranks.
Yup, im a level 36 right now and im pretty sure im gonna reach 50 with VietnamSnowballo said:Thanks Farsis boy,
so you mean that playing Vietnam I will still run for the 50th level right?
Flying to London later today to show a new, unannounced #Battlefield game to the press. News goes public on Friday. (NOT #BF3)
Foxtastical said:Finally double dipped for the PC version on Steam, but what is with the annoying disappearing red dot when using 40mm nades? Everyone else getting this?
Christ, any word on them fixing it? Seems absurd to let slide.Spl1nter said:Yes. Everyone else gets it.
recklessmind said:Why?
UFRA said:Anyone who wants to join, I'm playing against a really shitty team and it's great. :lol
recklessmind said:Why?
Foxtastical said:Christ, any word on them fixing it? Seems absurd to let slide.
The Faceless Master said:bah, you can RPG B from your spawn, and A from several places, and you can C4 them both from any floor. the defenders have to defend and simultaneously attack the hill and clear the under construction building. it's a ton of effort and failure means 2 sets of pretty much victory lapping.
Shouldn't that get its own thread?Fersis said:Im guessing a new F2P BF game.
wwm0nkey said:Shouldn't that get its own thread?
recklessmind said:I don't know how many kills that is exactly, but they just kept driving over them over and over, and I'm already 1/3 of the way to the insignia!
jayb said:this game would be so much more enjoyable to me without the level 50 players destroying me in a hind. Actually, i'm beginning to hate any shooter that combines foot solders with aircraft (warhawk, BFBC2, COD killstreak perks, etc). I just turn into a major suck-fest when I'm getting shot at from the sky.![]()
TheSeks said:That's why Mines are useful and you should use them more often. No one checks and if they do, they have to detonate them, giving you time to steal/hit the tank if they get out/can't hit the mines.
Shai-Tan said:its not hard to shoot down choppers on pc. they even buffed AT4 which is pretty good once you learn how to lead it to aim. choppers only do well when the other team is bad and/or is too lazy to switch to engineer if there arent any. in the few instances I faced good pilots I just jumped into the UAV and shot them in the face with alt fire. on conq maps and atacama rush there's also AA
recklessmind said:I'm new to it... but I found it was pretty easy to get kills if you drop the mine in places that make them hard to see. A mine sitting on an open stretch of road might kill some noob who isn't paying attention, but a vet tank driver is going to be looking for them. But I found placing them in craters or areas where the road is damaged or shaded from trees, they are much harder to see. As a tank driver myself I'm always worried about the blind spot when you're driving over a hill... if a mine is directly under the crest of a hill, you cannot see it -- even the gunner can't see it. So that's where I targeted first. After a few kills I figured people would start avoiding the same path, so I put them on the flanks and I swear they were killing people as fast as I could put them down. By the time I dropped mines and got an assault to restock me they had already blown up.
They are practically invisible sitting in a crater. There was one spot on the right side where the crater was so deep from multiple explosions... it was like geomod from Red Faction. :lol
Shai-Tan said:It also depends on the map/stage. People tend to put mines in the same places which leads drivers/gunners to always look/shoot there even if they are good spots.
Crakatak187 said:Where is the daily highlights!? I want to hear them unless nothing good happened today.
I'll play on Thursday and Friday. Maybe late tomorrow if I can make it.
UFRA said:Well, my highlight of Tuesday night was that I got my 2nd Jetski road kill. :lol
recklessmind said:Funniest thing from the night was all of us standing around the blackhawk waiting for someone to be pilot and you were like, "Ugh fine..." and then got in. :lol :lol :lol
recklessmind said:I have a slim... game freezes periodically. Not as often lately, but I've had it freeze once this week.
Might not be your system, especially if it doesn't happen with other games. BC2 is glitchy as hell.
Massa said:Same here, I have a brand new slim and the game freezes about once a week. Before this system I was using a borrowed slim for 4 months, and it would freeze there too... it's definitely the game and not the system.
As a side note, I know it's a completely different engine but DICE's Mirror's Edge had freezing issues too. There I figured what the problem was: the game would freeze when you entered an area it hadn't streamed yet. The solution is simple: if you're having the problem, just pause the game right before the area you know it'll freeze and wait a few seconds for it finish loading the level.
Coldsnap said:How come it is so hard to leave after the match is over? I usually hop on to play one or two matches but once they are over I don't feel like starting another. Do I just cold turn off my xbox 360 after it shows my stats for the match at the end?
:lol :lol :lolUFRA said:Yeah the game has a pretty stupid system for in between matches.
After a game is over, there should be a simple 5 or 10 second intermission where you can either stay and view your stats (and continue to view them while it loads) or press pause and exit the game.
Instead, you are forced into the annoying loading of the next map. I always chuckle a little when some of us are leaving at the end of the night.
It's always like this:
*game ends*
"Awesome, nice win. Well, I'm out. Good games guys."
"Ok see ya man."
*game loading new map...*
*awkward silence, but still hear people breathing.*
*someone coughs*
*map loaded, finally can exit- wait, game is saving now*
*others are starting new match, you are still in it*
*saving done, finally*
"Err, goodnight guys.*
*Pause, exit*
Crakatak187 said::lol :lol :lol
One of the key offenders is me