Snowballo said:
For you guys that are judging BC2's single player, I'd like you to compare it to MW, MW2 and your(s) best fps single player experience. Thanks.
If we're talking
console FPS SP games only:
Timesplitters: Future Perfect (PS2): 9/10
Pros: great story, great characters, plenty of variety, great humour (without being too cheesy), great graphics (for the PS2), great controls
Cons: odd HUD
Black (PS2): 6/10
Pros: excellent graphics and audio, excellent weapons modelling
Cons: no story, abysmal gameplay and game design, poor level design
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: 9/10
Pros: excellent graphics despite being sub-HD (art, lighting, and 60fps are the reason), great animations, well modelled weapons, great writing, great voice acting, feels like you're in a big-budget action movie, responsive controls, slo-mo scenes add gravitas, felt like a new approach to FPS story-telling
Cons: audio was nothing special, infinite enemy spawns in places (although not that much of a problem for me)
Call of Duty: World at War: 6/10
Pros: the flamethrower was cool, COD4 engine
Cons: bad lighting, dull and uninspired writing, set pieces felt cliched, no attachment to characters
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: 8/10
Pros: engine still working well, weapon models still very good, animations still top notch, Spec Ops mode (technically MP I guess) was absolutely brilliant
Cons: story became way too over the top and lost any grounding in reality
Battlefield: Bad Company: 7.5/10
Pros: good humour, great vehicles, stunning audio, non-linear gameplay, weapons modelling was very good, great voice acting
Cons: fuzzy/blurry picture quality with strong grain filter, poor lighting, lacked the 'punch' of some competitors, scene where haggard waves his arms while running down the hill was cringeworthy
Battlefield: Bad Company 2: 8/10
Pros: audio set a new benchmark in gaming, graphics are excellent, great lighting and particle effects, excellent final level
Cons: humour toned down, characters rather non-descript, linear gameplay (with one exception, and that level was great), story is not particularly interesting, still lacked the 'punch' of some competitors despite the team throwing away humour and non-linear gameplay in pursuit of it