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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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It's no surprise this is reviewing well. The first one was one of the best games of last gen. PG are good at what they do.


I just crapped myself. LOL! Definitely need to go in the Bayonetta 2 OT.
Eh, the Gies review is fine. It's his opinion and not one I've ever valued super highly, but it doesn't take away from the validity of it.

Despite Bayonetta 1 being one of my favorite games period, there are people who hated that game and/or just couldn't get over the theme. That's not me, and I obviously disagree, but they're not trying to kick up dust over nothing.

Really, the Gies review people should have been raising eyebrows at is when he thought Ninja Gaiden 3 RE was worse than the vanilla version.

Personally, being overly harsh and unfair to one of the few examples of female empowering in gaming instead of not being fair to a revision of a game from a niche series in step decline is way worst.
Fitting, because he's dismissing the game over a single point.

7.5 out of 10 isn't dismissing the game, FFS.

and would be embarrassed of playing it in front of my wife.

You say it so much better than I would :)
I'm in the same-ish position. Bf loves the genre but we finally cancelled the pre-order after feeling that we just can't stand the camera caressing and oogling her. We might buy it later, we might buy it used. But at the moment, after seeing a couple of the gifs people chose to post here neither of us are really interested in supporting it.

Sad, since the gameplay seems to be amazing for the genre.

I'm afraid I'm in the same boat here.




a 7.5 is dismissing the game? I thought a 7.5 was a good score.

The score doesn't even really matter. He's using it as a platform for misplaced social critique and male-champion-of-women, "put clothes on!" tier garbage. As a trans person who identifies as a woman, I think he shows a shocking lack of nuance on the subject on which he's deciding to chide the game.


They try to spur controversy in their reviews to get more clicks. Nothing new. It's too bad because some of their long editorials/articles are great reads.

It feels weird sometimes how much I can enjoy reading their features and how much I can feel rage toward their reviews.

Anyway, I don't think anybody is surprised to see these scores. I'm very happy for Platinum and I hope that this game sells well (I've only managed to convince one other friend to buy a Wii U for the game...ah well).

I've said this for months but this will be the only game to *truly* deliver this year.


Reminds me of Phil Fish. Some people really shouldn't use social media.

Kamiya is harassed just like Phil Fish. In the case of Kamiya, the amount of racist, boneheaded shit that gets hurled his way is even worse. Why should someone that gets routinely harassed just shut up?

Nah, he smiles at people a lot.

He'll respond to interesting questions. It's just everyone asks him the most mundane shit. Like, "hey, this guy is Japanese, I'm going to ask him if he likes this anime series because he's Japanese and they all like anime!"


I don't mind Polygon's take. But I'm free disagree with the justification they gave. But just saying "LOL, Polygon" is intellectually lazy.


just so unnecessary
Oh very necessary.

I'm sure they'd rather make money.
They both make money, but any shot to a man's pride sometimes is much more effective than a shot to his wallet. Nintendo paid platinum they got their money. All platinum needs to do now is actually focus on a platform with the market in where they are. None of their games barring MGR had the focus on where the fans of their Genre are.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
At first I thought the Polygon review quote and score was a clever parody of Polygon. "That is what they'd say, haha", I thought to myself. And then it turned out to be real.


Just as a general statement: If Bayonetta makes you "uncomfortable" then good because it shows more about you than anything about the character, who is empowered, empowering, and self-aware.


Neo Member
a 7.5 is dismissing the game? I thought a 7.5 was a good score.

7.5 out of 10 isn't dismissing the game, FFS.

The problem is more, if the only thing in the review that Gies says he doesn't like is the sexualisation, then that indicates that's why it's not a 10 or 9. We can't know why it's not a perfect game to him, but if he's not criticising anything but that it just looks like "I don't like all the crotch shots so you only get a 7.5!" we can only assume that's why the score is not perfect. And rating a game down because of "over-sexualisation" is not a very good thing if you want to be taken seriously as a reviewer. That'd be like rating a game down because it has too much violence. You'd just sit there dumbfounded as to why someone being paid to be professional about this is rating a game down for something that's based on a person's morals and is not critically analysing the damn game.
7.5 out of 10 isn't dismissing the game, FFS.
I call it dismissing because it's the only substantive complaint he musters. If he had a complex argument about x y and z detracting from the experience that'd be fine. And yes, a 7.5/10 isn't bad. I'm one of the first people that will complain about the stupidity of how ratings for AAA games goes now. I expect critiques that aren't as shallow for all games regardless of score.
Just as a general statement: If Bayonetta makes you "uncomfortable" then good because it shows more about you than anything about the character, who is empowered, empowering, and self-aware.
Exactly! Score axing for not being able to handle this are what the issue is.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Polygon thinks DmC is a better action game than Bayonetta 2

Ja Rule, please help me make sense of this!


Arthur Gies is a known quality (or lack thereof). I don't see why people are only dismissing him because a single point, one that isn't absurd, although pretty lame in context. His history has worse and is collectively worse. For that matter I have to wonder why some of you people care about published reviews in the first place, especially for the type of game Bayo is. Is it because they agree with you? What about all the times don't? Game journos can be talentless hacks who don't understand games so as long as they give your game a high score? It's not like Bayonetta 2 has transformed them, it just panders hard to weak players.

At least take solace in the fact stuff like Gies moralizing review isn't the norm, for however long that will be true.

For me it's not the opinion so much that it's the hypocrisy. If you're going to review a game at least be consistent if you apply your social views to the art.


For me it's not the opinion so much that it's the hypocrisy. If you're going to review a game at least be consistent if you apply your social views to the art.

Speaking to your point about the whole consistency thing, people often cite the But It's Satire™ chestnut as if that's some kind of ironclad defense against justified critiques of GTA.


Man it is such a shame that only they and Team Ninja have good booty modeling...

Wii U is definatly getting the good games but in stretches far too long. But every spectale fighter fan who has a wii u should get this. (I won't say every wii u fan needs to get this, I'm not insane)


This game will end up being the must overrated game of the year for me. I just don't get the appeal, and would be embarrassed of playing it in front of my wife. I hated Bayonetta 1 with a passion though, so my opinion is null.

I feel bad for people who are embarrassed of playing certain games in front of their SO. My fiance doesn't bat an eye when I play even the most fanservicey of games, but then again she's also into anime and she "gets" it. Her stance on sexualization in games is "Why would I want to play as a non-sexy character?"

I feel very lucky.

Back on topic, my hype levels for this game are uncontainable. Probably will be a very strong contender for GOTY along with Wolfenstein and potentially Captain Toad.
For me it's not the opinion so much that it's the hypocrisy. If you're going to review a game at least be consistent if you apply your social views to the art.


I don't give one shit about Arthur Whoever, it's just what everyone is talking about and I am bored.

Learning his inconsistencies though(that information about him on that podcast, him giving GTA V an almost perfect score, etc...) makes him look really bad.

Not just someone with an arguably shitty opinion but one with an arguably shitty conscious/mindset.

You can't be selective while retaining any credibility for these deep issues you are so adamant about.
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