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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The problem is more, if the only thing in the review that Gies says he doesn't like is the sexualisation, then that indicates that's why it's not a 10 or 9. We can't know why it's not a perfect game to him, but if he's not criticising anything but that it just looks like "I don't like all the crotch shots so you only get a 7.5!" we can only assume that's why the score is not perfect. And rating a game down because of "over-sexualisation" is not a very good thing if you want to be taken seriously as a reviewer. That'd be like rating a game down because it has too much violence. You'd just sit there dumbfounded as to why someone being paid to be professional about this is rating a game down for something that's based on a person's morals and is not critically analysing the damn game.
The two...aren't really able to be split apart. They have been seemingly for a long time because honestly, the journalism and review scene was relatively homogenous in terms of perspective, but as more diverse voices get into the industry you're going to see more of this and its not really separable from the act of reviewing "the game itself" (whatever that is)

Which is not really a defense of Arthur. I think that the man is well intentioned, but things I read from him often seem to lack the more in-depth thought that his positions deserve. This review, like many others, feels like a surface level evaluation of Bayonetta and how she's handled


Same metacritic as LittleBigPlanet 2, should be a great game for sure!

Not joking.

Show me where my post was wrong that it needed to be fixed. Notice how I said "Polygon thinks" and not "[insert individual] thinks" For all intents and purposes, Polygon thinks DmC is superior to Bayonetta 2.

So what if its different reviewers? They're reviewing the game on behalf of Polyon, not their personal blog.

Same to you, Polygon isn't some personal blog. Its an outlet that employs reviewers to publish content that represents the website. Yes its different reviewers, but they're both representing Polygon and what it stands for.

You're not making any sense. When a reviewer reviews a game, it's their opinion. You're concern as if whether it's a personal blog or not is irrevelant. The reviewer is still an individual, and their is no way to prove that his review represents anything but his own thoughts unless he co-reviewed the game or something. What some other guy thought of a game released nearly 2 years ago doesn't mean a damn thing to the guy reviewing Bayonetta 2. You'd have to be really obsessed with review scores to think so.

If Polygon were to make a direct comparison article between the 2 games, or ask all their staff which game is better, and DmC were to come out on top, then you could make the claim and flip out over what "Polygon thinks". Even if that were true (spoiler: it isn't), I don't see how that's anything to lose freak out over. But that's another story.


When you see the sales you will see why Sega passed on it. They are all about their money.

It's not fair to fault Sega if they were truly projecting a loss, but I hate the mentality that a small profit is not enough, because resources could be spent into other projects that could potentially make more profits. This behavior frustrates me to no end. It's why we can't have small budget 2D Castlevanias on handhelds anymore. Not because the endeavor results in losses, but because the personnel could have been put to work on something that has potential to be a mass market hit.
The demo was rapturous.

Can't stand the sexualization talk. Bayonetta is strong and Bayonetta is over-the-top kitsch. The boyfriend and I laugh at it. It's much less offensive to me than the constant stream of male power fantasies that, while maybe fun, are butt-stupid and do embarrass me to play, like Shadow of Mordor, Kratos and Master Chef.



I have not read his GTA V review, and cannot find it. Link it for me?

Here you go.

Oh, wait, what's that?



Agreed on all points. Everyone is free to disagree with Polygon's take, or anyone else's. People are free to write posts that disagree vehemently, detailing why Arthur Gies is wrong.

What people aren't free to do is continue to shit up the thread with "Lol, Polygon" or "Polygon being Polygon." These are low content shit posts. If this is the best you can do, then your best isn't good enough, and you're likely to catch a ban for it.
So this was a while ago but I remember agreeing with it at the time.
Evilore said:
There were also scenarios like when Dragona would issue ultimatums in the middle of huge exploding gaming forum threads, where she would say something like "if you say anything about X after this post I will ban you for three months," and maybe five people out of a thousand would actually see the ultimatum and then she would ban dozens of people for three months, many of whom were good posters. This happened several times over the years.
Is it possible to add a disclaimer in the OP? I only just caught what you said because the red writing caught my eye as I was about to go to the next page. Expecting people to read the OP is fair but people can easily miss your post, follow the trend of the first few pages and be banned for it.


Sad thing is this still will sell poorly.

The Wii U has a good batch of quality games now but Nintendo cant seem to cut a break with its sales figures
You know it's gotta be a Bayonetta 2 thread when people are defending a piece of trash like Arthur Gies.

What the hell? So far in this thread I have seen people call for physical violence, firing, and long string of personal attacks towards Arthur Gies. Over a video game review. A review where he gave the game a good score. Let that sink in for a moment.

I don't care for his reviews for the most part, but I think the tone in this thread is getting a bit out of hand.
The demo was rapturous.

Can't stand the sexualization talk. Bayonetta is strong and Bayonetta is over-the-top kitsch. The boyfriend and I laugh at it. It's much less offensive to me than the constant stream of male power fantasies that, while maybe fun, are butt-stupid and do embarrass me to play, like Shadow of Mordor, Kratos and Master Chef.
lmfao at master chef and and agreed on your point... God of War was male violence porn at its finest (or worst... This is coming from a guy)


OK, now I'm confused. Did he or did he not write the GTA5 review?

He did not. I don't know why people are bringing it up. He may have had an opinion on GTA V that you can criticize, I bet he did. But he did not write the review, so all quotes from it are completely irrelevant. All posts pointing out the score discrepancy are completely irrelevant.
The demo was rapturous.

Can't stand the sexualization talk. Bayonetta is strong and Bayonetta is over-the-top kitsch. The boyfriend and I laugh at it. It's much less offensive to me than the constant stream of male power fantasies that, while maybe fun, are butt-stupid and do embarrass me to play, like Shadow of Mordor, Kratos and Master Chef.

I agree 100% :).
So tired of angry grunts on some vendetta.


I've had this pre-ordered since e3. It's wicked that it includes the first one too because I only played half of that. I would have finished it but I was playing friggin' WoW and well that game can just dominates your gaming time.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
You're not making any sense. When a reviewer reviews a game, it's their opinion. You're concern as if whether it's a personal blog or not is irrevelant. The reviewer is still an individual, and their is no way to prove that his review represents anything but his own thoughts unless he co-reviewed the game or something. What some other guy thought of a game released nearly 2 years ago doesn't mean a damn thing to the guy reviewing Bayonetta 2. You'd have to be really obsessed with review scores to think so.

If Polygon were to make a direct comparison article between the 2 games, or ask all their staff which game is better, and DmC were to come out on top, then you could make the claim and flip out over what "Polygon thinks". Even if that were true (spoiler: it isn't), I don't see how that's anything to lose freak out over. But that's another story.
Once again you're missing the point. Yes reviews are an individuals opinion, but Polygon is PAYING for that opinion. Why would Polygon publish something if it doesn't represent them?

Why did Adam Orth get fired for his personal opinion? Believe it or not when you work for a company, you represent that company, especially on the job.

An individuals opinion yes, but also representative of the website. I really don't think anyone should be defending a website for its lack of coherence and consistency if we're gonna give them the easy way out with "different reviewers so its OK"


Neo Member
This is fine:

"The things that bother Gies about this game do not bother me."

This is not fine:

"The things that bother Gies about this game should not bother him, or anyone else."
I feel bad for people who are embarrassed of playing certain games in front of their SO. My fiance doesn't bat an eye when I play even the most fanservicey of games, but then again she's also into anime and she "gets" it. Her stance on sexualization in games is "Why would I want to play as a non-sexy character?"

I feel very lucky.

Back on topic, my hype levels for this game are uncontainable. Probably will be a very strong contender for GOTY along with Wolfenstein and potentially Captain Toad.

Why would you feel bad for me? I don't feel comfortable playing a game like Bayonetta in front of her, because of the blatant fan service. I think is disrespectful for women.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
This is fine:

"The things that bother Gies about this game do not bother me."

This is not fine:

"The things that bother Gies about this game should not bother him, or anyone else."
Knowing the history behind Goes, both are fine.
As a non-Bayo 1 player (I have a PS3 and I read repeatedly about how horrible the PS3 version was), I'm pretty psyched for this. I probably was always going to get it, but that 10/10 from Gamespot pretty much sealed the deal.

Bayo 2 + the definitive version of Bayo 1 + wanting to support Nintendo going out on a limb like this = A must buy
I own a PS4, Wii U, 3DS and a souped up PC. Just wanted to throw my hat in the ring and thank Nintendo / Platinum for 1. Giving me Bayo 1 in this release since I only played 3 hours of the first one [it was sublime, I'm a gameplay whore, its gameplay is north of 95/100 for me] and never got to finish it and 2. for making the game happen in the first place, since it seems we have another gem on our hands...one which focuses on gameplay over all else (where I think all games should focus).

Well done Platinum, even if this game doesn't sell amazingly well, you have established true brand power in your name. I hope the console manufacturers and other developers take notice, and that it expands your opportunities on all platforms as you move forward.
Why would you feel bad for me? I don't feel comfortable playing a game like Bayonetta in front of her, because of the blatant fan service. I think is disrespectful for women.
I think it really depends on the person at the end of the day. I'm of the opinion and so is my wife that the sexuality in Bayonetta turns normal sexualization on its head. Bayonetta is in charge of her sexuality and is very dominant. She is the one who objectifies.
You know it's gotta be a Bayonetta 2 thread when people are defending a piece of trash like Arthur Gies.

You know it's gotta be a Bayonetta 2 thread when people are attacking someone's opinion over a game that is isn't out yet, and they thus haven't played yet (other than the demo).

Seriously, the pages and pages of attacking someone over their opinion is really old. It's still a positive review, and most of the other reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Who cares? Isn't it all about whether or not you like the game?


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
wow at the review score. Hope it sells well now. Good job Nintendo and Platinum games.


Obviously. And it is a crime that great action games sell so little. We don't have many of those anymore. Not of this style at least.

If there is anything to put on Sega is no advertising and them placing the focus on the 360 for the first game where their market was not. I am sure they can get good sales, it's just that the market that it does best is not targeted. Sony should do better promoting these types of games because God of War, dmc all have history there.
I'm thinking that can we have a game that has absolutely no big controversies in the next five years? Be it resolution, fps, parity, PR disaster or political correctness.


Once again you're missing the point. Yes reviews are an individuals opinion, but Polygon is PAYING for that opinion. Why would Polygon publish something if it doesn't represent them?

Why did Adam Orth get fired for his personal opinion? Believe it or not when you work for a company, you represent that company, especially on the job.

An individuals opinion yes, but also representative of the website. I really don't think anyone should be defending a website for its lack of coherence and consistency if we're gonna give them the easy way out with "different reviewers so its OK"

That is the way review outlets have been for decades though. They want a diverse range of opinions rather than a group of people who agree about everything. When paying for someone to be be a critic you know that they will have opinions that may not mesh with the general consensus around the pieces they are assigned to review and that that is fine.

Looking at reviews for popular films or albums you'll see a wide range of reviews from their time of release and even larger discrepancies if you look over a long period of time and compare them to films considered average or bad. Heck, Scarface has nearly the same metacritic as the 2007 Transformers film and Looper has a higher average than many films that won the best picture Oscar, such as Chicago (2002)


I'm thinking that can we have a game that has absolutely no big controversies in the next five years? Be it resolution, fps, parity, PR disaster or political correctness.

Differing opinions + internet. It's bound to happen. Everything is loud on the internet, regardless of scale.


Once again you're missing the point. Yes reviews are an individuals opinion, but Polygon is PAYING for that opinion. Why would Polygon publish something if it doesn't represent them?

Why did Adam Orth get fired for his personal opinion? Believe it or not when you work for a company, you represent that company, especially on the job.

An individuals opinion yes, but also representative of the website. I really don't think anyone should be defending a website for its lack of coherence and consistency if we're gonna give them the easy way out with "different reviewers so its OK"

They're paying writers for their opinion, and publish their work. Just because Gies gives Bayo 2 a 7.5 does not mean the rest of the staff thinks Bayo 2 is strictly a 7.5 game. Different people, different opinions.
You know it's gotta be a Bayonetta 2 thread when people are defending a piece of trash like Arthur Gies.

Why is it so hard for some people to understand that people often have different opinions about things?

Attacking someone because their opinion differs from yours is just plain childish.

Grow the hell up.
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