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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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Trojan X

I am, as a white middle class male offended on the behalf of all women that cant express themselves

All my lady friends are going crazy over Bayonetta! They LOVE the game and they really love her! Hee. My Japanese lady friends are calling her Bayo-nee san and my girlfriend got an amazing collection of Bayonetta including the gun, black bible, artbook, book of angels, models, anime, the major and limited edition OST, the works. So yah. Of course, not everyone are like my friends but I'd like to remove any potential notion or implication that tons of girls are offended by Bayonetta for I'm sure the numbers aren't that many.

BTW - you stating yourself as a "white middle class male" does nothing in terms of bringing you any favours.


All my lady friends are going crazy over Bayonetta! They LOVE the game and they really love her! Hee. My Japanese lady friends are calling her Bayo-nee san and my girlfriend got an amazing collection of Bayonetta including the gun, black bible, artbook, book of angels, models, anime, the major and limited edition OST, the works. So yah. Of course, not everyone are like my friends but I'd like to remove any potential notion or implication that tons of girls are offended by Bayonetta for I'm sure the numbers are that many.

BTW - you stating yourself as a "white middle class male" does nothing in terms of bringing any favours.



I played the demo for Bayonetta 1 back when it came out and wasn't feeling it. I guess I'll give the demo for this a try.

Disappointed as usual that people are giving Polygon attention. Just ignore them and stop clicking and linking to them and they will eventually go away.

Edit: Oh god someone went and made an entire separate thread about it. STAAAAAAAAP

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Holy goddamn fuck. I honestly didn't expect the reviews to be anywhere near this positive... especially for a hardcore game.


Why pull the race card? I think gies thinks he is "looking out for women and their objectification," but is targeting the wrong game here.

I don't think any women or transgender people voted for the hackish Arthur Gies as their champion (I certainly did not). The one downside of broad social critique is you can pick the wrong targets as Gies is doing here. It's clear he has a rudimentary or "internet-only" education on the subject as there is no nuance to his views.
Does it bother you that much?

Personally yes it does. I feel the same way about most games that use over-sexualization and over the top violence.

That said. It is an adult game, and more power to those who want to buy it. Enjoying it is in no way a slight on your character. Please don't think that I feel that way. I just have issue with people saying that criticism of the game's use of things like camera zooms into a character's crotch are somehow off limits.

Basically, I have no problem with the game existing, people enjoying it, and it getting good reviews. I do believe that criticism of the game's somewhat lewd aspects are valid and worth pointing out in a review.


I played the demo for Bayonetta 1 back when it came out and wasn't feeling it. I guess I'll give the demo for this a try.

Disappointed as usual that people are giving Polygon attention. Just ignore them and stop clicking and linking to them and they will eventually go away.

Easy solution, yes.
Wii U for Xmas confirmed! This and Mario Kart are enough for me.

Good on Nintendo for funding a game that otherwise wouldn't exist and on Platinum for creating a wonderful title.


The demo was rapturous.

Can't stand the sexualization talk. Bayonetta is strong and Bayonetta is over-the-top kitsch. The boyfriend and I laugh at it. It's much less offensive to me than the constant stream of male power fantasies that, while maybe fun, are butt-stupid and do embarrass me to play, like Shadow of Mordor, Kratos and Master Chef.


The demo was rapturous.

Can't stand the sexualization talk. Bayonetta is strong and Bayonetta is over-the-top kitsch. The boyfriend and I laugh at it. It's much less offensive to me than the constant stream of male power fantasies that, while maybe fun, are butt-stupid and do embarrass me to play, like Shadow of Mordor, Kratos and Master Chef.



You guys all realise giving attention to that Polygon review is exactly what they want right?

Maybe on the finniest episodes of the P1P I have ever listened to bwhahahahah sooooo goood.

But on a sadder note :(

Apparently sadly the clickbate stuff is working for polygon :(
In its first year (you know when they were good) I vissited them almost everyday.
But now I only see these crazy headline and I just NEVER visit them ever again.



I feel this post in another thread is relevant. Writing on the internet is a positive feedback loop. If you only pay attention to controversy and lazy writing you'll get more of it. You are monitored on the net, just like in Watch_Dogs, which is eery similar to the current situation in Ferguson.


Arthur Gies is a known quality (or lack thereof). I don't see why people are only dismissing him because a single point, one that isn't absurd, although pretty lame in context. His history has worse and is collectively worse. For that matter I have to wonder why some of you people care about published reviews in the first place, especially for the type of game Bayo is. Is it because they agree with you? What about all the times don't? Game journos can be talentless hacks who don't understand games so as long as they give your game a high score? It's not like Bayonetta 2 has transformed them, it just panders hard to weak players.

At least take solace in the fact stuff like Gies moralizing review isn't the norm, for however long that will be true.
Personally yes it does. I feel the same way about most games that use over-sexualization and over the top violence.

That said. It is an adult game, and more power to those who want to buy it. Enjoying it is in no way a slight on your character. Please don't think that I feel that way. I just have issue with people saying that criticism of the game's use of things like camera zooms into a character's crotch are somehow off limits.

Basically, I have no problem with the game existing, people enjoying it, and it getting good reviews. I do believe that criticism of the game's somewhat lewd aspects are valid and worth pointing out in a review.



Saint Titanfall
I sometimes think Polygon tries to be the lowest score.

Hey, if thats Polygon's honest opinion, then It's okay.

That's fine, but it smells too much like the opposite and polygon isn't exactly shy with clickbaiting nor is this sort of thing uncommon I mean chances are there were some issues but being the only major site to give it such a score for that reason is all too convenient.
Eh, the Gies review is fine. It's his opinion and not one I've ever valued super highly, but it doesn't take away from the validity of it.

Despite Bayonetta 1 being one of my favorite games period, there are people who hated that game and/or just couldn't get over the theme. That's not me, and I obviously disagree, but they're not trying to kick up dust over nothing.

Really, the Gies review people should have been raising eyebrows at is when he thought Ninja Gaiden 3 RE was worse than the vanilla version.


That's fine, but it smells too much like the opposite and polygon isn't exactly shy with clickbaiting nor is this sort of thing uncommon I mean chances are there were some issues but being the only major site to give it such a score for that reason is all too convenient.

I don't think it's a matter of Polygon "wanting" to be the outlier, it has more to do with Arthur Gies being a well-known hack. As Relaxed Muscle rightly pointed out, if Gies is uncomfortable, then Bayonetta is successful in her place as a symbol of femininity. He can assign any score he wants but it doesn't matter because he's already lost the greater and more important argument.
Good job by Platinum. Sounds like they made a worthy sequel to the original.

Will def. pick this up when I get the Wii U again next year. Can't wait! May have to grab one sooner then I thought.


Wow, great reviews. Too bad I suck at playing theses games. Does this game also have an auto-win button? I finished Bayonetta that way and I loved it. :D
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