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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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I feel bad for people who are embarrassed of playing certain games in front of their SO. My fiance doesn't bat an eye when I play even the most fanservicey of games, but then again she's also into anime and she "gets" it. Her stance on sexualization in games is "Why would I want to play as a non-sexy character?"

My girlfriend doesn't really even play video games but I was playing the Bayo 2 demo in front of her and she was like, "wow, she looks cool. i'm glad to see a girl kicking ass!" She sort of just chuckled at the fan-servicey stuff. Again, I could see where it is offensive to some, but it could easily be interpreted as empowering and refreshing.


Kamiya is harassed just like Phil Fish. In the case of Kamiya, the amount of racist, boneheaded shit that gets hurled his way is even worse. Why should someone that gets routinely harassed just shut up?

Because you don't feed the trolls, otherwise they'll keep coming. People ask the most stupid thing hoping they'll get some funny (or rude) answer. He should just block every idiot trolling him instead of answering.

Bow to this man.


Arthur Gies is a known quality (or lack thereof). I don't see why people are only dismissing him because a single point, one that isn't absurd, although pretty lame in context. His history has worse and is collectively worse. For that matter I have to wonder why some of you people care about published reviews in the first place, especially for the type of game Bayo is. Is it because they agree with you? What about all the times don't? Game journos can be talentless hacks who don't understand games so as long as they give your game a high score? It's not like Bayonetta 2 has transformed them, it just panders hard to weak players.

At least take solace in the fact stuff like Gies moralizing review isn't the norm, for however long that will be true.

Spot on for the millionth time.


And yet still no fucks given about any of these reviews, 'cept for the Eurogamer one which I'll get around to reading.

Bring on the game.


Saint Titanfall
Did two different people review each respective game? If so, there's your answer.

Actually as far as I remember Polugon "moderates" their scores so it's not simply two peoples opinion but something altered to represent the site as a whole (or at least the editors opinion slightly at least).
Just as a general statement: If Bayonetta makes you "uncomfortable" then good because it shows more about you than anything about the character, who is empowered, empowering, and self-aware.

This just in: Bayonetta is a positive role model and should be required playing for girls everywhere.

You know, it is possible that Bayonetta can be both a good game mechanically, but absolutely and irrefutably sexist and deplorable as a "character".

It's like we're going through gaming's awkward pimply early college years. It's still into sophomoric shit, but is now trying to justify itself as "progressive" and "empowering".

You can enjoy the game as a game and acknowledge the utter silliness of it all if you like, but I cannot fathom a sane adult taking even one look at Bayonetta and finding her "empowering".


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
fixed, review sites are not some 'hive mind' where each reviewer thinks the same thing

Show me where my post was wrong that it needed to be fixed. Notice how I said "Polygon thinks" and not "[insert individual] thinks" For all intents and purposes, Polygon thinks DmC is superior to Bayonetta 2.

So what if its different reviewers? They're reviewing the game on behalf of Polyon, not their personal blog.

Did two different people review each respective game? If so, there's your answer.

Same to you, Polygon isn't some personal blog. Its an outlet that employs reviewers to publish content that represents the website. Yes its different reviewers, but they're both representing Polygon and what it stands for.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
This game is the main reason I want a WiiU, congrats to Platinum on the great scores.
You can enjoy the game as a game and acknowledge the utter silliness of it all if you like, but I cannot fathom a sane adult taking even one look at Bayonetta and finding her "empowering".

She's kicking all sorts of huge aggressive creatures' asses and she looks like she doesn't have a care of intimidation in the world while doing so.

Seems "empowered" to me.

You can interpret it your own way but seeing her as a strong female character is hardly a stretch at all.

And if you mean just by her physical appearance...well, you shouldn't judge books by their covers either way.
This just in: Bayonetta is a positive role model and should be required playing for girls everywhere.

You know, it is possible that Bayonetta can be both a good game mechanically, but absolutely and irrefutably sexist and deplorable as a "character".

It's like we're going through gaming's awkward pimply early college years. It's still into sophomoric shit, but is now trying to justify itself as "progressive" and "empowering".

You can enjoy the game as a game and acknowledge the utter silliness of it all if you like, but I cannot fathom a sane adult taking even one look at Bayonetta and finding her "empowering".

These ladies seem perfectly sane adults to me:




I don't mind Polygon's take. But I'm free disagree with the justification they gave. But just saying "LOL, Polygon" is intellectually lazy.

Agreed on all points. Everyone is free to disagree with Polygon's take, or anyone else's. People are free to write posts that disagree vehemently, detailing why Arthur Gies is wrong.

What people aren't free to do is continue to shit up the thread with "Lol, Polygon" or "Polygon being Polygon." These are low content shit posts. If this is the best you can do, then your best isn't good enough, and you're likely to catch a ban for it.


Anecdotally, my girlfriend had a lot of fun playing the demo and kicking ass with a confident woman. She thought the sexual elements and fan service were silly and just had a good laugh about it. She really loves the music too.


irresponsible vagina leak
Honest question: if they removed the close up shots of her vagina and ass in that gif, how would the game be less special or original?

The character is as camp as it can be so taking those shots out would be killing part of the personality of the game and making it more sterile.


Show me where my post was wrong that it needed to be fixed. Notice how I said "Polygon thinks" and not "[insert individual] thinks" For all intents and purposes, Polygon thinks DmC is superior to Bayonetta 2.

So what if its different reviewers? They're reviewing the game on behalf of Polyon, not their personal blog.

Same to you, Polygon isn't some personal blog. Its an outlet that employs reviewers to publish content that represents the website. Yes its different reviewers, but they're both representing Polygon and what it stands for.

And hence, two different people have two different opinions on two different games. Regardless of if it's in polygon’s name, the context of divergent opinions still remain.

And there's your answer. Nothing particularly surprising by that, I think.


The problem is more, if the only thing in the review that Gies says he doesn't like is the sexualisation, then that indicates that's why it's not a 10 or 9. We can't know why it's not a perfect game to him, but if he's not criticising anything but that it just looks like "I don't like all the crotch shots so you only get a 7.5!" we can only assume that's why the score is not perfect. And rating a game down because of "over-sexualisation" is not a very good thing if you want to be taken seriously as a reviewer. That'd be like rating a game down because it has too much violence. You'd just sit there dumbfounded as to why someone being paid to be professional about this is rating a game down for something that's based on a person's morals and is not critically analysing the damn game.

Clearly someone else should've reviewed this but they all knew full well that they were putting this game on blast. It was a safe title to do it to. Nintendo and niche Japanese game. Their main audience is clearly on Sony and Microsoft consoles. GTAV which has some truly objectionable shit in it however gets a pass because they need to pander to those guys.
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