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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?

Tell her you're doing research on the sexualzation of women in videogames.


If I could go back in time 1 year and tell everyone that Bayonetta 2's metacritic score will out-score Titanfall, Watchdogs, Alien Isolation, AND Destiny, I would've been laughed at. Now, I'm really hoping this eventually makes it to other non-Wii platforms.

Why is it so hard to understand this will never be released on a non - Nintendo platform. Why? Let me put it like this for you. "BAYONETTA 2 WILL NEVER COME TO ANOTHER NON - NINTENDO PLATFORM. EVER. NEVER EVER. DON'T EVEN BOTHER THINKING ABOUT IT. EVER."

Source - Me

Astral Dog

I'm having trouble understanding why Polygon ended up at a 7.5. Is it just because of the oversexualization? I don't see any other objectively negative comments in the review.

Speaking of that, i think we should take a moment to analyze the first game opening cutscene:


This is the single scene that shows what Bayonetta is about imo. somebody else can explain it much better than i can.

Edit:a few answers would be nice. i want to show it at the other thread.


Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?

Tell her you realized how great Off-TV play is when she wants to watch some TV show.


Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?

Just buy one and hide it. You can buy VESA mounts so you can screw it to the back of the TV. She wouldn't even know it was there. Get a pro controller and she'll think it's just a DS4 or an XB1 pad.

It's the perfect crime.


If I could go back in time 1 year and tell everyone that Bayonetta 2's metacritic score will out-score Titanfall, Watchdogs, Alien Isolation, AND Destiny, I would've been laughed at. Now, I'm really hoping this eventually makes it to other non-Wii platforms.
Why we still got port begging.
Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?
Ok....If you own a Wii, buy a Wii U the same color as that. Then pull a switcharoo. Keep the gamepad hidden when you're not using it and she'll never know the difference.
welp Gaf
Playstation TV cancelled

Bayonetta 2 get. do not even have a WiiU yet. Gonna grab that next week with this game.


To judge this game based on excessive sexualization of women is absurd when considering the free passes games such as GTA, Saints Row, and Tomb Raider have received from the gaming press, and more specifically, Polygon themselves. And to ride the wave of morality like a champion of women's rights while simultaneously glorifying extreme violence in the same publication seems indicative of the American culture's hypocrisy and ignorance of its own moral center.


disagree all you want with the review and its score, but accusing every review whose score is an outlier is such a simple-minded thing to do and it destroys conversation.
If it was any site but Polygon and anyone but Geis, I could agree.


Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?
Explain to her that you're an adult and you've worked out that you can afford something that you want to buy.
Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?

well my wife loves games so I have no trouble selling her on anything... half the time it is her wanting the stuff... so my solution? try to get her into games and sell the wii u as one she'd like to play


The problem I have with Polygon's review is how 'clickbait' the final score seems to be.

In the actual text of the review, it seems that Arthur Gies was going to be fair on the game and grant a score based on the actual game; until the last sentence where he's passing judgment on those who enjoy it as 'requiring a bigger mental compromise' to do so. I'm perfectly fine with someone having a contrary opinion to me or saying why the game didn't work for that person (I have heard that the story isn't very good which is a valid complaint). Arthur Gies not liking a game is his opinion, but let me decide any perceived 'sexism' is a problem for me.

I'm not even sure at this point if Gies spent a great deal of time actually playing the game; maybe an hour or so was all he care to play of it. Bayonetta 2 could honestly not be the game for him, which is fine. I almost think he had already made up his mind about what type of game Bayonetta 2 was going to be for him.


It has a lot of flaws.
The biggest flaw is for the first mission you can spam the sword circle attack move to get a pure platinum, and it's also on easy, so it's not representative of what the final game will be like since most people will do their first playthrough on normal or hard.


Help, I almost used all my demo use, but I need more Bayonetta!
Jumping on the first when I get it, even if the story is crazy/makes no sense, I like it.


Help, I almost used all my demo use, but I need more Bayonetta!
Jumping on the first when I get it, even if the story is crazy/makes no sense, I like it.
Well, if you haven't played the first, definitely play it as you'd be quite confused as to some things in Bayonetta 2.


If I could go back in time 1 year and tell everyone that Bayonetta 2's metacritic score will out-score Titanfall, Watchdogs, Alien Isolation, AND Destiny, I would've been laughed at. Now, I'm really hoping this eventually makes it to other non-Wii platforms.

You would have been laughed at for the score bit.

You will be laughed at for your empty hopes.
I meant a production demo. Pretty much the full game. Just think people should temper their expectations a bit because all these 95/100% scores are going to lead to a major let down when they play the full game.

Most of us have played the first one, and loved it, i think we know what we're in for


I meant a production demo. Pretty much the full game. Just think people should temper their expectations a bit because all these 95/100% scores are going to lead to a major let down when they play the full game.

Sooooo...you're saying that a demo set to Easy mode is more indicative of the game's quality than scores of reviewers who have played the entire game giving it extremely high scores?
Sooooo...you're saying that a demo set to Easy mode is more indicative of the game's quality than scores of reviewers who have played the entire game giving it extremely high scores?

That's not at all what I said. I played what was nearly the entire game, on hard. It has a lot of flaws in game design and story that are going to be a big let down for people living on 100% ratings.


Just played the demo, it's pretty crazy. Will definitely pick this game up at some point, maybe (probably) day one.
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