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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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I wish Polygon didn't get so much attention.

I wish it was more about celebrating Bayonetta 2's release and great reviews!

Like discussing about the game and point out the flaws some of the reviews did mention such as:

- shorter than the first game, about 8-12hrs, but never feels like it overstays its welcome and feels just right.
- first 4 hours drag a bit, but is made up in a big way with the second half of the game.
- environment is déjà vu to the first game, but has more variety so doesn't feel repetitive.
- combat has the same ol feeling as the first game, but it's so good that it never feels repetitive.
- story kind of nonsense and not great, but who cares, it's Bayonetta! What story?

Just some negative points I read in the reviews. But the game is still so good because the positive outweighs them.

It's telling when even the "negatives" can either be spun into positives or made up for.

It shows how dam good the core game seems to be.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I am indifferent towards Bayonetta 2 and to Polygon - but it's pretty clear to me that Polygon's criticism's are valid.

I've been watching people play Bayo 2 in the office and the camera often basically flies up the main character's butthole. It's a game I'd be uncomfortable playing around my wife.

If it doesn't bother you, that's 100% okay. But that means it also needs to be okay if it DOES bother someone else. You can't only preach tolerance when you want people to tolerate your viewpoint.

It's fine if someone doesn't like the same thing as you.


Donkey Kong won't win shit(it's worthy to though) as it's not Metroid.

Bayonetta 2 might win a few nods but not many as it's too Japanese/hardcore.

This is of course my thinking of how "professional" sources will vote.

Both these games will get plenty of Game of the Year attention from gamers.

Maybe the feeling of a divide between professionals and fans will be evermore potent at the end of the year with this stuff.


I am indifferent towards Bayonetta 2 and to Polygon - but it's pretty clear to me that Polygon's criticism's are valid.

I've been watching people play Bayo 2 in the office and the camera often basically flies up the main character's butthole. It's a game I'd be uncomfortable playing around my wife.

I had no trouble playing Bayonetta in front of my wife. But I would never in a million years play a game as revolting as GTA V in front of her.


2nd highest :p


The value proposition of Bayonetta 2 seems far higher than that of Last of Us, I'm surprised it reviewed that highly to be honest. Though I guess this release really sets the bar.


Just read the Polygon review. My reaction was, "WTF? Is this guy for real?"

Certain people don't like having that stuff in their game and there's nothing wrong with that. To me, it's similar to someone knocking off a couple of points because they find the characters obnoxious. I'm one of those people. For example, I've never understood people that keep very revealing wallpaper/posters. It's fine for people to like that, but don't say it's wrong for other people to not want that stuff shoved into their face.


It feels weird how EDGE says Bayonetta 2 is the Wii U's first true classic after saying that 3D World was "the most next-gen game of 2013."

One doesn't rule out the other.

In a different non-comparable example, Dead Rising was the first really next-gen game of the previous generation, but the first true classic of that generation was Gears of War or whatever (I hate GoW, but I can't deny it was an important game and well-received at it's release).
I had no trouble playing Bayonetta in front of my wife. But I would never in a million years play a game as revolting as GTA V in front of her.

You'll never see Bayonetta getting blamed for real life crimes.

I personally think games are used as a scapegoat but when it comes down to it, a female in tight pants is a lot less harmful than a game where you can kill anyone in.

Neither game affects me or phases me but the free pass one gets boggles the mind when the lesser controversial game's "issues" get brought up.


Just started playing the demo. Man, this game is amazing so far.
I really thought this wouldn't be my type of game but the reviews got me interested.
Glad I came through.


You'll never see Bayonetta getting blamed for real life crimes.

I personally think games are used as a scapegoat but when it comes down to it, a female in tight pants is a lot less harmful than a game where you can kill anyone in.

Neither game affects me or phases me but the free pass one gets boggles the mind when the lesser controversial game's "issues" get brought up.

Aren't you also killing stuff in Bayonetta as well?
Been a fan since the 80's. Stopped caring after the first Wii but with them offering titles like Bayonetta 2 I'm certainly interested again. Its around £230-40 with a game here in the UK . Is Star Fox going to be a full retail title ?

They haven't said, Miyamoto said he was thinking about going episodic.
The value proposition of Bayonetta 2 seems far higher than that of Last of Us, I'm surprised it reviewed that highly to be honest. Though I guess this release really sets the bar.

With Bayonetta 2 and the Master Chief Collection coming out this year, it's the year of the HD re-release value

Hopefully the trend keeps going
In a different non-comparable example, Dead Rising was the first really next-gen game of the previous generation, but the first true classic of that generation was Gears of War or whatever (I hate GoW, but I can't deny it was an important game and well-received at it's release).
It is really such a shame Dead Rising HD for PS4/XO is not a thing yet. I really want to replay the game but do not want to buy another Xbox.


Same here. My wife actually thinks Bayonetta is really cool. GTA V is absolutely disgusting.

I had no trouble playing Bayonetta in front of my wife. But I would never in a million years play a game as revolting as GTA V in front of her.

Same here. My fiance likes sexual and strong female characters. She dislikes srs gritty games.

I think it's important to be able to realize that when the game does the fanservice shots it's done very intentionally so. Personally I don't see how anyone can find them titillating, in fact I feel like they're empowering, but whatever.


Yes, unrealistic creatures that are way over the top in a fantasy world.

Though maybe there are a few human-like antagonists but yeah...

I see a big difference in what is being portrayed between the two games.

The humans you are killing in GTA are also unlikeable caricatures. The enemies in Bayonetta have human characterstics too. I don't really see the difference.


Certain people don't like having that stuff in their game and there's nothing wrong with that. To me, it's similar to someone knocking off a couple of points because they find the characters obnoxious. I'm one of those people. For example, I've never understood people that keep very revealing wallpaper/posters. It's fine for people to like that, but don't say it's wrong for other people to not want that stuff shoved into their face.
The problem is with docking the score. Imagine if movie proceeds correlated almost entirely to movie review scores. Now imagine that a fairly prominent movie critic admitted that he subtracted from the score because the movie shoed breasts, although it was otherwise the Terminator 2 of action movies.


It is really such a shame Dead Rising HD for PS4/XO is not a thing yet. I really want to replay the game but do not want to buy another Xbox.

I talked about it with Capcom's PR rep about a week ago in regards to a possible PC port.

He says it frequently crops up in discussions, but gets pushed back as they need to guarantee a profit. They also generally use outside teams for these type of ports rather than take up internal development resources which increases the cost and depends heavily on availability.

He sounded optimistic about it as that is his favorite game in the series as well, but at the same time Capcom has a lot on their plate right now and Dead Rising 1 isn't exactly going to move millions of units at this point.


The problem is with docking the score. Imagine if movie proceeds correlated almost entirely to movie review scores. Now imagine that a fairly prominent movie critic admitted that he subtracted from the score because the movie shoed breasts, although it was otherwise the Terminator 2 of action movies.

If the reviewer found it very unappealing and thought it detracted from the whole movie, that would be fine.
The value proposition of Bayonetta 2 seems far higher than that of Last of Us, I'm surprised it reviewed that highly to be honest. Though I guess this release really sets the bar.

Why does it seem higher? TLOU deserves every 10/10 it got, I'd argue it needed to score even higher on aggregate sites.
I love how this game is getting alot of amazing reviews but I'm more worried on how this game will sell in NA. I already did my part so I'm good but I just don't want to see every single media outlet ragging down on Nintendo for this game not selling well :(
I love how this game is getting alot of amazing reviews but I'm more worried on how this game will sell in NA. I already did my part so I'm good but I just don't want to see every single media outlet ragging down on Nintendo for this game not selling well :(

It will sell fantastically...compared to Platinum's other excellent Wii U game :[
Wait what, MK8 is the highest selling retail game of 2014 according, to that and by a good margin rankings wise. amazon.om rankings are weird in general.

I think that list only counts one sku. So MK8 on WiiU may have sold more than GTA V on Xbox 360 on Amazon. But if you were to take GTA V PS3 + 360 or Destiny 360 + PS3 + XBO+PS4, or other big multiplats, they'd probably blow MK8 away. Still, that's damn impressive for a game on such a undersold console.
The value proposition of Bayonetta 2 seems far higher than that of Last of Us, I'm surprised it reviewed that highly to be honest. Though I guess this release really sets the bar.

Why? The game was fairly long and a masterpiece. It also had an amazing multiplayer which I play all the time.
Same here. My fiance likes sexual and strong female characters. She dislikes srs gritty games.

I think it's important to be able to realize that when the game does the fanservice shots it's done very intentionally so. Personally I don't see how anyone can find them titillating, in fact I feel like they're empowering, but whatever.

Yea I mean one of the main aspects of this game is Bayonetta being pretty much the most sexy dominatrix bad ass witch (doesn't anyone get the sexy/nudity = witch thing ffs?!) you could possibly imagine. They just turned it to 11 for the sequel. Who would bitch about that?


Why does it seem higher? TLOU deserves every 10/10 it got, I'd argue it needed to score even higher on aggregate sites.

It seems you've put the game well up on a pedestal, rendering meaningful discussion on this matter difficult, but what kind of value did Last of Us on PS4 add exactly? It seems that the majority of the content was previously available on the PS3 version.

Compare that to the WiiU version which adds Bayonetta 1, new multiplayer modes, and a ton of unlockables. Bayonetta 2's value proposition is insane.

Why? The game was fairly long and a masterpiece. It also had an amazing multiplayer which I play all the time.

Yes, but the majority, if not all, of that content was available previously on the PS3 version, which I own already.

To put it simply, when you purchase The Last of Us PS4, you just get The Last of Us in HD. When you purchase Bayonetta 2, you get the definitive version of Bayonetta 1, Bayonetta 2, new costume content for both games, new multiplayer content, and more.

I'm not trying to diminish your favorite game or cause a console war here, as I own neither console, just find it silly to compare the two from a shear level of value.


Aren't you also killing stuff in Bayonetta as well?

Angels and Demons, not cops and innocent bystanders.

Why does it seem higher? TLOU deserves every 10/10 it got, I'd argue it needed to score even higher on aggregate sites.

Because TLOU remastered is a scaled up remake of one game and it's major side content whilst still including (admittingly inconsequential) Microtransactions.

Bayonetta 2 is 2 full sized games; one redone and remastered to a higher degree of polish and proficiency, plus additional content at no extra costs whatsoever.

There is more inherent gain from the two Bayonetta games in content then the single one in TLOU. It's not a knock on the game; it's the fact behind it.

And please don't try to claim TLOU deserves more lauding and accolades then it was already handed...
Well judging by the respective demos and my impressions with TW101 Bayonetta 2 seems like it'll be the much better game, so it deserves to sell better than TW101 (imo of course)

I'm guessing it won't top The Wonderful 101 for me but just like that game, it looks like Platinum put every part of their being into this one as well.

Either they want to impress people or themselves but they just don't phone anything in from what I have played of their stable of games.
The humans you are killing in GTA are also unlikeable caricatures. The enemies in Bayonetta have human characterstics too. I don't really see the difference.

you can't be serious

How can you compare GTA enemies with Bayonetta enemies and not see a difference??

come on now
2nd highest :p

That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie. That's the wrong Ellie.
The Wonderful 101 was one of my favorite games of last year. It was so disheartening to see it get mixed reviews undoubtedly hurting the game's sales even further, but I'm glad critics enjoyed Bayonetta 2 more. Hope a lot of people get to enjoy this game.
(Also, please don't bring up TLOU in these review threads. It usually doesn't go well)


I'm guessing it won't top The Wonderful 101 for me but just like that game, it looks like Platinum put every part of their being into this one as well.

Either they want to impress people or themselves but they just don't phone anything in from what I have played of their stable of games.

Yeah from what I've played of TW101 it's pretty clear it was made with lots of love, but the zoomed out camera and some of the design concepts just aren't fun to me.

Had more fun in the 10min Bayonetta 2 demo than in the ~5 hrs I tried to have fun with TW101. Game just didn't click.
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