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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
My girlfriend and her friends are totally cool with Bayonetta, GTA, but not spiders. Ban all offensive spiders!
It seems you've put the game well up on a pedestal, rendering meaningful discussion on this matter difficult, but what kind of value did Last of Us on PS4 add exactly? It seems that the majority of the content was previously available on the PS3 version.

Compare that to the WiiU version which adds Bayonetta 1, new multiplayer modes, and a ton of unlockables. Bayonetta 2's value proposition is insane.

Yes, but the majority, if not all, of that content was available previously on the PS3 version, which I own already.

To put it simply, when you purchase The Last of Us PS4, you just get The Last of Us in HD. When you purchase Bayonetta 2, you get the definitive version of Bayonetta 1, Bayonetta 2, new costume content for both games, new multiplayer content, and more.

I'm not trying to diminish your favorite game or cause a console war here, as I own neither console, just find it silly to compare the two from a shear level of value.

Never mind. I had not clue you were talking about the remastered version.
Yeah from what I've played of TW101 it's pretty clear it was made with lots of love, but the zoomed out camera and some of the design concepts just aren't fun to me.

Had more fun in the 10min Bayonetta 2 demo than in the ~5 hrs I tried to have fun with TW101. Game just didn't click.

Fair enough.

The Wonderful 101 just resonated with me.

I haven't played enough of Bayonetta to really know whether it will as much(I really liked the recent demo though, went through all my usages) but I'm sure it'll be one of my best games when it's all said and done.

I'm way better at The Wonderful 101 and that could be a part of it.

I mean, I got through the demo of Bayonetta 2 pretty easily without hardly getting hit but my style points were severely lacking as far as rankings go.


If the reviewer found it very unappealing and thought it detracted from the whole movie, that would be fine.
It would be "fine" but would also justify a vocal reaction from loyal fans, especially if this review score affected the survival of the entire genre.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
If I could go back in time 1 year and tell everyone that Bayonetta 2's metacritic score will out-score Titanfall, Watchdogs, Alien Isolation, AND Destiny, I would've been laughed at. Now, I'm really hoping this eventually makes it to other non-Wii platforms.

Well, now you'll be laughed at for hoping it's coming to other platforms.
It seems you've put the game well up on a pedestal, rendering meaningful discussion on this matter difficult, but what kind of value did Last of Us on PS4 add exactly? It seems that the majority of the content was previously available on the PS3 version.

Compare that to the WiiU version which adds Bayonetta 1, new multiplayer modes, and a ton of unlockables. Bayonetta 2's value proposition is insane..

Bayo 1 is only available in the special editions in Europe.

Did TLOU need to add anything to have a higher value proposition, was the value offered not high enough? It has the PS3 game in 1080p60, Left Behind, a Photo Mode, director commentary, an excellent multiplayer that's as good as the singleplayer that can last you tens if not hundreds of hours with lots of MP maps.

edit: not everyone played it on ps3, for someone new to the game the offered value is near cosmic.


If I could go back in time 1 year and tell everyone that Bayonetta 2's metacritic score will out-score Titanfall, Watchdogs, Alien Isolation, AND Destiny, I would've been laughed at. Now, I'm really hoping this eventually makes it to other non-Wii platforms.


Because I'm sure that if Nintendo was willing to foot the bill AND approve representation of their mascots in a game, it will eventually be made multiplatform to the publishers that flat out refused it...

HINT: The only other game I can think of with the following two critera is Lego City: Undercover.


I'm so glad the game got so many good reviews. Not like I had any doubt. I mean, its Bayonetta! of course its an awesome game. the first one is also 90 on metacritic. I'm happy because Platinum gets more attention from publishers this way. Their games may not sell like gangbusters, but at least the good scores may attract more publishers towards them. :)
I'm so glad the game got so many good reviews. Not like I had any doubt. I mean, its Bayonetta! of course its an awesome game. the first one is also 90 on metacritic. I'm happy that Platinum gets more attention from publishers this way. Their games may not sell like gangbusters, but at least the good scores may attract more publishers towards them. :)

Well, that recent video with Nintendo's Yamagami was really cool to see.

I forget the exact quote but he basically said he enjoyed working with Platinum the most because they know how to make great games.

Anyone could have said that but I could tell how genuine he was.

It gave me hope that Nintendo and Platinum may work together again down the road.

I'm not bitter about them spreading the wealth though, Scalebound will probably be a great game for the Xbox One unless Microsoft butts its head too much in the development process.

I don't know if I'll ever play that game but it's something to keep an eye out for.


I love how this game is getting alot of amazing reviews but I'm more worried on how this game will sell in NA. I already did my part so I'm good but I just don't want to see every single media outlet ragging down on Nintendo for this game not selling well :(

I hope to purchase it day 1(digital), but may also wait a day or two if I feel servers may be too hammered at release. But yeah, sales are a concern. Not that there's a risk of Platinum Games going out of business or anything, since Nintendo already took care of the cost, but I'm freaking tired of these guys poring out their heart and soul into their games - to a degree that's rarely seen nowadays - with very few people actually giving a sh!t in the end. How Nintendo market this game - and to what extent - will also play a role, and I'm not too confident about that particular point, sadly.

I understand P* games aren't always the most accessibly, and the genre itself is dwindling, but seriously, where are all the self-professed die-hard gamers at these days? Personally, I'd be securing a copy of this game even if I didn't own a Wii U, trust me. I remember doing the same with Metal Gear Solid, and to this day I don't own a PS1 of my own. Never stopped me from playing the gems that caught my eye.


Did TLOU need to add anything to have a higher value proposition, was the value offered not high enough?

As I said earlier, I don't really see how we can have meaningful discussion on this topic. As this is off topic anyways, I'm just going to drop it entirely.

That can't be accurate can it?

Bayo 1 is only available in the special editions in Europe.

Looks like the Special Edition that includes Bayonetta is about £10 more than the standard edition. I didn't know this was an issue.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I hope to purchase it day 1(digital), but may also wait a day or two if I feel servers may be too hammered at release. But yeah, sales are a concern. Not that there's a risk of Platinum Games going out of business or anything, since Nintendo already took care of the cost, but I'm freaking tired of these guys poring out their heart and soul into their games - to a degree that's rarely seen nowadays - with very few people actually giving a sh!t in the end. How Nintendo market this game - and to what extent - will also play a role, and I'm not too confident about that particular point, sadly.
I downloaded Smash within half an hour of it going live, I guarantee you the servers will be fine haha
Certain people don't like having that stuff in their game and there's nothing wrong with that. To me, it's similar to someone knocking off a couple of points because they find the characters obnoxious. I'm one of those people. For example, I've never understood people that keep very revealing wallpaper/posters. It's fine for people to like that, but don't say it's wrong for other people to not want that stuff shoved into their face.

As a reviewer one has to realize the reasoning behind the design of characters like Bayonetta. To completely dismiss that and go on a Tumblr-level rant about feminism is totally unprofessional for a review of this game. Especially when adding that the gameplay is considered top notch, something a lot of modern games with higher scores lack, and still giving it a 'just okay' score. I find it an ignorant review.
Friendly reminder that Gies gave Bioshock Infinite 10/10 and hence is in absolutely no position to talk about representation in video games.
Highest rated game this year so far? Also the game that no one will buy I bet...

Why dwell on the latter???

I see many doing that and it's a complete buzzkill(or tries to be).

I mean, would you rather have a game that got praise across the board, HIGH praise...or just a decent to good game that sold a gajillion???

Platinum will be fine(they're too good to not get offers).

Nintendo is still rich.


Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?
I hope to purchase it day 1(digital), but may also wait a day or two if I feel servers may be too hammered at release. But yeah, sales are a concern. Not that there's a risk of Platinum Games going out of business or anything, since Nintendo already took care of the cost, but I'm freaking tired of these guys poring out their heart and soul into their games - to a degree that's rarely seen nowadays - with very few people actually giving a sh!t in the end. How Nintendo market this game - and to what extent - will also play a role, and I'm not too confident about that particular point, sadly.

I understand P* games aren't always the most accessibly, and the genre itself is dwindling, but seriously, where are all the self-professed die-hard gamers at these days? Personally, I'd be securing a copy of this game even if I didn't own a Wii U, trust me. I remember doing the same with Metal Gear Solid, and to this day I don't own a PS1 of my own. Never stopped me from playing the gems that caught my eye.

I do think this game will sell over time. Look at Madworld, that game sold 700k through out itself life time. Which isn't all that bad for one system. So I hope Bayonetta 2 will continue to sell through out the life span of the Wii U.
As I said earlier, I don't really see how we can have meaningful discussion on this topic. As this is off topic anyways, I'm just going to drop it entirely.

Looks like the Special Edition that includes Bayonetta is about £10 more than the standard edition. I didn't know this was an issue.


I assumed you were talking about a person that hasn't played both games and commented that for them Bayo 2 had more value. It'd actually differ from person to person. Bayo 1 not being included in the standard version isn't an issue to me(getting the first print edition) but it is to a lot of people while it's free in the US so for them it's not an argument for the value proposition of Bayo 2.

I need to find a Wii U asap, have nearly all the big exclusives and still haven't actually got the console yet mdr.


Why dwell on the latter???

I see many doing that and it's a complete buzzkill(or tries to be).

I mean, would you rather have a game that got praise across the board, HIGH praise...or just a decent to good game that sold a gajillion???

Platinum will be fine(they're too good to not get offers).

Nintendo is still rich.

Why not a game that gets high praise, is really good, AND sells really well? Why is this an 'or' situation? Is it really too much to ask?

Okay granted, I already know the answer is yes, because a game's sales depend more on its marketing than its quality. And I suppose it's a bit harder to market something as relatively niche as Bayonetta.
Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?
Tell her it's so you two can spend some quality time together. Just pick up Mario 3d world or mario kart along with bayo 2 and you guys can play co-op.
As I said earlier, I don't really see how we can have meaningful discussion on this topic. As this is off topic anyways, I'm just going to drop it entirely.

Looks like the Special Edition that includes Bayonetta is about £10 more than the standard edition. I didn't know this was an issue.


The special edition with bayo1 is at standard Wii U game RRP, the version without is available cheaper, so we get more options
Why not a game that gets high praise, is really good, AND sells really well? Why is this an 'or' situation? Is it really too much to ask?

Okay granted, I already know the answer is yes, because a game's sales depend more on its marketing than its quality. And I suppose it's a bit harder to market something as relatively niche as Bayonetta.

Yeah, the game is too hardcore and crazy to gain widespread appeal.

It sucks but the developer knows the people that actually play their games..........really, really, really like them(or at least most seem to).

I think they are content with what they are about and how they are received.

What I worry about is that Microsoft is going to influence Scalebound too much, it will sell pretty dam good for a Platinum title and be a relatively disappointing product in turn.

I don't know if Platinum would let that happen but sometimes it's hard to fight the machine.
Polygon - 7.5

When Platinum Games is on, it's really, really on, and Bayonetta 2 is in almost any respect that counts a better game than the first, whose mechanics were already exemplary.

Is anyone else having trouble parsing this sentence? Like, if you removed the words "that counts," the sentence would read fine, but the current structure seems wrong to me.


Polygon - 7.5

Is anyone else having trouble parsing this sentence? Like, if you removed the words "that counts," the sentence would read fine, but the current structure seems wrong to me.
I'm guessing "that counts" relates to game mechanics and not the t&a on constant display


just placed my preorder and starting to feel the hype pretty bad.

As for the sexism debate, Bayonetta s just too weird and over the top to even be discussed from that perspective IMO, but then again I don't have the best qualifications to judge sexism or what might serve as titillation for straight guys


Is anyone else having trouble parsing this sentence? Like, if you removed the words "that counts," the sentence would read fine, but the current structure seems wrong to me.

There should be a set of commas offsetting the prepositional phrase "in almost any respect that counts. Like so:
When Platinum Games is on, it's really, really on, and Bayonetta 2 is, in almost any respect that counts, a better game than the first, whose mechanics were already exemplary.
Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?
Show her this
Mario Kart


Spanish Nintendo Official Magazine (released today)

Bayonetta 1: 93


Graphics: 4/4
Enjoyment: 4/4
Multiplayer: (NO MULTIPLAYER)
Length: 3/4

"A beat' em up of an unbelievably quality, just two cons: no multiplayer and its sequel is better."

Bayonetta 2: 95

Graphics 4/4
60 frames (with some drops) and an spectacular design.

Enjoyment: 4/4
Its action its something unique never seen in this kind of genre.

Multiplayer: 3/4
Multiple Climax is a very fun experience.

Length: 4/4
16 chapters and a lot of bonus. Around 20 hours.

PRO ->
· Bayonetta at her best
· Infinite combos
· Everything is exaggerated

· Some frame drops
· Difficult
· That you are an angel

Alice in Wonderland (with guns)
A must have for every Wii U owner. It is a fantastic beat' em up created by the gods of that genre: Platinum Games. It has as much style as deepness. Is just art in digital format.


Ah, there we go. I was totally lost without the commas, heh.

Unsurprising given the grammatical structure. It's rhythmically interesting but grammatically sloppy, something of a run-on with messy punctuation. The easiest solution would be breaking it into 2 separate sentences.

For instance, chop the last part into its own:

When Platinum Games is on, it's really, really on, and Bayonetta 2 is, in almost any respect that counts, a better game than the first. Given Bayonetta 1's mechanics were already exemplary... etc.

Or drop the cliche prepositional phrase and simplify the sentences:

When Platinum Games is on, it's really, really on. Bayonetta 1's mechanics were already exemplary, but Bayonetta 2 is a better game in every way.

Can you believe I was unable to score a paying freelance writing job? I can.


Shit. The wife was ok about the ps4, she tolerated the xb1, how the fuck am I going to convince her I need a wiiu before Christmas.

No seriously I'm asking, any advice?

Say it is not a new console. It is just a new controller for the Wii.


I'm having trouble understanding why Polygon ended up at a 7.5. Is it just because of the oversexualization? I don't see any other objectively negative comments in the review.
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