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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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I hope your question is not serious. That slow ass God of War gameplay doesn't even begin to approach Bayonetta's greatness

I love God of War and Bayonetta, i love the two series, they are just different, Bayonetta is not better than God of War.

And if you like fast gameplay please play Devil May Cry 3 ( which is a better game than Bayonetta, at least the first one ).
GoW2 is great, one of my all-time favorites, heads and shoulders above the rest of the series

Its Titan mode must be one of the worst experiences in my life


I hop you're not serious

Bayonetta's gameplay is leagues above GoWs. That doesn't mean GoW aren't great games with fun combat it just means that Bayonetta (both 1 and 2) offer many many more options both in moment to moment combat and differing gameplay styles found within a single game.

Yeah, preference as to which you like better is subjective. Liking one other the other isn't wrong or right but one does offer much more variety and depth than the other. GoW doesn't try for stylish dynamic combos, it goes for visceral, meaty hits and brutal combat. Different strokes.

The GoW games are great by the way.
I love God of War and Bayonetta, i love the two series, they are just different, Bayonetta is not better than God of War.

And if you like fast gameplay please play Devil May Cry 3 ( which is a better game than Bayonetta, at least the first one ).

I enjoy the God of War series. I LOVE God of War II.

Still, I think Bayonetta is faaaaar better than any entry in the GoW franchise.

Also, as much as I love DMC 3, I think Bayo 1 is a better game.


Ninja Gaiden Black/II still represents the best when it comes to action games. Though, NGII just has the best combat engine the rest of the game has some flaws.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I remember back in the day there were always arguments about DMC vs. GoW and shit. I don't even like to compare them as they focus on wildly different things.

GoW2 is great, one of my all-time favorites, heads and shoulders above the rest of the series

Its Titan mode must be one of the worst experiences in my life

I remember it being smooth sailing until Theseus then just being like...the fuck. And that blood sacrifice part was fucking miserable, no idea why I ever finished it.


I enjoy the God of War series. I LOVE God of War II.

Still, I think Bayonetta is faaaaar better than any entry in the GoW franchise.

Also, as much as I love DMC 3, I think Bayo 1 is a better game.

I think DMC3 is a better game because I had more fun with its free flow combat. Bayo is definitely crazier in terms of spectacle though


The Birthday Skeleton
Generally the reviews from The Guardian are very well written, at list for the important games, I very much enjoy reading them.
I agree about the story being good for the kind of game Bayo is, however Bayo1 had some funny cutscene and many more terrible cutscenes, full of long boring dialogues that gave zero useful information and were just a big waste of time. There's a reason if the OT had the button combination to skip cutscenes in the title...

Platinum will never compromise their gameplay for story reasons, and I love them for that, but they're far from flawless. I hope they can handle it better in this sequel.

Yes, some of the cutscenes went on far too long, that's true. I'm also not the biggest fan of the film strip cutscenes. I've watched a stream of Bayo 2 up to chapter 6 and while quite long in the beginning of the game, the cutscenes are shorter later on and better placed to not interrupt the gameplay as much.

And yes, the GOW comparisons are bad. GOW is like babby's first action game compared to Bayonetta.


The Birthday Skeleton
Raymaker really caught some of you into his trap, to hijack the thread into a Bayonetta vs. GOW discussion which is really pointless.


Isnt it an aggregate of all the points they give to each area? gameplay, story, graphics etc. Also a 9.8 fom GT is rarer than a 10 from most places. That is an incredible score.

Some of the nitpicking here on reviews is a bit much.

I know this is somewhat late, but I wasn't nitpicking. I've always found it weird to score games that don't end in .5 or .0. It always just seemed odd to me. I'm super excited that Bayo 2 scored that high!


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Its a well known fact that the three greatest action games are Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3, and Bayonetta. Preferring one over the other is purely opinion but to suggest that a second rate action game like God of War (which really excels at the adventure bit) is superior to the holy trifecta of action games is pure nonsense.

You can prefer whichever title but don't try to suggest that your favorite game is superior to those three in the character action genre.


Its a well known fact that the three greatest action games are Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3, and Bayonetta. Preferring one over the other is purely opinion but to suggest that a second rate action game like God of War (which really excels at the adventure bit) is superior to the holy trifecta of action games is pure nonsense.

You can prefer whichever title but don't try to suggest that your favorite game is superior to those three in the character action genre

Comparing Bayonetta to God Of Samegameoverandoveragain pls

God of War feels like a children's game compared to Bayonetta.

You kiss your mom goodnight with that mouth of yours?
Because it's filthy. Like "I drink a mud slushie every night before I go to bed" kind of filthy.

Seriously though, God of War is a very, VERY good game series and no game is the same one over and over again like you apparently think.

I wouldn't put it above Bayonetta but it's right there in my Top 5 of best Beat 'em Up series' of all time.


You kiss your mom goodnight with that mouth of yours?
Because it's filthy. Like "I drink a mud slushie every night before I go to bed" kind of filthy.

Seriously though, God of War is a very, VERY good game series and no game is the same one over and over again like you apparently think.

I wouldn't put it above Bayonetta but it's right there in my Top 5 of best Beat 'em Up series' of all time.

Yeah I wouldn't rate God of War above DMC or Ninja Gaidens, but GoW2 was actually a legit fun and great game I thought. Then again I only played it on the normal and hard mode, but I actually enjoyed that the game was like a good 20 hours long or so, felt like a huge adventure more than the usual character action game.


I hop you're not serious

Of all the action games in the genre like Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, DmC etc., the God of War series comes out at the bottom, waaaay at the bottom.

If anything, it has nice scenery and some cool moments at least, but the combat is really bad in comparison to the others.

Edit: Now that people mention it, God of War 2 was pretty alright, but still at the bottom of the list.


Yeah, sounds like they're reaching to justify the harsh score. Lame contrarianism to preserve their silly reputation.

Overall silly reputation maybe, but the reviewer is actually one of the most respected game journalists in the country. Judging the whole review based on an excerpt on Metacritic is also very interesting. Sounds like the old case of "Why doesn't this reviewer like the game I'm hyped for?"
It's always funny to see people rip on GoW when it's the one character action game that Kamiya and Itagaki both seem to like outside of their own.


Yes, some of the cutscenes went on far too long, that's true. I'm also not the biggest fan of the film strip cutscenes. I've watched a stream of Bayo 2 up to chapter 6 and while quite long in the beginning of the game, the cutscenes are shorter later on and better placed to not interrupt the gameplay as much.

I loved them. I appreciate art galleries in games. Taking images from what could have been a part of a separate art gallery and using them to help mix up the presentation of the game's story? Love!





It's always funny to see people rip on GoW when it's the one character action game that Kamiya and Itagaki both seem to like outside of their own.

I can like Kamiya and Itagaki but that doesn't mean I have to think every opinion of theirs is right. :p

God of War is one such. I'll give its one of the better western made action games, but when compared to its Japanese brethren and also Ninja Theory's DmC, it falls extremely short on everything that isn't a environmental puzzle.
I can like Kamiya and Itagaki but that doesn't mean I have to think every opinion of theirs is right. :p

God of War is one such. I'll give its one of the better western made action games, but when compared to its Japanese brethren and also Ninja Theory's DmC, it falls extremely short on everything that isn't a environmental puzzle.

It's not trying to be like those games either. While it was in part inspired by DMC, I believe it was Jaffe that said that the goal was to make a game similar to DMC but that was very accessible to everyone. And that's what it is and why it's by far the most popular game in the genre. They probably like it because they accept it for what it is instead of trying to make it into something that it was never trying to be in the first place.


Saw this and thought I'd share if it hasn't already been posted.


Play the game and make Kamiya smile.
Given all the annoyed tweets Kamiya is normally known for, and given he's not even involved in Bayonetta 2 as far as I know (outside of maybe consulting?), this makes me happy. It's like a ray of sunshine through an angry Kamiya cloud.


After playing the demo, Day One for me. I'll admit I was hesitant when the Bayonetta 2 was going to be a Wii U exclusive. But after reading the reviews and playing the demo myself, I'm hyped for it.

I just finally finished the first one yesterday after it being on my backlog for so long lol.


lol @ the guardian review on the sexism and talking about how powerful Bayonetta is (Bayonetta 1 spoilers):

"At the end she punches God into the sun. I’m not saying this completely excuses the titillation, but I missed the bit where she does his laundry."
Given all the annoyed tweets Kamiya is normally known for, and given he's not even involved in Bayonetta 2 as far as I know (outside of maybe consulting?), this makes me happy. It's like a ray of sunshine through an angry Kamiya cloud.

He usually is quite nice and even sweet when people are the same to him on twitter.
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