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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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The Wii U continues to obliterate the competition in terms of actually having games worth playing. Good to see.

why is that? is having more games worth playing on ps4/x1 not good to see. it's all down to preference really, the only thing i consider must haves on wiiu is mario 3d world and the new zelda.


why is that? is having more games worth playing on ps4/x1 not good to see. it's all down to preference really, the only thing i consider must haves on wiiu is mario 3d world and the new zelda.

Really? If mario is a must have then donkey kong is, the latter is the better platformer.

I'd also place pikmin 3 as a must have. Totally unique game with tons of depth you cannot get on any other console. From the looks of it, bayonetta 2 is a must have, especially for me since I never played the original. Both in one package is overkill on value.
Really? If mario is a must have then donkey kong is, the latter is the better platformer.

I'd also place pikmin 3 as a must have. Totally unique game with tons of depth you cannot get on any other console. From the looks of it, bayonetta 2 is a must have, especially for me since I never played the original. Both in one package is overkill on value.

I would recommend not responding to Ninja Blade.

Guy lives in his own little world.


Junior Member
Sounds like a solid theory given that Gamespot gave this game a perfect 10 and Gametrailers scored this game just as high as they've scored any other game.
But Gamespot gave a 10...

I didn't know I said they didn't for this game. I was sure I was talking about reviews in general across a myriad of systems for the company as an explanation for the theory itself with the whole "for years", "Games on Nintendo systems" and "going back to the GC" thing. Let me recheck that.


Lol, yet again arthur gies reviews are confirmed to be a joke.

I'm just going to wait for his next dota 2 tweets to laugh some more. (just kidding, I won't)
I didn't know I said they didn't. I was sure I was talking about reviews in general across a myriad of systems for the company with the whole "for years", "Games on Nintendo systems" and "going back to the GC" thing. Let me recheck that.

You are aware that publications that use a 100 point scale have almost never given a 100 score in a review


Junior Member
You are aware that publications that use a 100 point scale have almost never given a 100 score in a review

Sure. Though, that is not the issue I'm addressing.

I'm talking about the disparity between high quality games that "do" even when they have flaws brought up during the review vs those that seem to always have a few points knocked off with no reason given. Some wording that often comes up makes me believe this has a lot to do with the platforms.

Just the same, there are some games I believe have flaws overlooked or would have gotten a higher/lower score depending on who the developer or publisher was. An example of this I would say is Destiny. If that games had been released by a smaller company than Bungie and wasn't promoted so hard for the PS4, it would have gotten significantly lower review scores across the board, because all I've heard from people about the game are major complaints. Same with Diablo 3 from Blizzard.

Another example. Duke Nukem Forever. It was just a generic FPS. I dare say a step better to do attempts to be creative and break the monotony of run and shoot and run and shoot and repeat. Yet it was crucified by reviewers for reasons that make no sense to me other than to say that it was some form of bias attached the tropes surrounding the games history. Like it received a harsher sentence for notoriety not directly related to the content of the game itself.

I believe that if Bayonetta 2 had been promoted and released for the PS4, that it would have a slightly higher overall rating, and that there are reviewers who are knocking points off simply because it isn't.


Nice to see this game getting good reviews, but the marketing/movie poster-style image that starts this thread is cringe-worthy.


Why? The game was fairly long and a masterpiece. It also had an amazing multiplayer which I play all the time.

Why does it seem higher? TLOU deserves every 10/10 it got, I'd argue it needed to score even higher on aggregate sites.

why is that? is having more games worth playing on ps4/x1 not good to see. it's all down to preference really, the only thing i consider must haves on wiiu is mario 3d world and the new zelda.

Are you kidding? You must be trolling.


The Wii U continues to obliterate the competition in terms of actually having games worth playing. Good to see.

Well, no kidding. It's been out a year longer than the competition. I know that doesn't matter when someone is looking to buy a console right now, but when you know the facts it really makes sense.
Was still wondering mods, is port begging still a bannable offense?

I was so sad to see it go away from PS, but I'm glad it's getting the reviews it has. It's really a good game. I can only hope it moves WiiUs. Nintendo, be smart and make it a holiday bundle. Expand the player base. If you muck up this exclusive, I shall weep on a waste of a good game.


It's amazing to me that so many reviewers praised this and so many bashed W101 and Vanquish. I feel like most of Platinum's efforts are of equal caliber and style.
It's amazing to me that so many reviewers praised this and so many bashed W101.

It's bittersweet but I saw it coming.

The worst part is that it's about button presses versus a more complex scheme.

Now if that more complex scheme was poorly executed, there'd be legitimate criticism but both games play very well.

One just is a bit more complicated.

When it's all said and done, I highly doubt I will like Bayonetta 2 that much more than The Wonderful 101...if I do at all.

Both stellar games(only played the Bayonetta 2 demo though), one got a terrible rap from my experience.
It's amazing to me that so many reviewers praised this and so many bashed W101 and Vanquish. I feel like most of Platinum's efforts are of equal caliber and style.

I think the difference is that Vanquish and W101 are much easier to play "wrong". Vanquish is also super short. W101 seems to not explain a bunch of mechanics well-enough and many people got with the mindset of Gears of War into Vanquish.

You can't play Bayonetta too wrong, at least it is pretty clear you'll have to dodge stuff to slow time.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Was still wondering mods, is port begging still a bannable offense?

I was so sad to see it go away from PS, but I'm glad it's getting the reviews it has. It's really a good game. I can only hope it moves WiiUs. Nintendo, be smart and make it a holiday bundle. Expand the player base. If you muck up this exclusive, I shall weep on a waste of a good game.

Here we go again! How can Nintendo 'muck up' a low selling franchise that otherwise wouldn't have had a 2nd game without Nintendo funding it?

I guess it's better the game didn't exist than be 'wasted' on a Nintendo console. My brain is full of fuck seriously

I downloaded the demo and got a stone rating or whatever will purchase upon release


It's amazing to me that so many reviewers praised this and so many bashed W101 and Vanquish. I feel like most of Platinum's efforts are of equal caliber and style.

Since this is a sequel, they knew exactly where they wanted to go, where as the previous version they were in uncharted waters since they were coming up with something unique.

It's like Mega Man 2. Awesome unique first entry... bad ass more polished sequel!

I can only imagine how much better P* games' sequels could be if they were allowed to make a W101 or Vanquish sequel.


Well, no kidding. It's been out a year longer than the competition. I know that doesn't matter when someone is looking to buy a console right now, but when you know the facts it really makes sense.

Yeah well with Sony's ouput so far. I don't know if things will be better a year from now.


Yes, but it seems that Bayonetta 2 port begging is an exception to the rule. Otherwise Bayonetta 2 threads would be graveyards.
I think it's more that very few people actually understand what port begging is.

If it's in an announcement thread, or an OT, it's the bad sort of port begging. If people are discussing the commercial viability of a product outside of those threads, it's not. There's a grey area depending on the style of begging, and how it affects a given thread.
I think it's more that very few people actually understand what port begging is.

If it's in an announcement thread, or an OT, it's the bad sort of port begging. If people are discussing the commercial viability of a product outside of those threads, it's not. There's a grey area depending on the style of begging, and how it affects a given thread.

Well, that's certainly a good attempt of a spin.
Bayo confirmed for Smash.

No seriously, it makes me overjoyed to see this is the reception the game got. I was honestly worried it was going to be brushed off like W101 and other Plat titles. Hope this translates into sales.
Here we go again! How can Nintendo 'muck up' a low selling franchise that otherwise wouldn't have had a 2nd game without Nintendo funding it?

I guess it's better the game didn't exist than be 'wasted' on a Nintendo console. My brain is full of fuck seriously

I downloaded the demo and got a stone rating or whatever will purchase upon release

Excuse me, just taking some words out of my mouth. Don't know how it ended up in there. No one said anything of the sort. I was just wondering what their marketing strategy is. If Call of Duty Ghost can still get great profits for what some people say isn't the best in the franchise by far, Nintendo can do a lot for a franchise that can only go up from it being "low selling". It's holiday season in a little more than a month, lets see what Nintendo can do. It's sitting on a shit ton of cash, make a perfect game (considered by a majority of mainstream reviewers) more than just a gem a few only get to play.

haha, they don't even disguise their posts very well anymore.

The straw that broke the piggy back
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