Don't chalk up to evil what can be ascribed to incompetence. They believe this is Best for America, the "American Way." Ayn Rand's worship of child murdering serial killers being the basis of Objectivism's infestation of the party, the fantasies of bootstraps and everyone's wealth being "earned," it's a genuine blindness to how wrong they get things.
Nate Silver choked so fucking hard this entire election season, for starters. Second of all, it's inherently masturbatory - an implicit statement of I'm better than these people, and fuck them. What about the multi-million dollar campaign machine that let an uncharismatic dullard like Gore take the reigns? Or the billion dollar campaign machine that cranked out memes like "What about Chillary Clinton?" in one of the most crucial elections of the past half-century?
Charter/private schools have made huge inroads with the Democrats. Cory Booker, Zuckerberg, etc. - the Democrats have largely abandoned rebuilding an adequate public education institution across the board. It took an unpredictably successful insurgent campaign from Sanders to get Hillary to even consider what would end up being a horribly incompetent means-tested claptrap policy because "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!"
Going "dumb people vote Republican!!" doesn't win any victories for the downtrodden in America.