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Besty Devos splits Senate with 50/50 vote, VP Pence confirms nomation

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The democrats are as fucking worthless and pathetic as the republicans are evil and spineless. Trump is going to steamroll over them for 8 fucking years if they couldn't get it together to block this woman even republicans hate.

It's over. Move to Canada if you can.

Dems didn't have the votes to do anything? The republicans are the worthless ones here. They're falling in line 100% behind Trump even though they don't want to say it publicly.

Also what's funny about Spicer shitting on Dems blocking this...Republicans got rewarded for 8 years of obstruction.
The democrats are as fucking worthless and pathetic as the republicans are evil and spineless. Trump is going to steamroll over them for 8 fucking years if they couldn't get it together to block this woman even republicans hate.

It's over. Move to Canada if you can.

Democrats didn't fail.

The voters did. Non-voters and protest-voters are 100% responsible for all the shit going down right now.


What could they do besides vote against her? They're the minority, and they couldn't filibuster. All they could do was debate her nomination, which they did for 24 HOURS, and vote in lockstep against her, which they did. Stop trying to pull a variation of the "both sides" nonsense at this juncture.

They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.
Millions of people have literally been protesting Trump and his policies since he took office

The ACLU is getting more donations now than at any point in their history.

People care. If you're giving up a few weeks into the Trump presidency, fine. See ya. But it's not because the American public isn't fighting back.

Thanks for your concern, but I have a family to take care of.
I'm slowly losing the will to fight back when its near fruitless. And I can't convince anyone to give a shit. Lets all just wait and see while the country burns.

This is the wrong message to take away from this. We're gonna lose a lot of battles but you still have to fight.


Is this the last confirmed billionaire to take over our government?

I'm so glad that everyone running the country now are just like us.
They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.

Should they have bribed a Republican?

No Republicans would have broken. The only reason the two did was because they knew the vote was safe.

Voters failed.
They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.

I don't think you understand how this works. There was no last vote to get. The only reason those two Republicans voted against her is because the party assured them she would still pass without their votes. It's how you protect representatives and senators from their constituents. It's relatively basic and happens all the time.


If the ramifications of children's education isn't enough, then the optics of 'bribery' is another angle to this being so controversial.

If anyone needed a crystal clear example that Congress does not represent the people of the United States, here it is in terrifying detail.


Don't chalk up to evil what can be ascribed to incompetence. They believe this is Best for America, the "American Way." Ayn Rand's worship of child murdering serial killers being the basis of Objectivism's infestation of the party, the fantasies of bootstraps and everyone's wealth being "earned," it's a genuine blindness to how wrong they get things.

Nate Silver choked so fucking hard this entire election season, for starters. Second of all, it's inherently masturbatory - an implicit statement of I'm better than these people, and fuck them. What about the multi-million dollar campaign machine that let an uncharismatic dullard like Gore take the reigns? Or the billion dollar campaign machine that cranked out memes like "What about Chillary Clinton?" in one of the most crucial elections of the past half-century?

Charter/private schools have made huge inroads with the Democrats. Cory Booker, Zuckerberg, etc. - the Democrats have largely abandoned rebuilding an adequate public education institution across the board. It took an unpredictably successful insurgent campaign from Sanders to get Hillary to even consider what would end up being a horribly incompetent means-tested claptrap policy because "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!"

Going "dumb people vote Republican!!" doesn't win any victories for the downtrodden in America.

Nate Silver was the only one who kept casting doubt on Clinton's chances of winning. He even put out a self-mastubatory chart about it.
You're overthinking why Republican congress members do what they do. It's justwhat makes them and their overlords more wealthy. That's all they care about it. If the coal lobby gives them money to say that Obama invented global warming as a myth you can bet your ass they'll shout it from the fucking rooftops.

It's cartoon-y evil and pretends these people don't really believe this shit. They do. Similar to people blinded by white privilege who get defensive when called out - often they don't see what the problem is. It's a matter of the privilege of wealth and power that blinds people to reality.

Millions upon millions of Americans live in poverty or near-poverty, over half are one bad accident away from poverty and or homelessness. So the Democrats literally burned a billion dollars on a campaign that literally sold hats saying "America is Already Great," where the last 8 years were led by a President who touted great success in creating jobs - 95% of them not paying a living wage with no career path in hawking cellphones or flipping burgers.

These are results of people with immense wealth and power, faced with untold responsibility, making the stupidest fucking decisions humanly possible. I can't blame those at the bottom without that power in a country that has fleeced public education with a political class that believes in governance via corporate management culture.
They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.
Republicans were gonna vote for every single one of these appointments no matter how much Warren or Bernie or any other senator railed against them. It's the way these things work. Elections have consequences.
Ignorant American here.

So why does pence get to be the tie breaker?

The Vice President also has the role of being the Presiding Officer (essentially President) of the Senate.

Wikipedia said:
As the president of the United States Senate,[2] the vice president votes only when it is necessary to break a tie. While Senate customs have created supermajority rules that have diminished this constitutional tie-breaking authority, the vice president still retains the ability to influence legislation; for example, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 was passed in the Senate by a tie-breaking vice presidential vote.[2][5][6] Additionally, pursuant to the Twelfth Amendment, the vice president presides over the joint session of Congress when it convenes to count the vote of the Electoral College.


I'm really sick of this liberal platitude. Of the stupidest people in this country, those whose decisions have had the most disastrous consequences - which have ended countless lives in one way or another - come from Ivy League educations. Here's a photo of some of them:
It's a fact that better educated states go blue.

And many of the people in that picture and the people that the picture represents are not stupid. They are opportunistic, smart assholes with no empathy for others, and thus are Republican. There's a huge difference.
They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.
This is just plain wrong. Bernie warren, Franken, etc pretty much all fought this pick as hard as they could

They got two republicans to vote against one of their own nominees. It just wasn't enough.


Just goes to show:

Never count on republicans to be decent human beings
Your voice means nothing
Voting is the only thing that matters
The only thing you can do is ensure Republicans are out of power


Trump did promise to shake things up. On the bright side at least now America will care about the quality of education inner city and low income kids get because they'll have no choice but to care since their middle class kids might be getting the exact same shit too.

Haha...no they won't.
The two GOP Senators that voted no waited until it was sure they could do so without stopping the confirmation. They're just as spineless
Devos won. That's all that matters. Dems failed all of us.

No they didn't. The people like you and I, and the democrats did not fail. I was organizing calls against DeVos and had republicans join me. I know so many republicans who opposed her. The problem are the republicans not listening to the people in favor of their own interests.
Whelp, better hope my daughter is either athletic enough to play pro sports or talented enough to be an actress/singer/dancer, because if not her only future is a spatula in her hand cooking dinner waiting for her husband to get home from work.


The two GOP Senators that voted no waited until it was sure they could do so without stopping the confirmation. They're just as spineless

Yup. People claiming Susan Collins is a moderate... lol. She ONLY votes this way when the Republicans know they have the majority vote anyway.
The two GOP Senators that voted no waited until it was sure they could do so without stopping the confirmation. They're just as spineless
This isn't true either. They both came out saying they would vote no and McConnell had to push back Sessions confirmation after this one so they could have his vote to save it
And many of the people in that picture and the people that the picture represents are not stupid. They are opportunistic, smart assholes with no empathy for others, and thus are Republican. There's a huge difference.

I'm sorry, but did none of you pay attention to the fucking shitshow that was the invasion of Iraq? How we would be welcomed as liberators? Laying off the entire military/police so they could go join terrorist/insurgent groups? How about a near word-for-word summary of the plot to The Rock being the WMD "bombshell?" These people are dangerous because they're incredibly stupid and they believe their own bullshit.

You want them to be cartoonishly evil because you want the comfort of knowing that at least someone competent, albeit evil, is in charge. Then, you can turn around and say, "The situation is bad because a large anonymous mass of people are dumb" (unlike me, who is smart, and I'm better than them, and that's what matters going unsaid)

Get the fuck out of here blaming dems


Really winning strategy to get voters to the polls.
I'm not giving up. We may've lost this battle, but I refuse to believe our voices mean nothing in the long run. Let's not forget we made some other in-roads by being heard.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Anyone curious about why DeVos is such a disaster pick, just watch the senate hearing on youtube questioning her ability to perform this job.


Also check out Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, and several others trying their best to figure out how the fuck Republicans are vile enough to decimate the future of our children with this idiot at the head.

Remember Palin? Yea, this is much worse...
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