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Besty Devos splits Senate with 50/50 vote, VP Pence confirms nomation

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"GAF's biggest wanker"
They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.
If Warren doesn't have the clout to swing even a single vote herself, what do you think the rest of them could do?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Anyone curious about why DeVos is such a disaster pick, just watch the senate hearing on youtube questioning her ability to perform this job.


Also check out Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, and several others trying their best to figure out how the fuck Republicans are vile enough to decimate the future of our children with this idiot at the head(also all on youtube in same hearing).

Remember Palin? Yea, this is much worse...


Trump did promise to shake things up. On the bright side at least now America will care about the quality of education inner city and low income kids get because they'll have no choice but to care since their middle class kids might be getting the exact same shit too.

No they won't. They'll still be living in well off areas with the property tax revenue needed to fund good schools.

- J - D -

Fuck the sentiment of blaming Dems for this. Patty Murray was right we can't let them get hold of the message that Dems let this happen nor that their efforts were completely futile or wasted.


They didn't do enough to get the last vote. They didn't fight. Only Warren did. It's a fucking embarrassment.

There was never any "last vote". Two Republicans voted no because they knew she would still get through without their vote, but they would be able alleviate some of their constituents with a meaningless no vote.

It was completely calculated and no Republican ever planned to do anything that would stop her confirmation.
What is the purpose of having this process in place if it's not to disqualify those who aren't capable of fulfilling the duties of the job? Just let the president pick whomever they want if the party in power is just going to rubber stamp it anyway.


What is the purpose of having this process in place if it's not to disqualify those who aren't capable of fulfilling the duties of the job? Just let the president pick whomever they want if the party in power is just going to rubber stamp it anyway.
Ye, if the least qualified person still got through then what's the point?


What is the purpose of having this process in place if it's not to disqualify those who aren't capable of fulfilling the duties of the job? Just let the president pick whomever they want if the party in power is just going to rubber stamp it anyway.

To keep the illusion of democracy
A lot of right leaning people are okay with this because they don't believe the dept of education should exist. Even if you agree with that premise, appointing someone woefully unqualified isn't okay.


Man, she's even worse than Trump at bullshitting around answers.

Oh my what have we done.

She also LITERALLY said "I don't know but my subordinates will do all the critical thinking"

Which is hilarious because that's essentially the idea that Trump ran his campaign on. Now his subordinates are handing down responsibility as well.

This is a fucking clusterfuck.
you know who I feel who I feel almost sorry for in all of this? as opposed to children, parents and teachers who I actually feel sorry for. vincent viola. Trump nominee for army secetary who pulled out because he couldn't extricate himself from his business interests *dead*

like lmfao how does that even matter anymore in this new era. "Poor guy"
Fuck the sentiment of blaming Dems for this. Patty Murray was right we can't let them get hold of the message that Dems let this happen nor that their efforts were completely futile or wasted.

Even when the Republicans comfirm someone incompetent as fuck it is the Democrats fault. Amazing. Democrats may be spineless but if everyone votes against and you flip some extra votes what else is there for you to do?


I'm sorry, but did none of you pay attention to the fucking shitshow that was the invasion of Iraq? How we would be welcomed as liberators? Laying off the entire military/police so they could go join terrorist/insurgent groups? How about a near word-for-word summary of the plot to The Rock being the WMD "bombshell?" These people are dangerous because they're incredibly stupid and they believe their own bullshit.

You want them to be cartoonishly evil because you want the comfort of knowing that at least someone competent, albeit evil, is in charge. Then, you can turn around and say, "The situation is bad because a large anonymous mass of people are dumb" (unlike me, who is smart, and I'm better than them, and that's what matters going unsaid)

They didn't care if it was a shitshow as long as they got their oil and lucrative contracts for their buddies. It was never about the war on terror. It was them manufacturing a bullshit war for their benefit.
Which is hilarious because that's essentially the idea that Trump ran his campaign on. Now his subordinates are handing down responsibility as well.

Yeah, every pro-Trump I've talked to have been like "well other people will make decisions for him, so it doesn't really matter"



America... what the fuck is wrong with you?

You're just letting all these unqualified, hyper fucking horrible people into power and things are/will break apart at the seems.


No they didn't. The people like you and I, and the democrats did not fail. I was organizing calls against DeVos and had republicans join me. I know so many republicans who opposed her. The problem are the republicans not listening to the people in favor of their own interests.

Drain the swamp.


Are Republicans (at least in Congress) that stupid? I feel like they seriously always think in the short term and never in the long term. Oh sure, this will help make people get dumber and dumber and allow the Republicans to continue to bullshit them with ease but then in the end after the Republicans tear everything down and everything is on fire because they were holding gasoline the entire time... Who then will there even be left to bullshit? Cause at that point, are we sure there will even be a USA?

Every action they've taken, decreases the life of this country and it's clear they either don't give a shit or are just that dumb but not dumb enough to know that they can bullshit even dumber people.


Yeah, every pro-Trump I've talked to have been like "well other people will make decisions for him, so it doesn't really matter"


"He won't do what he says he will"
"He's just saying that to get votes and attention, he's not serious"
"Others will do all the work"

People in the US voting for someone based on the assumption that they are a Lier and wouldn't really be in power has to be the most asinine and fucking frustrating thing from this election.

Don't vote for someone on the basis that they are a lier, you idiots!
They didn't care if it was a shitshow as long as they got their oil and lucrative contracts for their buddies. It was never about the war on terror. It was them manufacturing a bullshit war for their benefit.

No. They thought they were bringing Democracy to Iraq and "nation-building." The contracts for their buddies were proof this was all going to work out. It was a complete disaster, and because nobody admits they're wrong, they doubled down.

We need to abandon this fiction-rooted worldview. What Trump and Bush did is evil, cartoonishly evil, because they have a broken, delusional worldview of how things should be in the world.
America... what the fuck is wrong with you?

You're just letting all these unqualified, hyper fucking horrible people into power and things are/will break apart at the seems.

Republicans, not Americans. Most people don't even care much about terror attacks
or cutting schools. https://thinkprogress.org/the-senat...han-her-supporters-do-4705655a2bc7#.xwq8qf2l6

Those jobs the Economically Anxious™ voted for? It really seems like he addressed it more (in a facile way) before he assumed office than he has since.

Caja 117

2018 is looking very important right now, But I somehow got this feeling by then Republicans will place enough voting suppression laws around the country to make sure those red states stay red.
Are Republicans (at least in Congress) that stupid? I feel like they seriously always think in the short term and never in the long term. Oh sure, this will help make people get dumber and dumber and allow the Republicans to continue to bullshit them with ease but then in the end after the Republicans tear everything down and everything is on fire because they were holding gasoline the entire time... Who then will there even be left to bullshit? Cause at that point, are we sure there will even be a USA?

Every action they've taken, decreases the life of this country and it's clear they either don't give a shit or are just that dumb but not dumb enough to know that they can bullshit even dumber people.
They are not stupid, this is a 101 fascist tactic, you want to have people to be as less educated as possible because like this they become more gullible, and thus more willing to believe in false news. Lack of Education and fear mongering is their number one weapon.

Hari Seldon

So what is she expected to do in her new position exactly?

Push for tax credits for private school tuition. (school vouchers)
Stop "regulating" for-profit colleges like ITT tech.
Eliminate some federal guidelines that will only affect red states anyway like requiring special needs funding.
Probably dump common core.

I'm not seeing the "end of the world scenario" that justifies all of this freaking out tbh. The vouchers are a 20 year old idea mundane by today's standards. The for-profit school situation will just return us to where we were 2-3 years ago. The elimination of requiring special needs doesn't do anything if your state already requires it. The feds don't actually pay for the requirements they push down.

If there is any other "evil" thing being discussed then perhaps I missed it. This federal department doesn't actually do much. Your local school board members and state government affect public school education far more than this federal position. My local school receives less than 0.5% of its funding from the feds.


I'm always amazed at how much resistance there is to intellectualism in this country. So many people in this country really truly hate people who are well educated. Where does that even come from?




I said it before and I'll say it again:

every nominee is getting through. The republican controlled congress don't give a flying fuck what happens to our country for the long term other than lining their pockets with money
Our country doesn't have a long term anymore.
Are Republicans (at least in Congress) that stupid? I feel like they seriously always think in the short term and never in the long term. Oh sure, this will help make people get dumber and dumber and allow the Republicans to continue to bullshit them with ease but then in the end after the Republicans tear everything down and everything is on fire because they were holding gasoline the entire time... Who then will there even be left to bullshit? Cause at that point, are we sure there will even be a USA?

Every action they've taken, decreases the life of this country and it's clear they either don't give a shit or are just that dumb but not dumb enough to know that they can bullshit even dumber people.

in a nutshell


What is the purpose of having this process in place if it's not to disqualify those who aren't capable of fulfilling the duties of the job? Just let the president pick whomever they want if the party in power is just going to rubber stamp it anyway.

We just elected a person completely unqualified to serve as "president". What makes you think anything else would be different? Qualifications are clearly only relevant when applying for that $12/hr job, not there highest offices of this country.
A liar that happened to be honest about his promises. A liar, just not in the way we needed him to be.

Pretty sure it has been proven that Presidents generally follow through with their promises or attempt to.

Sure things may get modified or changed, but that's the nature of governance. So to think he wouldn't try to do a lot of the things he said, is flawed. Same as thinking Hillary would not have done a lot of the progressive stuff she talked about and had platforms on.
Aren't children suppose to be the untouchable holy grail in society? Aren't they the ones who are suppose to be the most well protected and looked out for?

How the fuck did this happen?

Grizzlies i guess?

Not for Republicans. They only give a shit about you before you are born and then 18 years later when you can vote for them and join the army. While you're alive, you're useless.
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