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Besty Devos splits Senate with 50/50 vote, VP Pence confirms nomation

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Can someone explain the situation to me and why this woman is so bad?

I've kept an ear on certain political issues but not this one specifically...so I genuinely have no clue about her.

She has no formal experience in education, only in the building of charter schools in Michigan. DeVos believes that schools should bring people closer to God, and that public education is a dead end. Moreover, she thinks that public school teachers are overpaid. This is going to result in a new age of illiteracy and ignorance in schools in addition to mass white flight for when white middle to upper class families flock to new charter schools away from cities and diverse communities. Basically, this will lead to a new period of re-segregation in schools, through economics.

Basically, the new generation of kids will be less informed, more closely tied to religion, and more isolated from other cultures. They're trying to revert us back to the pre-civil rights era of schools. I would not be surprised if Brown vs BoE is up on the chopping block to further push this goal. The GOP is trying to cultivate a new generation of voters with the younger generation by making them poorly education, afraid of minorities, and devoted to God. That's the end game here, it's about the GOP retaining power. It's fucking evil.


It was set in stone the moment she was nominated because she's donated millions to the same people who've confirmed her.
my mom doesn't understand why im so angry. She heard on the local news how DeVos is not about defunding public schools she is all about letting states decide. See how great she is?

im so ANGRY.

my poor poor 4 year old daughter starts kindergarten next year.


This furthers my theory that Republicans want the general populace to be uneducated so they will vote for them.


God fucking dammit

My wife is about to graduate with a masters in school counseling and I have aspirations of going back to school to get my teaching degree. How fucked are we?

You have no idea if this is bad or not but you are pissed?
We are no more fucked than we were after the election results came in, I mean her boss is just as unqualified.


My daughter should be starting Kindergarten in 2019 so I guess I'll see what damage has been done up to then. Hoping for the best but who knows...

Drain the swamp guise!!!

Fuck the GOP. Sell outs.

They never said they won't refill the swamp.
Yup, fuck him


At least America's schools will now be safer from grizzly attacks.
While American kids get even dumber on the world stage. Is such a thing even possible?

Remember, when public education is completely defunded and schools shut down, send your kids to burn down the private schools... that way the rich people suffer too.

This all comes full circle when tech companies say there are no qualified applicants in the US.

We doubled down on corporate interest to the detriment of the next generation.
So how bad is she?

She didn't know basic answers to education questions, plagiarized her answers, donated millions to the GOP, and is arguing that guns are needed in schools, and when pressed, quoted a bear attack.

Oh, and high school kids will start having tuition on the levels of college. So the student debt issue will only become worse.


Did the American people not vote for the Republicans to control the house and the senate?

This is what happens when you think the only vote that matters is the one for the President.

To be fair, Democrats won the popular vote in the Senate, too

The Senate is very unfair. A state as populous as California gets 2 senators and one like Wyoming also gets 2 senators.

And the same sort of situation happened in the house a few times, too, since 2010. Democrats won more votes but lost, or didn't nearly win as many seats. That's because 2010 was a landslide year and a census year. The republicans gerrymandered the fuck out of everything and even if Democrats came out and voted in absolutely astounding numbers they still likely couldn't overturn that advantage. I can't find a link now but I remember reading them needing like a 6-8 percentage point win to get like a few seat advantage in the house.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Just post the text of that Vox thing if it is a steaming garbage of diarrhea. No reason to give them clicks.
I said it before and I'll say it again:

every nominee is getting through. The republican controlled congress don't give a flying fuck what happens to our country for the long term other than lining their pockets with money


This furthers my theory that Republicans want the general populace to be uneducated so they will vote for them.

It's as plain as day that's what they want. It's typical fascist playbook. They want to ensure the public at large isn't perceptive enough to see what they're voting for. And they will continue to scapegoat/fear-monger to get their way while they enact laws that make it hard for any opposition to gain power. All of this while they don't even actually have the majority vote in this country. It's maddening.

Guess Who

This is pointless. Repubs would have confirmed her for nothing. She only embodies every goal and ideal Republicans have for public education. In short, ending it for good.

Yup. An incompetent moron who wants public schools to burn is exactly what the GOP wants.

Look how much people spend on college educations. Imagine how much money there is to be made privatizing K-12! Fucking monsters.


My wife and I bought our house specifically because it was in a district that would let our firstborn go to the school with the best autism program in the area. Now we're freaked out that it's all going to go away before we know it.
We're hoping nothing for special education changes.

Thanks trump voters and protest voters.


Is anyone actually surprised?

Let this be a lesson for everyone, the government does not serve you, it only serves wealthy individuals with an agenda.


Just post the text of that Vox thing if it is a steaming garbage of diarrhea. No reason to give them clicks.
Basically: "Public education is not doing great right now, so that means we shouldn't support public education at all. Government is bad. Now let me talk about how great charter and private schools are."

Here's an example of the blatant shit in the article.

Indeed, one of the advantages of charter and for-profit schools has been that the failing ones don't survive for very long. The system weeds them out.

Even a cursory look at charter schools in this country shows what garbage this is.
I'm pretty upset about the nomination too, but I don't think that they can snap their fingers and destroy the public school system. States have too much control.
I understand why, but it's ridiculous that the VP is the tiebreaker for a presidential pick. When is a VP going to vote against POTUS? It just guarantees a tie is an accepted pick.


My fiance is a teacher who has yet to work for the same distracted two years in a row due to budget cuts. I just hope she has a job next year.


I'm pretty upset about the nomination too, but I don't think that they can snap their fingers and destroy the public school system. States have too much control.

Enough of the state governments are lead by soulless Republicans that this could do irrevocable damage across the country.
doesn't state > fed gov generally in terms of public education?

I'm not happy about her appointment, but in the scheme of things, I don't think much will change. small budget, smallest cabinet level etc.

more worried about the other appointments to be honest


He ain't wrong though

He's not totally wrong though.

These kinds of prognostications are always wrong. Look no further than three fucking months ago, when many people here and around the country were predicting the permanent end of the Republican Party.

The Democrats are the minority party; that's a real problem. But blowing it up as "2018 will be the last gasp of the party, and if they fail, the Democrats are gone forever" is hyperbolic nonsense. Shit can be bad or difficult without having to be all or nothing.


I'm pretty upset about the nomination too, but I don't think that they can snap their fingers and destroy the public school system. States have too much control.

True. But whatever they CAN do to make things better for the wealthy, they most certainly will; at the expense of poorer children.
Trump did promise to shake things up. On the bright side at least now America will care about the quality of education inner city and low income kids get because they'll have no choice but to care since their middle class kids might be getting the exact same shit too.


Yeah, it was just like I and others had predicted. The two republicans were allowed to split because the others were solid, and the vote was going to go through.

Fuck the Republicans, fuck Pence, and in particular fuck Murkowski and Collins for voting against her for show, whilst secretly wanting her and letting her through committee. Fucking scum, and I hope they get voted out in 2020.
I'm pretty upset about the nomination too, but I don't think that they can snap their fingers and destroy the public school system. States have too much control.

These things aren't dangerous because they happen overnight. The quality and support of public schools has been eroding for decades and we already feel we are at a low point. Teachers already feel like they're fighting a losing battle. Things will continue to get worse from here.


I'm pretty upset about the nomination too, but I don't think that they can snap their fingers and destroy the public school system. States have too much control.
You say that and yet just look at how much the President has destroyed in the 18 days since he took office.
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