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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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That's Grodner's dream too as it will afford her an extra opportunity to reset button a Frank eviction week or bring him back from jury.
Yup. Grodner will use the Roadkill comp to save Day, will save Frank from eviction (or bring him back if evicted) and James will win Julie's Favorite Player again.


Jeez, you guys are jaded. :lol


You've just jinxed the season. Now we're going to be stuck with the boring vets and their DR-groomed minions as the Final 8.

Because there won't be any drama or petty bullshit once the first 4 are gone >.> plus hoh/roadkill ruining plans, etc. People that know how to play the game are 100 times more likely to make it interesting than people that don't. The current idiocy is only entertaining in a trainwreck kind of way, these people remaining is not good for entertainment - there's only so much "They literally know nothing" that can actually be interesting.


Bronte again: "I want to kick his little Asian ass back to Hong Kong or wherever he came from."
Is there anything different between this and Aaryn wanting to send Howard and Candice back to Africa or wherever they came from? Because I fail to see one.

Because there won't be any drama or petty bullshit once the first 4 are gone >.> plus hoh/roadkill ruining plans, etc. People that know how to play the game are 100 times more likely to make it interesting than people that don't. The current idiocy is only entertaining in a trainwreck kind of way, these people remaining is not good for entertainment - there's only so much "They literally know nothing" that can actually be interesting.
That Roadkill comp is entirely a means to allow Production to course correct an HOH win that doesn't favor their desired narrative. Let's not pretend otherwise.
Is there anything different between this and Aaryn wanting to send Howard and Candice back to Africa or wherever they came from? Because I fail to see one.

I just wanted to use the gif , but if you are curious what she's saying it's " These people are ratched, ratched individuals! i want them out of here." Them being THE GROUP THAT NEVER LEAVES HOH
Big Brother fans drive me crazy how they pick and choose what they insulted about. What Bronte said was wrong, I'm not condoning it but does anyone else remember that Frank said some racial slurs against Jenn City during BB14? He's extremely lucky that he made that comment before social media blew up because he wouldn't be on this season if he did.


Big Brother fans drive me crazy how they pick and choose what they insulted about. What Bronte said was wrong, I'm not condoning it but does anyone else remember that Frank said some racial slurs against Jenn City during BB14? He's extremely lucky that he made that comment before social media blew up because he wouldn't be on this season if he did.

Don't you think people would be calling him out as well if he were saying that stuff now? I'd never heard of Frank before this season tbh
Lucky soul. Sorry this wretched season exposed him to you.

And it's not only Frank, the hypocrisy of this season on the side of the fans is insane. People are calling for heads because of the comments that Jozea and Bronte made, albeit very stupid comments. Yet Corey is getting less heat for his homophobic comments/goat killing admission because he's aligned with the vets. The same can be said with Michelle, as the outrage of her fat shamming seems to subsided because she aligned with people that are popular. Yet no one is bringing up Davonne's transphobic comments about Audrey the first day, and Frank's racist comments have been swept under the rug. They're all imperfect people, so if your going to single out one for being stupid then you're not being fair.

Personally, this season is worse than BB15 for me, because at least BB15 was watchable.


Personally, this season is worse than BB15 for me, because at least BB15 was watchable.

Well, BB15 wasn't watchable the first week(s) either. Explicitly because of David the dumbass on week 1 (and because no one other than Elissa won the MVP power the following weeks). And Aaryn, the racist, sexist, homophobic troll, didn't really get going until the second week.


I haven't watched much in the way of feeds this week but when I have tuned in the game chatter seems positively drab, delusional or non-existent. It has been especially reminiscent of BB15 and I suspect it will remain that way so long as the same people remain comfortable.
And it's not only Frank, the hypocrisy of this season on the side of the fans is insane. People are calling for heads because of the comments that Jozea and Bronte made, albeit very stupid comments. Yet Corey is getting less heat for his homophobic comments/goat killing admission because he's aligned with the vets. The same can be said with Michelle, as the outrage of her fat shamming seems to subsided because she aligned with people that are popular. Yet no one is bringing up Davonne's transphobic comments about Audrey the first day, and Frank's racist comments have been swept under the rug. They're all imperfect people, so if your going to single out one for being stupid then you're not being fair.

Personally, this season is worse than BB15 for me, because at least BB15 was watchable.

Regarding Corey though, the goat story and not gay thing seem to be the two biggest things from feeds that people have talked about, at least in the section of fandom that I follow. What did Day say? That makes me sad.

But yeah, certain players get a pass. James was just as sexist as Jeff last season and made rape jokes with Austin, but he got away with it. Elissa slut shamed and body shamed Amanda on 15, but so much else was happening that season that people ignored it (and of course, some of it was at Elissa's expense).

If Michelle goes against the faves you can bet people will suddenly be up in arms about her fat shaming again. Or her attitude. Or whatever.

I remember Vanessa using a slur regarding people with developmental disabilities last season. But she corrected it and stopped using it (I believe). It doesn't change what she said originally, but correcting her behavior likely kept her from being criticized about it all season.

Bronte made the racist comment once. Then she was about to make it again, but caught herself. And then she said it again today. She knows it's bad. Knows she should correct her behavior. But she did it again. She needs to stop.

I haven't watched much in the way of feeds this week but when I have tuned in the game chatter seems positively drab, delusional or non-existent. It has been especially reminiscent of BB15 and I suspect it will remain that way so long as the same people remain comfortable.

We'll see what happens week 2. Hopefully it shakes things up. The roadkill twist kind of encourages big alliances though, just like MVP and BotB did, so that's kind of a bummer.
BB fans on social media are the worst part about BB. I see the usual Grodner conspiracy theories have already sprung up, generally based on which houseguests are disliked the most

I wonder how past season predetermined-by-Grodner winners Amanda Zuckerman and Frankie Grande spent their prize money.
BB fans on social media are the worst part about BB. I see the usual Grodner conspiracy theories have already sprung up, generally based on which houseguests are disliked the most

I wonder how past season predetermined-by-Grodner winners Amanda Zuckerman and Frankie Grande spent their prize money.

Watch "Poker Face" starring Vanessa Rousso on CBS this fall!


I haven't watched much in the way of feeds this week but when I have tuned in the game chatter seems positively drab, delusional or non-existent. It has been especially reminiscent of BB15 and I suspect it will remain that way so long as the same people remain comfortable.

The other side is scrambling/saying stupid shit, it'll only get moreso as soon as they realize they're in the minority. The 'comfortable' 8 won't be comfortable once it hits liek 10 people in the house, so what's your beef with them? The large alliance is going to be comfortable this early in the season, but no matter what it's fracturing soon due to its size, and at the end of the day once we hit 10ish people in the house you want actual players here, not braindead morons.

The morons are entertaining right now BECAUSE of their hubris, and later on the game will be entertaining with better players in it. The alternative is way shittier.


No season will be worse than BB15. I still remember Howard and Candice crying that night.

Yea Jozea is breaking new ground on how bad you can be as big brother player.


Watch "Poker Face" starring Vanessa Rousso on CBS this fall!

Oh god I am laughing so hard. This was a 'real' 'it's going to happen' rumor last year. The crap some fans come up with is crazy.

This season started off really rough. I really hated way too many people to watch the feeds. Now I'm hoping the few I hate get voted out and the show is bearable.


Jozea is one of those special players who is so bad who you can't help but love to watch how they manage to top their stupidity each episode.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night lol.


This Jozea guy. What a tool.
Odd casting choices. I don't really see the purpose of having players who have no idea what they're doing and are unfamiliar with the show. If they need people to dislike, it seems like a backstabbing sneaky villain can fill the role.

The first 2 BBCAN had a cast of mostly knowledgeable and strategic players. They were very good seasons with lots of gameplay from both likeable players and crafty jerks. Throwing a bunch of foolish morons in the house who have no idea what they're doing seems to defeat the purpose of the game. If you want them to play the game, get people who know how to.


Is Jozea still oblivious about getting voted out tomorrow night?
I mean, all of his supposed majority votes have segregated themselves with the HOH and her Freakazoids in the room all night.
How blind can the folks downstairs be that not one of them suspects the inevitable?
Do they think James, Da'Vonne and Zakiyah are hanging out upstairs for shits and giggles? They're not moles if they're not bringing you intel.

At least Frank is spreading the love.
I've been working on overcoming by bias against him for the favoritism he was shown 4 years ago but I'd be hard-pressed to think of someone playing a better game right now.


Is Jozea still oblivious about getting voted out tomorrow night?
I mean, all of his supposed majority votes have segregated themselves with the HOH and her Freakazoids in the room all night.
How blind can the folks downstairs be that not one of them suspects the inevitable?
Do they think James, Da'Vonne and Zakiyah are hanging out upstairs for shits and giggles? They're not moles if they're not bringing you intel.
At least Frank is spreading the love.

Nat has floated to him that the numbers might not be as solid as he thinks multiple times over the last few days, it sometimes turns into a panicked 'let's go over this shit' conversation between Paul and Jozea, but then in the end they always self-fellate and end up going "EVEN AT WORST IT'S US IN POWER!"

Basically, I can't wait to see Nat not eeling under these guys thumbs. They feed a bunch of bullshit, are hypocritical as hell about things like 'talking behind peoples backs' and 'lying' and ultimately are extremely bad at the game. Bronte isn't any better, Nat is consistently the only one that has made it sort of clear that she thinks they're not in a good place. She'll be completely correct with scenarios and they'll calm/shoot her down until she just goes 'yeah ok'
Do they think Frank, James, Da'Vonne and Zakiyah are hanging out upstairs for shits and giggles? They're not moles if they're not bringing you intel.

Frank actually talks to them so they feel like he's actually on their side. He goes back and forth on James but for Day and Zak he literally thinks they are with him since they are people of color. I'm not even joking he said it multiple times. lol

Nat and Bronte were entertaining the idea of Day and Zak flipping , but they somehow came to the conclusion that they are still voting out Paulie. ( Last time I checked anyway) Bronte doesn't trust James and quite frankly hates him because he's a liar.

As for everyone else idk wtf they doing, most of them are just bitching about Bridgette and are getting annoyed at Nat , Bronte and Bridgette's girl talks. lol

Looks like Frank just gave Nat the heads up about the vote

Jozea is now once again telling Tiffany how to play the game lol

Jozea is now telling Bronte to be the voice for the girls lmao

Tiffany and Nat were talking for a bit and Tiffany was trying to see why Nat thought the vote was changing, but Nat didn't tell her about the Frank thing

Bronte now telling Nat that Jozea told her that they have Tiffany on their side now and he will let her have power, but backstab tiff and Nat did not like that

For fun Paul's new reason for hating Michelle is the fact Michelle called out Paul for not knowing what Pandora's box was for BB. He was telling Jozea about it and how he's so pissed because he didn't know about this one thing because he has a life. Also said Michelle should just get more sunburns. As for actual game talk they both don't trust Tiffany , but think she will vote with the house. This being of course them thinking their side is the house.

Tiff now telling some of the 8 pack about Nat. She thinks they can trust her and that Nat feels the guys on her team have an all guys thing and that she feels very low on their totem pole . Nat also said she's not a fan of Victor anymore.
So we got fish on after dark.

Something going on or what? Weird for fish on after dark this early in the season

No , feeds been up just fine.

Also surprise surprise 8 pack not hot on Tiffany cause as soon as she left they talked about how iffy they feel about her and basically said they have no problem with her going.


Paul's complaining to Bronte that Michelle called him out for not knowing what Pandora's Box is. Bronte: "I don't know what that is either!"


Michelle feels like an attractive version of Christine minus the incessant laughing at everything and the creepy lusting over guys despite being married. She's got a similar dynamic with Nicole in that she feeds Nicole's paranoia and provides her with a buffer to gossip and whine about everyone else in the house with.

Michelle certainly seems more self-aware and I doubt she'll be as treacherous as Christine was but it's still really early. She is encouraging Nicole to relegate into her old bad habits of not making an effort with anyone outside of her core group. I suspect a lot of folks in her alliance recognize this about Nicole and have propped her up as a big 'ole shield for the other side. One that will be especially attractive to take a shot if the guys are outnumbered 8-to-5 if Victor follows Jozea out the door as is the current plan.

That said, Tiffany is being propped up as a shield as well as she's cultivated little to no loyalty due to playing scared. The folks outside of the numbers are so lacking at this game they might actually buy that Tiffany is some kind of mastermind like her sister so she can be cut loose as a scapegoat should the need arise.
Jozea is telling us to DM him a message on twitter on why James won Amercia's Favorite.

Paul, Bronte and Jozea all thinks he's creepy as fuck.

These 3 are still confused on why Nicole put Paulie up, Paul is conceived they didn't have time to make some grand plan in one day. So Jozea brings up it must be because Paulie's is Cody's bro.

Paul asked Bronte to make sure Zak is ok, but Bronte shuts that down saying she doesn't want to do it as it could push Zak away. They said if the votes are off they would know she turned, but feel like she wouldnt do that.

Jozea going off about Bridgette again calling her idiotic, saying she would be the type of person to re set the game if given the choice. Bridgette did say she probably would press it if given the choice. Tiff walks in and he asks her if she would reset the game if had at choice at resetting the game. lmao

Tiff talked about bringing in Nat to Zak and Michelle , they weren't for it .

Zak getting grilled by Jozea if she heard anything , she says no and she could sense the vibe if its changed.


He said it multiple times, after being corrected multiple times.

Frank spilling everything about the vote to Natalie, in the presence of Bridgette. This is getting back to Jozea before the show 100%.

Yeah. I'm hyper disappointed in Frank. Everyone else's lie-to-their-face game is on fucking point.


Yeah. I'm hyper disappointed in Frank. Everyone else's lie-to-their-face game is on fucking point.

I was really impressed with how Tiffany handled it when Natalie came to her asking about it. And then Frank had the gall to trash her in the HOH room to Day, saying that she was the one "trying to make moves."


Nat just literally told Bronte and Victor that she feels Jozea is going home tomorrow. Victor refuses to believe it.

Bronte's not buying it because she said "Paulie looks sick. Maybe it's setting in that he's leaving." She bought the act.

If the blindside goes as planned, we have Day and Z to thank. None of these people expect them to flip on Jozea.
Bronte's not buying it because she said "Paulie looks sick. Maybe it's setting in that he's leaving." She bought the act.

If the blindside goes as planned, we have Day and Z to thank. None of these people expect them to flip on Jozea.

I know lol Even if there was fucking plane outside saying Jozea is going home, these people will not believe it. It's why Nat didn't even try to push for it anymore, you can't talk to these idiots
My wife tries her absolute hardest to get me to watch Big Brother with her every year. I've watched many episodes scattered throughout the past 4 or 5 years but never a full season. Do they try to find the most dysfunctional people for its cast? Seems like there's maybe 1 rational and calm person per season, the rest are easy to anger spastics.
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