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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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They really shouldve rigged the game to have Jozea or Glenn return. Victor was the least interesting choice to return.

At this point, I hope Paulie wins. He is kind of an asshole but he is playing the game and not pissing anyone off other than Z who wants to marry him.


Paulie's many F3/F4 alliances...

Paulie/Zakiyah/Nicole/Corey (not legit in Paulie's mind; actually legit in Nicole's mind)
Paulie/Zakiyah/Da'Vonne/Paul (not legit in Paulie's mind; actually legit in Day/Z's mind)
Paulie/Corey/James (semi-legit; once Nat's gone)
Paulie/Paul/Corey/Victor (semi-legit; although Victor is being strung along)

Frank/Bridgette are also Team Paulie should one/both survive this week.
Michelle is also a secret supporter/enabler of Team Showmance.

None of the other F3/F4 alliances have any substance to them whatsoever.

Paul's merry little court minstrel act as he regales his audience with tales of making Bridgette cry...





I still can't believe the show isn't revealing what the live feeders know, that Michelle, Z, and Paul are awful human beings.


I still can't believe the show isn't revealing what the live feeders know, that Michelle, Z, and Paul are awful human beings.

They are running out of people, only a matter of time until they get their edit. Z has done piss-all this game, she is hardly even on.


They are running out of people, only a matter of time until they get their edit. Z has done piss-all this game, she is hardly even on.

It's always funny to see Zakiyah spend an hour getting ready for a DR session that nobody's ever going to see.
They really shouldve rigged the game to have Jozea or Glenn return. Victor was the least interesting choice to return.

At this point, I hope Paulie wins. He is kind of an asshole but he is playing the game and not pissing anyone off other than Z who wants to marry him.
Based on the episodes Victor is doing what he should be doing, laying low. I lol'd with Meech using the Salty word. Nicole gots to go. Her voice is awful.


I still can't believe the show isn't revealing what the live feeders know, that Michelle, Z, and Paul are awful human beings.

Tried to look this up at Jokers but it's kind of crazy to parse through all that stuff. Care to give GAF a greatest hits version of what makes them so terrible?


Tried to look this up at Jokers but it's kind of crazy to parse through all that stuff. Care to give GAF a greatest hits version of what makes them so terrible?

Michelle and Z primarily are the ones that bully Bridge or Tiffany, and ridicule people that talk with them. They talk mad trash about them and isolate them from the rest of the group. Basically the mentality is if the house wants you out then it's personal not game reasons. Most people would still be nice and a human being to these people but not them. It's like Bridge is the devil.
Its kinda sad how last nights episodes was like the only one I can recall with some actual drama or excitement to it. This season has been so boring just let James and Natalie get to the end


Michelle and Z primarily are the ones that bully Bridge or Tiffany, and ridicule people that talk with them. They talk mad trash about them and isolate them from the rest of the group. Basically the mentality is if the house wants you out then it's personal not game reasons. Most people would still be nice and a human being to these people but not them. It's like Bridge is the devil.

Okay. That's shitty, but was still expecting something worse. With some of the previous house guests being various stripes of racist/sexist/homophobic I feel like the bar for being considered an "awful human being" is depressingly relatively highly.


She's going to spiral down further from that cushy 12th most popular spot after her edit tonight.

lol, she actaully went up one spot. I don't think she was that terrible form the edited show. It can happen that you irrationally can't stand someone, at least she was upfront about it. Why should she be nice to Bridge if she doesn't stand her? I would actually be the same, that constant airhead giggle, uggggggh

Anyway, which are the targets right now for next week, from the edit I would say Nicole and Davonne? This is going to make the core alliances to the positions, so there is potential for a fun week.

It's going to be Bridgette and Natalie on the block, isn't it?


Anyway, which are the targets right now for next week, from the edit I would say Nicole and Davonne? This is going to make the core alliances to the positions, so there is potential for a fun week.

It's going to be Bridgette and Natalie on the block, isn't it?
Nicole, Day, Bridgette and Corey are the most likely nominees. Clearly Frank as well if he gets round trip ticketed into safety in which case you can throw James and Natalie into the fire as well.

The other 5 houseguests - yes, that includes Victor - are pretty much safe from getting nominated. Paulie and Z had yet another of their "we have no chemistry with one another so I'm going to be irrationally jealous for a silly reason" spats last night but I still can't see her going up on account of how useless she is beyond being a vote for Paulie.

If there's some kind of audience participation twist announced tonight to get people nominated by the public then we could see the likes of Victor, Paul and Michelle go up on the block. Z and Paulie (this season's golden boy) are pretty much covered by all angles.

With the house largely expecting a Double Eviction night next week (or at least the folks paying attention), I can see a good number of people not wanting to try hard to win HOH this week (if it's a traditional comp). Expect a number of people to actively throw the comp - especially once Bridgette is eliminated.


This is kind of Mole-esque. I like it.
Big Brother would do itself a big favor if it incorporated more elements from The Mole. Like when they had teams at the start of this season they could have designated one secret mole per team that had to intentionally sabotage their team's chances in comps and, by doing so, would be eligible for a prize (money, immunity, power, etc.)

Of course, they would have also had to commit to team competitions for an extended period of time instead of throwing in the towel early, switching to individual and just gifting the entire team immunity for winning.
Would they risk a potential tie when voting for the winner?
Oh yeah, I didn't think about that. They'd probably either have to not include the roundtrip person, or have America be the 11th jury member - and I highly doubt either of those would ever happen. Guess it's true, Frank leaving pre-jury and staying away might actually happen.


I dont think Julie likes Zakiyah or Michelle. lol I kinda hope Frank comes back but honestly he would have to win HOH to even have a chance.


Some live feeders think they know who has the round trip based on house clues pointing to which number envelope is the right one.


did someone tip off michelle that he has the round trip? She just said see you in 5 minutes.

The cast is just as jaded to Production's blatant Frank favoritism as much as we are.
So for people sick of hearing about it in this thread... well, there's plenty of chatter inside the house as well.
Who do they think has it?

Day. Based on one of the signs referencing Ochos Rios, a town in Jamaica. Think think it was the eighth one.

The cast is just as jaded to Production's blatant Frank favoritism as much as we are.
So for people sick of hearing about it in this thread... well, there's plenty of chatter inside the house as well.

It's funny when Day references it after her being handed the advantage last year.
It's sad one of these people are going to win....worst players in recent memory. Ugh.

Alex Kidwell from RHAP compared this to BB16 but without a Derrick. He said that might make it less predictable near the end and hopefully better TV.

I'm not sure if that will be the case, but it seemed like an apt comparison.


The entire house is pretty much universally hated at this point.
With the exception of Natalie.

Hehe yeah. At this point I am holding out hope for a Bridgette (will never have the votes), Natalie (for he lulz factor) or Corey (least objectionable) win. The odds of any of that is almost zero.
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