Paulie is in tears because he got nominated, lmao. He can't deal with the feeling of disappointing his idol, Derrick.
After he complained about others playing emotionally? Gimme a break lol
Paulie is in tears because he got nominated, lmao. He can't deal with the feeling of disappointing his idol, Derrick.
Victor dressing down a humbled Paulie with logic and rational arguments - who can't bully and intimidate him the way he could all of the girls - has been the highlight of the season.
Paulie needs to delude himself that this is all a part of his master plan and that he's still in complete control now that he's sussed out the disloyal traitors.Paulie says he threw the HOH comp just to see if anything like this was going to happen. lmao wat
OMG my life is complete.Thread needs even more of crying Paulie...
This is so amazing fuck yesssThread needs even more of crying Paulie...
What a douchebag.
Not sure if it works but here's paulie being a sore loser over the thought that he might go to jury
Not sure if it works but here's paulie being a sore loser over the thought that he might go to jury
That's why you see so many people saying they just want to make it "at least to jury" - because then they'll get a definite payout that spans the entirety of the game. 14k for jury, 1k/week for pre-jury. Unless you're a vet, which bags you 25k according to Frank.Whaaaaaat!?! You get a stipend for playing this game. I thought you only get money if you win. What's the point of winning then? LOL
Care packages are only good for the week they are given to. Like this week Nicole got the super safety suit which saves her from being evicted this week. That's one of the reasons why they wouldnt back door Paulie. The other is he was most likely going to be picked anyway and even if he does win it Corey just up and goes which they are also fine with.
That's why you see so many people saying they just want to make it "at least to jury" - because then they'll get a definite payout that spans the entirety of the game. 14k for jury, 1k/week for pre-jury. Unless you're a vet, which bags you 25k according to Frank.
Thread needs even more of crying Paulie...
lol Paul is a good player and he's been one since like week 3 when he somehow managed to get that big giant obvious target off his back and stay ever since. Natalie has always been iffy on Paulie's bullshit but never acted it upon it until now. The only floaters in that house are James, Nicole, and Corey along with Zakiyah but thankfully she's gone.This is why you get rid of floaters. They do nothing and then they stick around long enough to have a semblence of power and all of a sudden they think they are awesome players.
Power players are only strong because of the weak players around them.
Why does everyone hate Nicole? Do the broadcasts portray her inaccurately?
Why does everyone hate Nicole? Do the broadcasts portray her inaccurately?
She's GARBAGE. Just yesterday Paul asked her a bunch of times if she really was okay with the 5 guys alliance and she answered with a resounding yes which Paul couldn't understand. Why would you be okay with the guys in the house working together and fucking you over?Why does everyone hate Nicole? Do the broadcasts portray her inaccurately?
lol Paul is a good player and he's been one since like week 3 when he somehow managed to get that big giant obvious target off his back and stay ever since. Natalie has always been iffy on Paulie's bullshit but never acted it upon it until now. The only floaters in that house are James, Nicole, and Corey along with Zakiyah but thankfully she's gone.
Being a floater doesn't have to do with comp wins but rather gameplay. It's someone who doesn't have any strategy nor loyalty and just "floats" to power. Adam Poch being the best example. It's a completely relative term, so really it's whatever you want to be. But I've never bought into the notion that it had to do with comp wins only, otherwise we would consider Dr. Will a floater.Natalie is a huge floater. She's won nothing and attached herself to James.
Corey is not a floater
How is Corey not a floater? He's a useless brick that never plays the game, he's only there to be Paulie's little bitch. For example right now he's not doing anything for himself at all, he's not checking to see who the target is or trying to mend things with the other players in case his Boss ends up getting evicted and he gets stuck with Nicole. Corey has no presence in the game which is why he's been able to make it this far.Natalie is a huge floater. She's won nothing and attached herself to James.
Corey is not a floater
Here's this interaction with direct quotes because it spells out Nicole's mindset...She's GARBAGE. Just yesterday Paul asked her a bunch of times if she really was okay with the 5 guys alliance and she answered with a resounding yes which Paul couldn't understand. Why would you be okay with the guys in the house working together and fucking you over?
You guys remember the Saboteur twist from BB12?Paul: So you know about the guys alliance... and how the guys were supposed to make final 5 and take out all the girls.... so my question to you.... why do you not give a shit?
Nicole: Huh? Oh... it was like obvious
Paul: So you just didn't care? I don't get it.... you just... were gonna ... I'm so confused.
Nicole: Oh no it was so obvious *laughs* and like Corey is so cute.
Paul: So you just roll over and die? That's so shitty... after the heat you took in your last season for the same kind of thing happening?
Nicole: Well like if the guys took me out ... I can't beat them in comps and like I'm a superfan so I'm just happy to be here and like it was obvious to me.... you know? *laughing*
Paul: I'm so confused... I'm scratching my head as to why you don't care.
Yes, you can still get a free one week trial when you sign-up. The feeds have a flashback feature that lets you go back and watch any moment from the feeds.Do the feeds still have a free trial going? If not, if I sign up now do I get access to everything that happened in the past on the feeds of this season? I've been waiting for Paulie's downfall all season and know most things won't make the TV edit. What should I do?
Yes lol
Nicole is just honestly there to get a guy and be the last girl standing in the house.She straight up told Paul this. lol She was like in physical pain when she was pretty much forced to be social with the other side of the house yesterday. She gets very jealous of any girl for the dumbest shit . Nicole just wanted to come back to be loved by America. ( just like James ) She been going on all week how she couldn't wait til noms so Michelle and Nat were on the block and she hoped they were have nots as well to rub salt in their wounds.
Fun fact Nicole is a have not this week even though she thought the safety suit saved her and she can't be up Corey since Michelle and Nat ( which is voided obviously) are teh two other have nots. lmao
Basically if you are a girl you cannot work with her and she tries sabotages any girl that even tries to stay or move forward in the game. And everyone knows how well the girls are usually taken out of the game, they really need to work together as guys tend to bro down.
Once I find the video of her and Paul's talk from yesterday I'll post it in here, shit was funny cause the fucker was just totally confused as why she would totally be ok with just being picked off like that.
Natalie is a huge floater. She's won nothing and attached herself to James.
Corey is not a floater
Survivor is set up like a Poker Tournament, where the prize money escalates greatly the deeper you go. (3rd place is 85K)Yea iirc you get a stipend for any of these reality shows like BB, survivor, and amazing race.
Corey isn't a floater so much as he's a goat/minion/puppet for Paulie and Nicole. That's ultimately all he is and aspires to be. Although he has amusing moments of lucidity in conversations outside of that duo - even if they don't help his stock in the game.I guess we have different definitions of floaters. Natalie was the major driving force behind flipping the house on it's head these past 7 days. If you don't watch feeds then I get why you wouldn't know that. She's been playing a great social game as well and has relationships with everyone in the house or actually tries to. I guess if you define being a floater as not winning comps then sure. But that means Corey is a floater because he lucked into an HOH. I'll give you the one veto win during the DE but what else has he done? He has zero social game and doesn't even try. He's wallpaper.
Corey isn't a floater so much as he's a goat/minion/puppet for Paulie and Nicole. That's ultimately all he is and aspires to be. Although he has amusing moments of lucidity in conversations outside of that duo - even if they don't help his stock in the game.
Nat clearly isn't a floater unless you're watching the sanitized CBS TV edit of her game. Last week's flip would not have happened without her.
The closest thing to a traditional floater in this house is Michelle. She floats to power and gets her jollies on mocking, hurling insults and/or shunning the people on the outs.
You don't get to watch the veto on feeds. All you'll get to see while the veto is underway is Jeff Schroeder mugging for the camera.LOL just started my free trial and they are all sleeping. Who sleeps at 1pm? Sucks for me I guess.
When is the Veto usually held on the feeds and where is the rewind option so I can see the juicy stuff?
You don't get to watch the veto on feeds. All you'll get to see while the veto is underway is Jeff Schroeder mugging for the camera.
Will likely be sometime later tonight. Between 8-10 pm Pacific.No I want to see the aftermath though. When is that? If Paulie wins/ is off the block, I will RAGE!!!!
I feel like Paulie is gonna win the veto guys. It was good while it lasted tho
I feel like Paulie is gonna win the veto guys. It was good while it lasted tho