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Biggest overhyped disappointment this generation?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
AniHawk said:
Same with Dark Cloud. I read up on the game, it sounded solid enough. A couple people had recommended it to me, and I had heard it was the PS2's "Zelda-killer."

I trucked through the first three levels/areas of the game before giving up. The whole rebuilding the world thing was cool, but DEATH to those random dungeon floors I say (and the thirst system and everything else you have to micromanage in order to drive me 100% completely insane).

I also didn't like Virtua Fighter 4 much, but that's another story for another time.

Now your just pissing me off...not liking Virtua Fighter 4 is a crime where I live. And not LOVING VF4: Evo to the point of wanting to marry it will get you the death penalty. Texas is cruel like that.

I never beat the original Dark Cloud. Having to drink water all the time and having your weapons break so often, all that just started to become annoying. But Dark Cloud 2 turned that around, that has to be one of my favorite PS2 games this generation. So many awesome things to do in that game, so polished, so viewtiful. I'm not a big fan of random dungeons, but Dark Cloud 2 just gives you so many things to do on the side. I love games that are bursting open with content like that. :)


Metal Gear Solid 2 (overhyped to the max)
Eternal Darkness (boring)
Grand Theft Auto 3 and VC (bleh)
Devil May Cry (got bored with this fast)
Chronicles of Riddick (average at best for me)
Halo (I'm not a FPS fan so for me this wasn't all that great)


not an idiot
-Metroid Prime <-- by far & away the worst.
-Viewtiful Joe
-Super Mario Sunshine

-Chronicles of Riddick
-Jet Set Radio Future
-Rainbow Six 3

-Grand Theft Auto (all of them)
-Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

-Deus Ex: Invisible War
-Need for Speed: Underground
-Splinter Cell: PT
-ESPN NBA Basketball Series


The defenition of "hyped" is being stretched.

Just because EGM writes a couple of previews or cover storys about a game, I wouldn't necessarily call it hype.

Hype should be reserved for games that people and press consider the second coming.

For example: Halo 2, Half Life 2, Doom 3 and GTA: San Andreas have been hyped.

Pretty much everything else this year has just gotten coverage.


Grizzlyjin said:
Now your just pissing me off...not liking Virtua Fighter 4 is a crime where I live. And not LOVING VF4: Evo to the point of wanting to marry it will get you the death penalty. Texas is cruel like that.

I just didn't care to play it much. Guess I'm more of a 2D fighting game fan. Got Klonoa 2 out of it though, so that was nice.


Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicals complete lack of plot...

You get a Final Fantasy, you expect a bit more than "get this to save your village every year" over and over again.


hyperbolically metafictive
mario sunshine's still one of the better games in its genre, but it fell way short of my expectations. and i don't think my expectations were unreasonable...i just wanted a game of similar material quality to mario 64 (as opposed to a game that would match mario 64's impact, which would be unreasonable to expect). sunshine isn't close - the level design just isn't up to mario standards. people often talk about buying a console to play a single game, but i honestly went out and bought a gamecube just to play the japanese release of mario sunshine. doh. well, pikmin and monkeyball sort of took the sting away.

most overhyped/overrated game this gen is unquestionably metroid prime. i play that prime 2 demo with its horribly constricted control and joyless progression and i absolutely marvel that people called its equally dull predecessor one of the greatest games ever made. but i can't really call prime a disappointment, as it was actually less of a disaster than i'd expected.


drohne said:
most overhyped/overrated game this gen is unquestionably metroid prime. i play that prime 2 demo with its horribly constricted control and joyless progression and i absolutely marvel that people called its equally dull predecessor one of the greatest games ever made. but i can't really call prime a disappointment, as it was actually less of a disaster than i'd expected.

Same here, actually. I wasn't looking forward to Metroid Prime at all. I thought the game would turn out to be just plain BAD. It didn't... but it was boring and very average to me. I just didn't "get it," though I liked the controls and the music a lot (controls in MP2E took a couple of minutes to get readjusted to). I wouldn't have bought the game right away if it wasn't for the glowing reviews from every major publication out there saying it was an instant-classic (and I did read the reviews- not just look at the scores :p).

That said, I'm a lot more interested in Metroid Prime 2. After playing the multiplayer, my interest was sparked, and this new game which will obviously feature Metroids at one point in it seems original in the series in spite of that. I think it's the only game in the series besides Super Metroid where we get the feeling that Samus isn't the only human in the universe.


Super Mario Sunshine and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. My two biggest disappointments EVER. I guess my expectations for these two were through the roof, too. :p
suikodan said:

Wreckless on Xbox. 9.5 on IGN.

At least the graphics were good.

hah that definitely takes the cake.

People forget how big the hype was on some Xbox games because once released they were quickly forgotten.
Shenmue 2
Fighting Superman (Dream Publishing)
Crazy Taxi 3
Dead or Alive Volleyball
Quantum Redshift
Star Wars Obi Wan
Toe Jam and Earl 3
Fable :D

to name a few


Star Fox Adventures... hyped like mad, beautiful graphics... yet an empty shell of a game

surprised no one has mentioned it yet frankly... perhaps everyone is just blocking it out of their minds


Scary Euro Man
Driv3r, surely?

For me personally, Halo deserves a mention, though, because after all the hype I just didn't find the game fun.
SPLINTER CELL. I still can't believe people thought this was GOTY in 2002. The MGS and Thief series kill this game, and I don't even like MGS that much.

Sword of Mana. Everyone can agree on this one. It wasn't hyped quite as heavily as a lot of the games mentioned, but people still had high hopes for it. Terrible, terrible partner AI and a general lack of fun. FF Tactics Advance was overhyped as well...it's not a terrible game, but another sequel that falls short. Why would I play this when Advance Wars 1/2 and Fire Emblem are available?

Jet Set Radio Future. Dumbed down for an audience that didn't care. Huge levels with no time limit and hours of mindless exploring, fighting cops instead of being chased by them, simplified graffiti, and music that falls short of the original soundtrack. It was a slow, sluggish, soulless sequel to one of my favorite Dreamcast games.

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. Well, at least they got the sub-weapons and music right.


Hardware related:

Sony: PSP
Nintendo: connectivity, controller use for games other than action/adventure games.
MS: Xbox controller use for all genres
Nokia: everything NGage
Sega: Dreamcast. It is dead.

Software (They sure are loved here, but the games are @ss in relation to the luv):

GC: Viewtiful Joe
PS2: Ico
GBA: Sword of Mana
Dreamcast: MDK2


MGS 2 and ICO. By far. They were complete and utter drek to me, and I so WANTED to like MGS 2. ICO I was doomed to hate, as it is the complete and utter triumph of style over substance in gaming.


jett said:
Zelda: Wind Waker

We have a winner!

Raoul Duke said:
MGS 2 and ICO. By far. They were complete and utter drek to me, and I so WANTED to like MGS 2. ICO I was doomed to hate, as it is the complete and utter triumph of style over substance in gaming.



Devil May Cry - I want to love this game, I really do, but i find it incredibly dull and boring. Maybe I just need more time with it, but i'm not going to force myself to play it.

GTA: Vice City - I LOVE GTA3, it's one of my favourite games ever, but Vice City i've barely played at all, I don't know what it is, but I just have no urge to play it.

Every major GC game i've been really happy with, but i'm pretty disappointed that Mario Tennis isn't out yet. :p


Invisible War.

They had a winning formula in their hands and tossed it out the window. That's somehow worse than a first effort not living up to expectations.


First tragedy, then farce.
Speevy.. stop making lists and pay attention during class.

My biggest disapointment this generation has been your focus on school young man.
Overhyped disappointments:
Metal Gear Solid 2
Final Fantasy X
Devil May Cry

Slight disappointments:
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Super Mario Sunshine
Beyond Good & Evil
Skies of Arcadia


I think my biggest disappointment was Super Mario Sunshine. I didn't expect it to be perfect, or even to be as good as SM64... but jesus, from the moment I started it up and got the retarded cutscene with voice acting I thought "my god, Miyamoto's turned Mario into Sonic Adventure." The actual gameplay was also a disappointment. Not that it was bad, it just had some things that annoyed me, like having to unlock Yoshi/the different fludd accessories in EVERY SINGLE LEVEL (including the main hub!!!!!!) or having to beat Shadow Mario in every stage to unlock the last stage (instead of just needing X amount of shines).


Forgot about Tactics Advance. That one too. As someone who put in 100+ hours in the original FFT, FFTA was boring, plodding, slow, horribly unbalanced, did I mention slow? The law system was a pretty awful idea too.




Tag of Excellence
Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal !!!1!!"

Hmmm nothing really has dissapointed me, all titles have always come out to my exact expectations. Even MGS2 (which I didn't like too much) didn't suprise me since I kept my expectations very low considering that I knew very little of it.


Seeing Kobun on G4.
I was expecting 100 seconds but only got 20. What the hell?

MGS2 is what got me back into gaming (I bought my PS2 for it and the upcoming FFX) and thusly neither were over hyped to me, I just was looking forward to them cause I love the series.
It shows you what the internet does to ya.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
btrboyev said:
Never played...but I don't remeber that much hype other than from FPS geeks

Were you not around during E3 2000? It was pretty much Halo vs MGS2 for Game of the show, people were going absolutely nuts over both games. (that was when Halo was for PC). Halo was extremely hyped and Xbox was coined the "Halo-Box" before Xbox even came out.

That said, I believed Halo surpassed the hype :p
Blinx- This played like it was a generation behind Jak, Ratchet, Mario 4th dimensions or not. People were hyping this up so much too. Ballance was way off.

Dark Cloud- God this game was dull(and ugly).

Auto Modellista- It looked kind of cool. It didn't play cool.

Brute Force- Great engine and controls. Bad level design, I mean really bad.

P.N. 03- I hope somebody liked it.

Gunvalkyrie- This game looked awesome. The controls were not awesome. It could have been so much more...

Grabbed by the Ghoulies- Lets face it, if this had a different lead character it could have been better. It should have been better. Probably one of the more technically accomplished dissapointments.

Mildly Dissapointing:
Final Fantasy X-- I hated some of these characters. The cut scenes were uneven. The dialogue sorely needed a rewrite or two. I liked the way it looked and sounded, I liked the basic idea of the story even if it didn't totally succeed on a scene by scene basis. The battle system was fun. But all that story with cut scenes and dialogue was more punishment than reward.

Jak 2-- Big Ballance issues. The problem with the difficult spikes is you'd get put in situations where luck seemed more important than skill, like when enemies would randomly spawn around you in Haven city. In fact most of the haven City missions seemed uninspired and a full notch below the shooter and platformer missions. Also, all of the cut scenes needed to be redone or something.

Prince of Persia- I recently rebought this(after I'd traded it in after initial release, since it's $20 now). Now I remember. This damn camera. I hate the fact that when you want to automatically recenter the camera behind the prince it makes a swooshing sound and takes about a second. WTF. All sorts of other camera niggles arose. This camera isn't as bad as in a game like Haven or some shit, but it isn't on par with some others in this genre.

The mildly dissaponing ones were all good, though.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Devil May Cry 2 was the most dissapointing for me, but it sounds like Fable has been the most overhyped. It looked better when the first announced it.
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