So, a friend insisted on that I should try this. All I can tell is that after the installation and creating a "whatever" character (ok on everything, just to get fast to the actual game) to see how it ran on my system, I was greeted with gold farmers spamming the chat immediately after logging to the world. One minute later I was uninstalling the game.
Nope. I overreacted when I saw the level of fanservice.
Is there any Blade Master guide out there (mostly about PvE if possible)? I kinda got bored of my Summoner so I tried the BM and I'm enjoying it greatly but I have no idea what I'm doing.
When you crit with Sunder (right mouse button), you will generate 1 wind orb, when you have 3 wind orbs up, this will allow you to spend them by using a skill called Typhoon (which you need to press F or Tab (not really sure)).
Yea, crafting is pretty easy to do, just super annoying in the time it takes to craft/gather the higher end stuff. Basically just send in a request for what you want, then a loooooong time later it finishes. You'll be notified when its done, and have the option to redo what you just did. No need to visit any npc (you CAN if you really want too,
So those veins you see on the map are not like other MMO's that you walk close to it and start chipping away at them to collect quartz...?
Sölf;194686217 said:They are, but they are extremely rare with long respawn, so they are pretty valuable, and only a few of the professions actually need them. Gathering is basically done via the guild, you find a sample and send a request for this stuff, the guild gathers it and once it's done you collect it. Crafting works the same, you just need the materials before you send out the request. And these materials you get from the gathering professions or it's the Quartz/Water you can find. But it takes time, up to 12 hours at endgame for a single (batch) item.
Any gaffers on WIndrest that want my gold if i quit?
Why are you quitting?
Yeah, the Terrors and Wyrm are so bad, whats keeping me is the great combat and pvp.Depends on the new content, if i get bored im quitting and i dont want 25+ gold to go to waste rather help a gaffer out. Plus im so fed up with terrible designed bosses like Wyrm and Terrors.
Here is a nice list of Dailies that people can use to keep track, it also shows you how much gold you can make:
List of Dailies
Yeah, the Terrors and Wyrm are so bad, whats keeping me is the great combat and pvp.
Its free to play so you might as well just keep the gold in case you want to come back at a latter date?
Anyway, if you really want to get rid of the gold just put it in the guild bank, its almost empty atm![]()
Not in the Gaf guild im Cerulean scum.
I did Poh24 and Poh6 last night. It was my first time doing both. The first time we fought Poharan in Poh6 I was the last one alive, but the second time I was the first person to die and I felt like a complete newb. I should have watched a vid first. I still am not sure what I did wrong dodging her attacks.
Sölf;194699784 said:Her attacks are basically this:
- Blowing a kiss, then jumping up doing a red (unblockable) attack at her current target which stuns (can be avoided by an invincibility frame)
- After that, she charges at the same target. This can be countered (and blocked?), if it's not countered the target gets thrown in the air and takes massive damage.
- After that, she shoots a yellow (blockable) ~120° cone in front of her, dazing if you get hit.
She repeats this pattern throughout the fight. After 2-3 times (or maybe more, not sure if time or HP dependat) she jumps to the middle and blows up a mine, which is a red attack in the middle. When the mine explodes it first goes outwards, then back inwards to the middle. This also works like a red attack, so you either have to run to the outer edge of the arena, as the mine doesn't reach the wall, or have to use two i frames.
Now, she also throws bombs at her current target which can't be blocked and leave fire on the floor. I am not exactly sure if she does it at a certain HP or throughout the whole fight.
At 60%, she will jump to the middle and start a big AoE. You now have to enter the vents to avoid this attack (in PoH 6, you also have to pull a lever to actually start the vents). Her current target has to run around a bit before entering a vent, because she will throw the bombs at him, in if there is fire in the vent you will probably die. Immediatly after the vents she will also throw down a mine, so either go the the wall or use two i frames to avoid the explosion.
At 40% the two cats join the fight, during the vent phase they run the outer wall and stay there until the phase is over. Sometimes later (also 40%? Not sure when she starts with it) she will stay in the middle, freeze people in the middle (use an i frame), then jump up in the air and first shoot at her current target (can be blocked/countered) and then charge at the targets location (can also be blocked/countered).
Those are basically all her attacks. It gets really hectic later on when the cats are also there, especially since she jumps around so much.
The rule of thumb is whoever has agro should go for a stroll before jumping on a vent or he will die and take everyone else on that vent with him.Ahh, ok. I was trying to figure out why I died on the vent, because I pulled the lever. I didn't see fire, but maybe she was chucking bombs because two other people ran on to the vent I was on. I guess the rule of thumb should be one person to a vent.
The rule of thumb is whoever has agro should go for a stroll before jumping on a vent or he will die and take everyone else on that vent with him.
Oh man, got that Poh 4 clear just in the nick of time before Bloodshade Harbor drops. Nothing like clearing it last minute, reminds me of my FFXIV days.
Props to SDB for being a really awesome KFM. Shout out to Sumie and Saff who were very patient with me while I figured out how not to blow up from Chef's fucking bullshit timebombs.
Got this game on launch, but I got stuck in the character creation screen for hours.. couldn't decide on what to play! There are just way too many options. Any advice/suggestion for solo stuff? I like all sorts of roles, I guess, but maybe I'd like to try some tank/melee DPS.
P.S. The Discord invite in the OP has expired. ; w ;
Is there a visual indicator as to which vent will be on fire? I didn't notice one.
Is there a visual indicator as to which vent will be on fire? I didn't notice one.
I'm confused. Are they saying that the tier 5 skills are gonna cost 2 or are all skills gonna cost two.Patch notes are up:
Just the hongmoon/tier 5 skills will need 2 points.I'm confused. Are they saying that the tier 5 skills are gonna cost 2 or are all skills gonna cost two.
I'm confused. Are they saying that the tier 5 skills are gonna cost 2 or are all skills gonna cost two.
I hope we get new content earlier.Aw. New Daily Dash will run for 8 weeks according to those notes linked above![]()
Playing it a bit more, I think I'm liking BM more than I used to. I really dreaded doing daillies with it so I was just doing pvp ones but I've been taking her in poharan these past few days and getting used to it while changing my skill build and upgrading my gear to true profane 10/true infernal, and it's surprisingly not as shitty as I thought before. Damage is solid, especially when the profane buffs pops. Burst damage is crazy when Flock is up. The dodge iframes are smallers, but the dodges are a lot more responsive than on KFM and they have shorter cd. One thing that annoys me is Block is annoying, can't move with it and it somehow doesn't block everything the KFM one does.
Actually, Q/E dodges on BM have weird mechanics. Basically they're both the same skill and share a cd, which would suck in general, however when you're in Draw stance, you can always E, regardless of CD(it puts you back in normal stance). That means you can Q which puts you in draw stance, then E, then if you need a dodge you can enter draw stance with say lightning draw, then E right away again, then SS which puts you in draw, then E, then Q, then E, etc. You can actually chain a stupid amount of dodges if you want.
Definitely the character I'm looking forward the most next patch with Hongmoon Lightning Draw and more points to take more stuff. Also hopefully can get to 50+% crit with new soul shield, the class becomes amazing with high crit, can see that in poh24 when you have the crit buff stacked up decently high.
I really hope we get that Black Skyscraper raid and infinite tower somewhere along the line. It would probably be a while.I hope we get new content earlier.
What's missing? 8th Floor, Labyrinth, Silverfrost+50 cap, Warlock and whatever happened between Chimaster and Warlock, right?
I just had the poh eyepatch drop in our 4man just now and the bid went up to 7g. That was an easy 1.5g profit. I wanted to see if the winner would go even higher but I didn't want to risk it.
I really hope we get that Black Skyscraper raid and infinite tower somewhere along the line. It would probably be a while.
Do I use the Mailbox thing to ask for an invite to the Clan/Guild? Or do I use the whisper system.
When you say "profit," what do you mean? It doesn't seem like any adornments or costumes can be sold on the MP, aside from cat items.
I don't know exacts but you can profit from lost bids. A chunk of the winning bid gets split between the people who made a bid and lost. It's the reason you'll see people raise the bid high on rare items even if they don't want it.
The race stopped me from rolling one earlier but I kind of got used to it and now I think they are adorable. What is wrong with me![]()
Patch notes are up:
The race stopped me from rolling one earlier but I kind of got used to it and now I think they are adorable. What is wrong with me![]()