Thanks, I'll try that.
This boss is a story boss, right? Or optional?
Totally optional. Gets you a
chalice for a new dungeon though.
Thanks, I'll try that.
This boss is a story boss, right? Or optional?
L2 and smack her/it in the head consistently with LHB. You should have a relatively easy time. I'm a few levels above you but you're right where you need to be.
Thanks, I'll try that.
This boss is a story boss, right? Or optional?
Totally optional. Gets you achalice for a new dungeon though.
Took it down. First try, too! LHB+7 with bolt paper helped.My skill/bloodtinge character doesn't even move; not a single step near the entrance once the boss leaps down; no joke. Just shot his head a few times with Evelyn +9 Bloodtinge 25 with Bloodtinge Gem, powered by Bone Marrow Ash of course. It took like, 4-5 shots?
It was so quick I was kind of shocked that I didn't have to move at all, lol.
You don't have to do the entire Nightmare Frontier at all.
Took it down. First try, too! LHB+7 with bolt paper helped.
Yeah, that was actually the second boss I beat first try, haha. First being.the Witches
Hmm, Logarius Wheel is pretty fun, though I'm not completely sure how to use it haha.
Oh yeah, it's really cool, just so insanely hard compared to everything else :SMy favorite boss fight![]()
I defeated that piece of shit after about 30 tries. I figured out I should just keep my distance, bait his headswings and hit his head when he turns it towards me again. The reach of my Threaded Cane did wonders. Dodging his charge attack becomes the trickiest part. But totally doable if you're concentrated.
I tried getting close to him but that didn't work out. His head is just too fucking big to roll or quickstep through once uses a wider moveset.
Its pretty easy with a the cane, still I invested in health runes just for his charge attack.
So can I say...I hate the brainsuckers? Hate hate hate them. >.<
Especially in.Upper Cathedral Ward
I mean, 3 at once?
I was on a balcony, by some doors. One was facing away from the doors, the other was facing the opposite end of the balcony(away from me, I thought), and I had just killed one under the stairs leading up there. I walked slowly behind the one in front of the doors, started to R2 charge my LHB, then BAM! The one from across the balcony had run towards me and grabbed me. Half my life gone. I break free, begin to run back to the ladder, get caught in its blue grab spell, and it grabs me. I'm dead. But what's this? Another one comes from the room with the ladder, where there wasn't one before! I came up the ladder and there wasn't one around it. Where did that one come from? :/
Yeah, I lost about 64k echoes. And maybe 8-10 insight? Lol, now I have to go through those damn wolves again.Hahahaha.
Look to the right at the long corridor after you climb the stairs. It patrols the road there all the way to the large door that leads to the Make Contact gesture where the other two hangs. Kill that one first if you can.
Just use thrust attacks and don't forget Bolt Paper. Buffed up Tonitrus can stunlock them as well. If they caught you, just button mash like crazy so they release you much faster than normal.
Don't feel too bad about it; my first time there I got killed by them as well and lost a good amount of Insights... sigh.
Yeah, I lost about 64k echoes. And maybe 8-10 insight? Lol, now I have to go through those damn wolves again.
Yassssss I defeated the Watchdog
Please tell me the third Defiled boss is easier.
...that's six, lol.Don't forget to equip Eye Runes.
Might as well since who knows? Maybe they'll drop Chunks, hahaha.
There are only 5 of them in there (the one near the Choir set, the one ambushing you down the stairs, the one patrolling the route that contains Cosmic Watcher badge, and the last three on the upper floor, so if you manage to kill them all, it's safe cruising.
The server is now down for maintenance, but I have the update installed. Tried Chikage and Evelyn in offline mode, no damage nerfs. (No idea if they did something about Bonemarrow Ash though). Buffed Chikage seems a bit slower, but that is probably just my imagination, haven't used it in a while.
What about Blade of mercy and Burial Blade? I was midway to making a bloodtinge build but I realized I don't really like the Chikage moveset. Might make a BoM build now.
The only weapon changes in patchnote are the rifle spear bug fix and Kirkhammer and the Wheel thing's uses less stamina than before.
Have you tried Reiterpallasch?
It synergizes well with a bloodtinge build in many different ways; arguably even better than Blade of Mercy and Burial Blade, both of which I think fit better with an Arcane build.
Also, Reiterpallasch is unique in that I think it's the only weapon in the main story that has two versions of it immediately without having to jump into the Chalice Dungeon (one in the Cainhurst chest, and the one you buy)
What about Blade of mercy and Burial Blade? I was midway to making a bloodtinge build but I realized I don't really like the Chikage moveset. Might make a BoM build now.
Yes, they did seem a bit more useful, but could be placebo.Doesn't mean anything, the Cannon wasn't mentioned in the last patch.
Anyone tried the spells yet? They said they'll receive a buff.
Have you tried Reiterpallasch?
It synergizes well with a bloodtinge build in many different ways; arguably even better than Blade of Mercy and Burial Blade, both of which I think fit better with an Arcane build.
The Reiter is mainly a skill weapon, BT only scales with the gun part of the weapon. I wouldn't recommend it for a first playthrough, but it's excellent.
Oh yeah I have one although I seldom used it so far. I've never been a fan of "fencing" weapons in souls game...
And I was talking of making a whole new character of course, bloodtinge is useless for BoM.
Something like 50 skill 15 arcane. It's a pain to make a new character although it's amazing how much faster you go through the game the second time around. Killed Cleric beast and Father G. before even levelling up on my new character.
i'm having a really hard time summoning someone to beat rom, it takes a really long time to find anyone, and all the people I summoned died fighting him, leaving me with like half his health bar so its about as hard as usual (I think they get more health if you co-op?).
I'm level 49 and tried it standing next to the bonfire and the fog door and neither works well.
I'm definitely not enjoying this as much as souls, the combat feels like its challenging but doesn't always give you the tells you need to be able to dodge or parry reliably, often due to flappy hair obscuring half the screen (Amelia). I love the monster hunter style of combat and thought this would feel more like it with the lack of shields, but I think souls is actually closer. somehow without having the shield and the health regen from attacks, the feeling of caution is gone, and fights boil down to you spamming attack and getting hits in before the enemy while both of you stand and hit each other like crazy.
Some people think it's harder, some think it's easierYassssss I defeated the Watchdog
Please tell me the third Defiled boss is easier.
About to start the 'Cursed' chalice dungeons today, and whilst watching Brad play part of them on Giantbomb, someone on their chat recommending NOT doing the additional rooms/areas in the Cursed dungeons, just go for the Switch then Boss. Is this advisable? I am just wondering about any vital materials that I may miss by doing that.
By using password matching, you can now be matched regardless of level difference, and even with a hostile oath.
Conditions for the appearance of the insight store changed: it will appear when the player has one or more insight instead of 10 (Once unlocked, it will now remain unlocked for the rest of the game, even if you have zero insight).
Added a blood chunk item to the insight store (it will appear after playing the game up to a point). It costs 30 Insight.
Up to 600 Blood vials and quicksilver bullets can now be stored in the storage.
Adjusted the strength of some enemies in some areas in new game plus.
Adjusted the resistance and vulnerability of some enemies to bolt and arcane attacks.
Changes made to how Beasthood accumulates. This increases duration and attack improvement by beasts.
Adjusted the effect of Beast Blood Pellet item.
Fixed a bug of the attack force of the Rifle Spear. In particular, it was fixed a problem with the use of Blood Gems.
Reduced the stamina use of the Kirkhammer.
Reduced the stamina use of the Logarius Wheel.
Increased the duration of Old Hunter Bone and reduced the use of Quicksilver Bullets (reduced from 5 to 4).
Increased the duration of the effect of Tiny Tonitrus. Increased attack force. Attack force with low arcane will be higher.
Increased the duration of the effect of Augur of Ebrietas. Attack force with low arcane will be higher.
Reduced the Quicksilver Bullet cost for use of A Call Beyond (reduced from 8 to 7).
Reduced the Quicksilver Bullet cost for use of Choir Bell (reduced from 8 to 7).
Added Short Ritual Root Chalice to the insight store after completing the Pthumeru Chalice dungeon. It costs 10 Insight.
Its possible to take advantage of the Short Ritual Root Chalice from an earlier stage of the game.
Added a random rewards when killing a Chalice dungeon boss. They will now drop a random Blood Gem in addition to weapon enhancement materials.
Different depths of Chalice Dungeons will now drop different Blood Stones
Depth 1: Blood Stone Shard
Depth 2: Twin Blood Stone Shard
Depth 3: Twin Blood Stone Shard and Blood Stone Chunk (Rare)
Depth 4: Blood Stone Chunk
Depth 5: Blood Stone Chunk and Blood Rock (Rare)
Increased the level of Blood Gems available in Depth 1-3 Dungeons.
Increased the amount of Blood Echoes dropped in Chalice Dungeons.
Co-op partners joining a cursed dungeon will only see their HP reduced by 50%, and not by 65% as before.
When starting co-op in a chalice dungeon, you will now spawn in the lamp room.
Weapons with special names like uncanny and so forth can now be purchased from the Bath Messengers once found.
Adjusted the brightness of the screen when finding a pool of Blood Echoes on the ground.
Corrected the bug that disconnect you from online mode when in stand-by.
Corrected a bug that caused enemies not to be displayed correctly for co-op guests when moving fast.
Further tweaks and bug fixes.
i'm having a really hard time summoning someone to beat rom, it takes a really long time to find anyone, and all the people I summoned died fighting him, leaving me with like half his health bar so its about as hard as usual (I think they get more health if you co-op?).
Sure.Anyone wants to test the new password matching with a chalice depth 5?
Invasions ignore passwords, right? And invader can still enter my world when I'm using a matchmaking password.
That means I can create a convoluted matchmaking passwort that no one else is using, ring my beckoning bell and invaders will come into my world without co-op phantoms interfering. That would work, right?
Is it also possible for more than one invader to enter my world?
No, the Sinister Woman only shows up when your coop partner is there. Only one invader.
Oh right. Forgot about that. Bollocks.
They need to give us an option to have bell maidens by default in your world. Not only in the nightmares.