Where do you even use upper cathedral key
Climb the tower to the right exit from the cathedral ward lamp after defeating blood starved beast.
Where do you even use upper cathedral key
Wrong key. That's the Hunter's Emblem, not the Upper Cathedral Ward key.Go left from the Cathedral Ward lantern, up the stairs by the first giant with the axe.
Sorry, fixed.Wrong key. That's the Hunter's Emblem, not the Upper Cathedral Ward key.
one shot defile watchdog lol.
Its all about using longer ranged weapons and not being greedy. I got hit like 1-2 times outside the minor fire damage.
Screw putting points into stats, you need to learn how to dodge my friend. What runes do you have equipped?
Wow, i just "beat" the game and I'm really fucking pissed off.
All I knew going into the the fight was that there was a good ending and a regular ending. I figured I'd get the option to move to NG+, so I could play around to my heart's content in my regular game. I didn't spoil myself.
So because I didn't consume the umbilical cords I had in my inventory I went IMMEDIATELY to a NG+ after beating Gherman??? I can't fight the Moon Princess, or go check out any place I missed without going through the whole fucking game again? That's absolutely Goddamn bullshit. So no instead of feeling accomplished and thrilled to have beat it, I'm just disappointed and angry. Fuck this shit. :-(
So it seems like FROM upped the range level from co-op and pvp?
Well, that was a waste of money. Went from a 7200RPM 1TB HDD to 500GB SSD and saw a max of 3-4 sec faster load times porting from Hunter's Dream to another area. Respawning saw almost no difference. Don't know if having the disc version is the issue.
So it seems like FROM upped the range level from co-op and pvp?
From the main menu after choosing to play online/offline, select load game to see play time per save file.I forget. Is there somewhere you can go to see total play time?
When did this happen?
Wtf somedude with a sack just ambushed and killed me and now I'm in a cell.
Not like I even killed a boss recently or anything to trigger something. What causes that to happen?
Wtf somedude with a sack just ambushed and killed me and now I'm in a cell.
Not like I even killed a boss recently or anything to trigger something. What causes that to happen?
Wtf somedude with a sack just ambushed and killed me and now I'm in a cell.
Not like I even killed a boss recently or anything to trigger something. What causes that to happen?
So Arianna and Losefka died before I can get the cords from them, I can't get the other ending now?
I think they appear after killingthe Blood-starved Beast
Killing a boss to trigger something, lol. Killing Blood Starved Beast causes them to show up, but the one in Cathedral Ward is semi-hidden so you might not have noticed them until later.
Killingwill make them appear. Just go up the stairs and you should find a lamp to warp out of there.Blood-Starved Beast
Hmm weird.
I got up to the big cathedral doors and went exploring and got killed by, so went through the shortcut on the way back, collected my souls and backtracked to the lantern and spent them, then on my way back to the cathedral, my third time through the area, it showed up and killed me. Weird.the hunter by the well
Does it stay there or was it a one time thing? Kind of annoying to have it right in the way on the fastest route from the lantern to the cathedral doors.
Hmm weird.
I got up to the big cathedral doors and went exploring and got killed by, so went through the shortcut on the way back, collected my souls and backtracked to the lantern and spent them, then on my way back to the cathedral, my third time through the area, it showed up and killed me. Weird.the hunter by the well
Does it stay there or was it a one time thing? Kind of annoying to have it right in the way on the fastest route from the lantern to the cathedral doors.
What are the requirements for making a chalice dungeon through glyph code? I keep getting a "you don't meet the requirements to join the dungeon matching this chalice glyph" message. The dungeon is supposed to be "Phtumeru Ihyll root", I already have all the materials and a similar Phtumeru Ihyll root made(not through code and still active), though I haven't complete it yet.
Also, collision boxes in this game are fucked up:
Oh Thanks, this means a lot more farming.Maybe that glyph have offerings? If you want to use a glyph with offerings you need to have done one with them by yourself before that.
Chalice dungeons aren't affected by NG+Enemies are harder in NG+? Should I not wait to do chalice dungeons until then?
Enemies are harder in NG+? Should I not wait to do chalice dungeons until then?
I think the chalic dungeons don't scale with NG+ ... that or just the root chalices. Since i just met a difficulty spike last night on lower pthumeru make me think that they have their own difficulty scaling.Enemies are harder in NG+? Should I not wait to do chalice dungeons until then?
Oh Thanks, this means a lot more farming.
Does the shop start selling level 5 Ritual Blood and Tomb Mold at some point?
Oh Thanks, this means a lot more farming.
Does the shop start selling level 5 Ritual Blood and Tomb Mold at some point?
It becomes a respawning enemy, and no, it's not always in the way. It's put in a deep corner where you can easily avoid aggro'ing if you don't want to.
It's still worth killing because it drops Twin Shards
Yep thanks, just found out about this, made a chalice with similar rites and was able to make the chalice I wanted right away without the offerings.I think not.
Keep in mind that you only need to do a Chalice with offerings once. So If you make a Ptumeru root with offerings, you can search for Isz and Loran roots with offerings (provided you did the chalice for them, but they don't need to be with offerings).
finally beat that peskygrand cathedral hunter
()I seriously put on every bit of gear i had that was strong in defense against blood tinge shots and it still did fuck all
It becomes a respawning enemy, and no, it's not always in the way. It's put in a deep corner where you can easily avoid aggro'ing if you don't want to.
It's still worth killing because it drops Twin Shards
How common are the drops? I got one shot by one them the first time I met one but I badly need twin shards.
For Souls fans, would you say Bloodborne or Dark Souls 2: Scholar of first sin is the harder game? I'm a Souls newbie and I'm getting close to finishing Bloodborne so I'm considering whether to pick up DS2. I've found Bloodborne to be pretty damn difficult but I'm slugging through.
I lost 2 millions yesterday because of the bastard keeper of the old lords(defiled dungeons)
am still not recovered lol .
So it seems like FROM upped the range level from co-op and pvp?
https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/3424pj/there_seems_to_be_a_new_level_summoning_range/Since the last patch it seems that the summoning range has been changed. Whether this is intentional or not I don't know. Form Software never likes to give us exact calculations anyways. Personally as a 126 I have co oped with a 152 and a 100, both of which are out of the 10+10% range. I've gathered some numbers and the most extreme range I have gotten is a 127 summoning an 87. assume the 10+/- is constant (to make co op easy at lower levels) the new result from my numbers is 10+/-25%(26%)(rounding values). If anyone else has gotten summons outside the original 10+/-10%(11%) range please post it here so that we can test the extremes of the new summoning range.
Update: from the numbers I've gotten so far it seems like the if this equation is used the 10 has changed as well as the percentage (assuming it was this to begin with). As more numbers come in I will try to see what simplified kind of equation roughly encompasses the values given.
Not THAT common, but enough that you can farm them if you need to.
Why you had that much with you in a bossfight?
I didn't need to spend them on anything, and it's not like I can store the money like the other items.
one shot defile watchdog lol.
Its all about using longer ranged weapons and not being greedy. I got hit like 1-2 times outside the minor fire damage.
Thats amazing. What weapons did you specifically use?