Oh good. A thread where Hillary supporters call anybody critical of her sexist...
Sexism is obviously a factor in her loss but it isn't the whole story. Just like Comey isn't the whole reason. Or Benghazi nonsense. Or fucking anything. It was death by a thousand cuts.
personally, I always thought that she was an awful candidate. She could never energize the base - which somehow people think doesn't matter in a fucking national election. The last major cause she put her name on was healthcare and it was over 20 years ago. She has only won two elections - one while First Lady to a popular blue president in a blue state, and the other time as an incumbent. She couldn't defeat Obama despite being the "establishment" candidate. She had a hate campaign run against her for over 20 years that showed no signs of letting up - yet I kept hearing fucking nonsense like somehow she was the candidate who could get things done...how?! You think Obama had it rough? You have no fucking idea how impossible doing anything would've been if Republicans could hold onto even a shred of power.
Honestly, anybody who thought she would be a great candidate needs to seriously reevaluate their ability to discuss and think about politics.