Yes, yes it does. Instant death doesn't seem to lose it as I fell off a cliff after bailing from a Runner and instantly died. Respawned with my stacks.
But bleeding out, having 200+ stacks by the time I dropped dead... I respawned with nothing. Not just that one time, every time I bleed to death I lose them.
Beat the game last night, not a single purple or orange from the final bossWell, I take that back, there may have been an orange gun but it was wedged UNDER the boss making it UNLOOTABLE
Now to finish of all the side quests in playthrough 1 before moving onto #2.
If you went through Hero's pass again the loot would still be there. It is a hassle but at least you would have a free orange.
Shoot it's side while it is up. The shield reflects bullets back to you.
Unless you mean the typical blue shield. If it has shield bots then destroy them asap.
Beat the game last night, not a single purple or orange from the final bossWell, I take that back, there may have been an orange gun but it was wedged UNDER the boss making it UNLOOTABLE
Now to finish of all the side quests in playthrough 1 before moving onto #2.
Anybody have a good Gunzerker build for using pistols? Seems like it could be fun to mess around with.
happened to me the one and only time I've finished the game. How does this make it past QA? If this isn't fixed by the time PiratesBooty hits then it's clear as day, Gearbox it totally fucking with us. we shouldn't have to manipulate the game to get our gear.
The 5% relic only increases the chance for green drops.
It would be nice if it would just despawn after a few minutesEven tried killing a few rakks to make it despawn but that didn't work.
Holy crap
Zer0 only has 4 fingers on each hand
Holy crap
Zer0 only has 4 fingers on each hand
happened to me the one and only time I've finished the game. How does this make it past QA? If this isn't fixed by the time PiratesBooty hits then it's clear as day, Gearbox it totally fucking with us. we shouldn't have to manipulate the game to get our gear.
haven't tried it myself but I'm Your Huckleberry + Mod and the Sheriffs Badge
He a simpson
Wearing my short pants
Don't they look delectable?
Why don't you eat them?
it's possible to get really good loot from slot machines or it's better to keep the money?
it's possible to get really good loot from slot machines or it's better to keep the money?
qq about a missionclan wars, im at the end of the mission who is better to side with, the hodunks or zafords???
So the game has become unplayable to me
I'm by the entrance of Dust and my car keeps sinking into the ground and I can't drive. Last time I fell through a hole and died and it fckn charged me. I do want to continue playing to keep falling through the ground all the time W T F!
I just got an orange drop from slots, so yeah it's totally's possible to get really good loot from slot machines or it's better to keep the money?
You don't use money for anything, except slots and tipping Moxxi, really.
I just got an orange drop from slots, so yeah it's totally possible.
something unlocks if you give enough money to moxxi?
just got three marcus,but it gave me a purple one whose only good thing it's that it is a pistol with a 70-shots magazine
Holy crap
Zer0 only has 4 fingers on each hand
Unfortunately fire isn't a great element late in the game so it may not help you much.
I disagree with this so much. As a Siren, fire weapons are down right Godly. Ruin + Wreck + fire SMG destroys any organics without a shield in under a second. If they have a shield, strip it away with a shock weapon, then do step 1.
it's possible to get really good loot from slot machines or it's better to keep the money?
After several shitty nights, I finally got the Warrior to give up a Gentlemanly Volcano and a Critical ConCall.
Now I just need a legendary SMG and pistol which I don't see talked about much.
Are there any truly great ones?
Slightly tired.
Any PC Borderlander mind carrying a level 37 through Terra and Warrior on TVHM? I just want the money. Not so much the items...though if you want to give them to me I wouldn't complain.
Slightly tired.
Any PC Borderlander mind carrying a level 37 through Terra and Warrior on TVHM? I just want the money. Not so much the items...though if you want to give them to me I wouldn't complain.
What are you going to use the money for?
Give me like 30 minutes and I'll get on. Steam: earvcunanan
Of course. But late game you won't really find many flesh enemies. Hyperion soldiers are mainly shield/armor, Loaders are all armor, and skags and threshers have a ton of HP. I'm not saying fire is a crappy element, it's one of the best at what it does, but you just don't get much use out of it later in the game.
Anyone can join. Also, I'll be dropping some level 40-ish orange weapons that I don't need.
We can start with Warrior runs. I think I'm at the end of my TVHM playthrough so we have to get there first, unless someone is already there that can take us.
You will still come across lots of flesh enemies late game, especially after you beat TVHM, where everything gets bumped to level 49 - 52. And shields mean nothing when a shock weapon eats through them so fast. As a Siren, you should always keep a high leveled fire/corrosive/shock weapon with you at all times.
I knew those basics, I was looking for something a bit more detailed. Between dual wielding pistols for the quest where you fight The Sheriff and remembering the fun I had with a pistol build on Mordecai in the first game I figure a full on pistol build would be pretty great but I'm in TVHM now so I know I can't really screw around with a bad build without getting murdered.
Corrode is the shit.I prefer corrode over fire if only because it look cooler.. even though I'm only 1/3 into TVHM I find corrode much more useful.
Though I like using shock grenades over almost everything else.