On Sept. 10, 1993, a show called "The X-Files" premiered on Fox, and just over 20 years later "Breaking Bad" will air its series finale on AMC. Those events have a lot more in common than you might think.
Vince Gilligan, the creator of "Breaking Bad," got his start in television by writing for "The X-Files." He was toiling away as a film writer and living in Virginia when a meeting with "X-Files" creator Chris Carter changed his life.
"I learned everything I pretty much know about TV from 'The X-Files' and from working for Chris, and from working with ['X-Files writer/producers] Frank Spotnitz and John Shiban," Gilligan said in a phone interview with The Huffington Post. "It was a great learning experience, and one that I always liken to film school, except it was a film school that paid me to attend."
As part of our commemoration of the 20th anniversary of "The X-Files," we've interviewed the show's alumni: Check out our interview with Gillian Anderson here and watch this space for more from Spotnitz and "Homeland's" Howard Gordon, another "X-Files" alumni.
Below, Gilligan talks about how he fell "ass backward" into an "X-Files" writing gig and explains how the show's rigorous visual approach influenced the acclaimed "Breaking Bad."