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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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Well Israel seems happy to accept collateral damage and deaths of innocent people near their target sites.

And again, what does it have to do with French Jews being assaulted in a Synagogue, in the center of Paris, to the cries of "Death to the Jews" ?

Thanks for proving my point.
This is spectacularly irrelevant to anything I'm saying.

Back to relevant things,

I think if I knew the answer to this question I'd be on my way to grabbing my Nobel Peace Prize. I'm not even sure there are any options for the Palestinians. They're hemmed in on all corners, and I don't think anything they can do now, including laying down their arms or fighting as hard as they can, will stop what's happening. And that makes me very sad.
They need to bunker up and just wait it out until the hostilities stop, they're not in a position to negotiate and after this they might not be for a long time.


Hamas is willing to talk to Israel, while Israel is not willing to talk to Hamas. Fatah and Israel are willing to talk to each other, but the continuous built of settlements show that Israel are not serious about peace. Palestinians are the ones under occupation, Israel has all the power, they are the ones who need to be serious about peace for it to work.

There has been serious talks in the past that have broken down for one reason or another, whether it was a fault on the Israeli or Palestinian side. There was some success with the Gaza withdrawal, though that came to and end with Hamas taking power and the subsequent blockade.

As it stands Israel doesn't seem to be willing to end settlements, and the Palestinians refuse to negotiate as a result. International pressure on Israel has not stopped the settlements. So the Palestinians have a few choices: refuse to negotiate with Israel (due to settlements) and keep the current situation which is leading to less and less land for the Palestinians, continue the resistance (which only leads to Palestinian death and destruction), or just concede and accept any form of borders.
There has been serious talks in the past that have broken down for one reason or another, whether it was a fault on the Israeli or Palestinian side. There was some success with the Gaza withdrawal, though that came to and end with Hamas taking power and the subsequent blockade.

As it stands Israel doesn't seem to be willing to end settlements, and the Palestinians refuse to negotiate as a result. International pressure on Israel has not stopped the settlements. So the Palestinians have a few choices: refuse to negotiate with Israel (due to settlements) and keep the current situation which is leading to less and less land for the Palestinians, continue the resistance (which only leads to Palestinian death and destruction), or just concede and accept any form of borders.
The Palestinians don't actually have any choice at this point other than the last one, Hamas can continue to pester Israel with rockets and provoke more shelling from the IDF at the cost of more Palestinian lives, Palestinian support of Hamas doesn't make sense anymore.

It's a sad situation for these poor people but it's a reality that Palestinians will have to accept, that or leave Palestine and flood the borders of their Arab neighbors and see how they really feel about helping Palestinians out.


And again, what does it have to do with French Jews being assaulted in a Synagogue, in the center of Paris, to the cries of "Death to the Jews" ?

Thanks for proving my point.

I'm still wondering why an assault on Jews in Paris is relevant when talking about military action resulting in 100+ deaths in Palestine?

What happened in Paris is antisemitism and abhorrent.
What happens in Palestine is war crimes.
I disagree with your first paragraph. We will just have to agree to disagree on that. The carnage when considerations of how many air strikes are done is just not there for me to agree with you assertions.

I never said "might makes right" is a good thing, I said you must be realistic. There are not many times in history when a powerful country aides a bullied country simply due to morality.

Just because I don't argue sensationally, do not mean I don't know the difference between what is right and what isn't.

The settlements shall continue and this is why the UN should stay firm on how it is illegal and will not be recognized in any form of negotiations.

However, Palestinian livelihood mainly in West Bank have been increasing wonderfully unlike Gaza's. This is a way to peace, by economic cooperation.

All I am here in this thread to say is that Israel isn't "targeting civilians" and Hamas should stop shooting rockets as if it aides Palestinians, because it doesn't.
Sorry, I'm not going to agree to disagree on provable absurditities. Do you believe that Israel does not know that there are women and children in a building at the time of strike? Also pretty laughable to say life under the occupation aint so bad. I mean, as long as we continue to ignore the settlements and Palestinian homes and farms being razed to the ground for more settler scum. As long as we choose to ignore their basic human rights and freedom. Life under occupation is not so bad!
Sorry, I'm not going to agree to disagree on provable absurditities. Do you believe that Israel does not know that there are women and children in a building at the time of strike? Also pretty laughable to say life under the occupation aint so bad. I mean, as long as we continue to ignore the settlements and Palestinian homes and farms being razed to the ground for more settler scum. As long as we choose to ignore their basic human rights and freedom. Life under occupation is not so bad!
It's doubtful they can target only Hamas specifically with shellings, and I doubt either side wants boots and tanks on the ground. We can keep arguing the morality of this situation or deal with it the best anyone can, it's not optimal for either side but the Palestinians aren't in the position to negotiate, and in a way they're better off that they're dealing with Israel and not Syria or Lebanon. They have got to stop supporting Hamas, it will only lead to their ruin.


aka iby.h
Are you from Palestina? Was wondering this with your username being Phalestine :)

Yes, Lived there for seven years (Age 5-12), parents decided to come back to the US since it was getting really dangerous. Fortunately I had a second option, many families don't; which just breaks my heart.
I'm still wondering why an assault on Jews in Paris is relevant when talking about military action resulting in 100+ deaths in Palestine?

What happened in Paris is antisemitism and abhorrent.
What happens in Palestine is war crimes.

It's relevant because it's used as justification for treating Jewish people like shit.

Dead Man

It's relevant because it's used as justification for treating Jewish people like shit.

I think you may find that Palestinians in the occupied territories have it a bit rough at the moment, maybe we could keep this thread about that rather than all the anti Semitism in the world and about how bad the Jewish (as opposed to specifically Israeli) people have it? Maybe?

Or you could go make a thread about anti Semitism in the world if you want to discuss it in a general, global, sense.


I think you may find that Palestinians in the occupied territories have it a bit rough at the moment, maybe we could keep this thread about that rather than all the anti Semitism in the world and about how bad the Jewish (as opposed to specifically Israeli) people have it? Maybe?

Or you could go make a thread about anti Semitism in the world if you want to discuss it in a general, global, sense.

It happened in a rally that was specifically against Israel's offensive in Gaza.

It doesn't suddenly become irrelevant just because it took a turn that makes the protesters look bad.


Yes, Lived there for seven years (Age 5-12), parents decided to come back to the US since it was getting really dangerous. Fortunately I had a second option, many families don't; which just breaks my heart.

3amdillah. It's interesting to get a new pov from someone who has actually lived in Palestina.


Are other countries even condemning this?

Other countries are condeming Hamas, as such they don't speak about the civilian deaths (which is what the Dutch PM did). As is mentioned earlier, he dared to state "Israel is not shooting rockets at Gaza". But at this point people should not put any weight into what these leaders say about this conflict, since they are unbiased imo and will only look at this conflict in way that will benefit their agenda and objectives. Fortunately you see more and more people reacting and they are seeing what is actually happening.


I'm not giving Israel a free pass for what their police force/soldiers did to those people it was just as wrong as the three Israeli teenagers that were brutally murdered. But firing 80 rockets into a country like Israel is not the way you response to that.

I mean what do the Hamas expect to happen? It isn't like this is the first time Israel has responded to rocket fire with airstrikes.

Just a guess, but I suppose they expect air strikes which they will use as a recruitment tool.


Can someone verify (from other sources) that this story is legit or false?

BBC promotes lie that Israel is targeting civilians in Gaza

I know there has been a demonstration in Manchester in the last days at a BBC building against their pro- Israel biased reporting http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-28278951

And a demonstration in London also had thousands of people demonstrating against Israel while at the same time chanting that the BBC should be ashamed of themselves because of biased reporting. http://socialistworker.co.uk/art/38565/Thousands+join+London+demo+for+Palestine

Don't know the story behind that news article you posted, though I would not expect people to go thus far in demonstrations if the BBC was being pro-palestina


Just a guess, but I suppose they expect air strikes which they will use as a recruitment tool.

Also for PR purposes. Hamas benefits from dead civiliansーespecially childrenーwhich they can film and show to the world as proof that the Israelis are evil. Which is why Hamas urges and sometimes forces civilians to get on rooftops and act as human shields.

The video here shows residents leaving a building after Israel fires a warning shot (known as roof-knocking), and other civilians rushing into the building and climbing onto the roof, so you can't argue that they were just protecting their home as an act of defiance since the actual residents of the building had already evacuated it.


Also for PR purposes. Hamas benefits from dead civiliansーespecially childrenーwhich they can film and show to the world as proof that the Israelis are evil. Which is why Hamas urges and sometimes forces civilians to get on rooftops and act as human shields.

The video here shows residents leaving a building after Israel fires a warning shot (known as roof-knocking), and other civilians rushing into the building and climbing onto the roof, so you can't argue that they were just protecting their home as an act of defiance since the actual residents of the building had already evacuated it.

So u are saying it's on Hamas not Israel cuz it's there problem.....


Sorry, I'm not going to agree to disagree on provable absurditities. Do you believe that Israel does not know that there are women and children in a building at the time of strike? Also pretty laughable to say life under the occupation aint so bad. I mean, as long as we continue to ignore the settlements and Palestinian homes and farms being razed to the ground for more settler scum. As long as we choose to ignore their basic human rights and freedom. Life under occupation is not so bad!

I think you are missing something here; I never said any of this is good, I am speaking what I believe to be realistic possibilities. Economic cooperation is a realistic possibility, while violence tend to only harden both sides of the conflict. Worded my sentence poorly, I meant it is growing wonderfully relative to Gaza despite the disadvantages Israel has on it.

My belief in how to end this conflict is one that would take a longer period of time, but still allow Palestinians their 1967 borders with some parts being gain/lost. The settlements are not legal and hopefully UN will not allow this to be used in negotiations.

You can keep arguing morality, but in the reality we have now, there is no way Israel is going to be sanctioned even without U.S veto. No country in the Security Council is that supportive of the Palestinian plight over Israel. There is no way UN is going to force a Palestinian state without Israel being a part of that decision.

As I said earlier, I do not believe Israel "do not care" for civilian casualties. People make civilian casualties to be easily avoided in war. Israel is still within international laws with most of their aircraft strikes.

1,300 aircraft strikes with 172 total deaths. Yeah, they are totally targeting or have no care in this world for civilians.

EDIT: Know what? How about just go search around for official stances of most of the countries in the world and tell me if you believe the rocket attacks fare better at aiding Palestinians. Most of the ones truly condemning Israel are Islamic states and other such biased countries.


So u are saying it's on Hamas not Israel cuz it's there problem.....

No, but it's pretty conclusive proof that Hamas gives no shit about its own civilians and illustrates why nobody should defend Hamas' actions as a legitimate manifestation of Palestinian resistance. Hamas does nothing but set the Palestinian cause back.

I've lost count of how many strawmen and assumptions I've had to set straight since I started posting in this thread. It's funny how some of you try to pigeonhole everything I say, even the most neutral comments, into the pro-Israel or anti-Israel camp and then basing the rest of your assumptions on that. What is nuance, eh?

Meanwhile, when I do make clear what my stance on a certain facet of the conflict is, nobody bothers to keep going down that line of discussion or refute what I say.


Also for PR purposes. Hamas benefits from dead civiliansーespecially childrenーwhich they can film and show to the world as proof that the Israelis are evil. Which is why Hamas urges and sometimes forces civilians to get on rooftops and act as human shields.

The video here shows residents leaving a building after Israel fires a warning shot (known as roof-knocking), and other civilians rushing into the building and climbing onto the roof, so you can't argue that they were just protecting their home as an act of defiance since the actual residents of the building had already evacuated it.

You are using these videos as a source to make such disgusting claims? I'm certain Hamas has similar videos of the IDF that puts them in a good daylight as this does for the IDF, it's called propaganda.

How you are still trying to make the point that the IDF protects or avoids civilians deaths with the death toll already rising above 100 is still astonishing to me. Time for a reality check i would say.

No, but it's pretty conclusive proof that Hamas gives no shit about its own civilians and illustrates why nobody should defend Hamas' actions as a legitimate manifestation of Palestinian resistance. Hamas does nothing but set the Palestinian cause back.

Conclusive proof? I call it propaganda, based on the civilians and mostly children that have died in the past wek

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
No, but it's pretty conclusive proof that Hamas gives no shit about its own civilians and illustrates why nobody should defend Hamas' actions as a legitimate manifestation of Palestinian resistance. Hamas does nothing but set the Palestinian cause back.

Not saying that Hamas does give a shit about Palestinians in general, but this logic is extremely absurd.

By the same logic, the Israeli government does not give a shit about it's own citizens because they invite Hamas rocket attacks by continuing settlement activity and oppressing Palestinians.
I think you may find that Palestinians in the occupied territories have it a bit rough at the moment, maybe we could keep this thread about that rather than all the anti Semitism in the world and about how bad the Jewish (as opposed to specifically Israeli) people have it? Maybe?

Or you could go make a thread about anti Semitism in the world if you want to discuss it in a general, global, sense.

Or how about I can respond to a question raised by a poster in this thread that's still fairly on topic about an issue that's popped up as a response to the present escalation?


You are using these videos as a source to make such disgusting claims? I'm certain Hamas has similar videos of the IDF that puts them in a good daylight as this does for the IDF, it's called propaganda.

Calling something propaganda doesn't automatically disprove it.

How you are still trying to make the point that the IDF protects or avoids civilians deaths with the death toll already rising above 100 is still astonishing to me. Time for a reality check i would say.

Not once did I make that argument. I'm getting tired of words being put in my mouth.

The only point I'm trying to make with this line of reasoning is that Hamas is also worthy of condemnation. I've seen people try to rationalize Hamas' actions as a legitimate manifestation of Palestinian resistance and that is downright disgusting. Hamas is as much a threat to Israel as to the Palestinians. You cannot conflate Hamas' goals with that of the Palestinians because Hamas ultimate goal is the dismantlement of Israel as a State. Excusing Hamas' behavior does a disservice to the Palestinian cause.


No, but it's pretty conclusive proof that Hamas gives no shit about its own civilians and illustrates why nobody should defend Hamas' actions as a legitimate manifestation of Palestinian resistance. Hamas does nothing but set the Palestinian cause back.

I've lost count of how many strawmen and assumptions I've had to set straight since I started posting in this thread. It's funny how some of you try to pigeonhole everything I say, even the most neutral comments, into the pro-Israel or anti-Israel camp and then basing the rest of your assumptions on that. What is nuance, eh?

Meanwhile, when I do make clear what my stance on a certain facet of the conflict is, nobody bothers to keep going down that line of discussion or refute what I say.

Israel keep hitting building full of family cuz one of them is member of Hamas and some time they just take the whole building down cuz fuk it why not.... who can condom them and say why are u targeting these building if non are firing Rocket from it.....

I am not... if these ppl are trying to make shield for what ever reason... the other party should stop attacking these site if they do care about human life more than Hamas dose as they keep saying not bombing and put the blame on Hamas


Not saying that Hamas does give a shit about Palestinians in general, but this logic is extremely absurd.

By the same logic, the Israeli government does not give a shit about it's own citizens because they invite Hamas rocket attacks by continuing settlement activity and oppressing Palestinians.

This assumes that Hamas' rockets are a response to Israeli oppression. Hamas' ultimate goal is the dismantlement of the State of Israel and the creation of an Islamic State in its place. It is literally in their Charter. You cannot conclusively say that Hamas would stop shooting rockets into Israel if Israel stopped oppressing Palestinians because their ultimate goal still wouldn't have been satisfied.


Calling something propaganda doesn't automatically disprove it.

Not once did I make that argument. I'm getting tired of words being put in my mouth.

The only point I'm trying to make with this line of reasoning is that Hamas is also worthy of condemnation. I've seen people try to rationalize Hamas' actions as a legitimate manifestation of Palestinian resistance and that is downright disgusting. Hamas is as much a threat to Israel as to the Palestinians. You cannot conflate Hamas' goals with that of the Palestinians because Hamas ultimate goal is the dismantlement of Israel as a State. Excusing Hamas' behavior does a disservice to the Palestinian cause.

Neither does calling a video from live leaks of all places "conclusive proof"

Nobody is trying to make Hamas look blame free. Just getting a message across to people that act like only Hamas is too blame and Israel is not killing these civilians.
Also when I think of the goals that Hamas has, I think of the liberation of Palestina from occupation before thinking about the annihilation of Israel that they might want.

Hamas is not a foreing terrorist group that entered Palestina with the goal of fighting Israel. These are palestinian people that joined this group in order to fight their oppression of Israel. So no, I don't think the goals of the Palestinian people and Hamas are that different. Again, i'm not giving Hamas a free pass in the actions that they take.

This assumes that Hamas' rockets are a response to Israeli oppression. Hamas' ultimate goal is the dismantlement of the State of Israel and the creation of an Islamic State in its place. It is literally in their Charter. You cannot conclusively say that Hamas would stop shooting rockets into Israel if Israel stopped oppressing Palestinians because their ultimate goal still wouldn't have been satisfied.

How about you have a look at this and read it trough

The Hamas Covenant also known as Hamas Charter, refers to the Charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), issued on 18 August 1988, outlining the movement founding identity, stand and aims.[1]

The Charter identified Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and declares its members to be Muslims who "fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors." The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories,[2] and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.[3][4] The charter also states that Hamas is humanistic, and tolerant of other religions as long as they "stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region".[5] The Charter adds that "renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion" of Islam.[1]

In 2010 Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal stated that the Charter is "a piece of history and no longer relevant, but cannot be changed for internal reasons."[6] Hamas have moved away from their charter since they decided to go for political office.[7] In 2009 interviews with the BBC, Tony Blair claimed that Hamas does not accept the existence of Israel and continues to pursue their objectives through terror and violence; Sir Jeremy Greenstock however argued that they have not adopted their charter since they won the Palestinian legislative election, 2006 as part of their political program.[8] Instead they have moved to a more secular stance.[7] In 2008, the Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, stated that Hamas would agree to accept a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, and to offer a long-term truce with Israel.[9]


I am not... if these ppl are trying to make shield for what ever reason... the other party should stop attacking these site if they do care about human life more than Hamas dose as they keep saying not bombing and put the blame on Hamas

That's the point: Either to protect its own weapons or garner world sympathy, Hamas is forcing these people to act as human shields.

It's not about condoning Israeli airstrikes, it's about condemning Hamas' behavior.
I think you may find that Palestinians in the occupied territories have it a bit rough at the moment, maybe we could keep this thread about that rather than all the anti Semitism in the world and about how bad the Jewish (as opposed to specifically Israeli) people have it? Maybe?

How about we keep discussing all relevant subjects? Unless of course you think that Palestinians having it rough (which is an understatement) is reason enough to put aside any discussion about violence perpetrated against Jews in the name of said Palestinians (who by and large probably aren't asking for anything of the sort).

Because maybe the struggle against Israel and the resurgence of violent and uninhibited antisemitism are related contrary to what is often claimed around here. Maybe?


Neither does calling a video from live leaks of all places "conclusive proof"
The video was released by the IDF. You can say they are biased, but if there's one party that's sure to have video footage of what goes on in the Gaza Strip, it's the IDF.
And it's not exactly a secret that Hamas uses human shields. I suppose here's a less biased source, if that's somehow news to you.

Nobody is trying to make Hamas look blame free. Just getting a message across to people that act like only Hamas is too blame and Israel is not killing these civilians.
Also when I think of the goals that Hamas has, I think of the liberation of Palestina from occupation before thinking about the annihilation of Israel that they might want.

Hamas is not a foreing terrorist group that entered Palestina with the goal of fighting Israel. These are palestinian people that joined this group in order to fight their oppression of Israel. So no, I don't think the goals of the Palestinian people and Hamas are that different. Again, i'm not giving Hamas a free pass in the actions that they take.

And Hamas views the killing of civilians and acts of terrorism as legitimate actions towards its end-goal. And I do not agree that the ends justify the means.

cannot be changed for internal reasons



The video was released by the IDF. You can say they are biased, but if there's one party that's sure to have video footage of what goes on in the Gaza Strip, it's the IDF.

And Hamas views the killing of civilians and acts of terrorism as legitimate actions towards its end-goal. And I do not agree that the ends justify the means.


I give you a whole article that shows your claim about their current main goal is false and the only thing you pick out is "cannot be changed for internal reasons"
That's trully amazing


I give you a whole article that shows your claim about their current main goal is false and the only thing you pick out is "cannot be changed for internal reasons"
That's trully amazing

It's not inconceivable that Hamas' new-found, superficial pragmatism is only a front to look better in the eyes of the international community and that their actual goals remain unchanged. Unless you think 'internal reasons' can just be explained away easily?


It's not inconceivable that Hamas' new-found, superficial pragmatism is only a front to look better in the eyes of the international community and that their actual goals remain unchanged. Unless you think 'internal reasons' can just be explained away easily?

I think that however I explain it and however much sources i give you, your opinion won't even change. So I don't think i'll even bother at this point.

So if Hamas states something it's superficial and "a front", but when the IDF claims they are looking out for the palestinian civilians while actually killing hundreds of them it's not, right?


It's not inconceivable that Hamas' new-found, superficial pragmatism is only a front to look better in the eyes of the international community and that their actual goals remain unchanged. Unless you think 'internal reasons' can just be explained away easily?

If Hamas had the opportunity to wipe Israel off the map they wouldn't hesitate. This "change of heart" is a front. The sad part of this is that Hamas doesn't realize they are being used as a proxy in Iran's cold war with Israel/USA. The Iranian government couldn't care how many Hamas members or Palestinian civilians die, but are more than happy to provide weapons so they can continue their "fight".

Dude Abides

Even when Hamas does indicate it's willing to deal, it's just a front as far as hardcore Israeli nationalists are concerned. And when the PA plays nice, settlement construction continues unabated. So what's the point in compromise? May as well just let the rockets fly since nothing will ever be good enough for Israel and its fans.
Gaza offensive: What's different this time?

I don't know why I'm surprised Obama repeated the "Israel has a right to defend" (their illegal settlements) rhetoric over all these years when you shoot this many rockets at the prison that is Gaza and don't expect a salvo back. It really is just escalation. Israel acts with impunity because they know they can get away with it, while most countries are complicit with the war crimes, apartheid, and breaking of human rights. One of the ways is for the international community to boycott/arms embargo/sanctions and until that happens, there won't be a non-violent "solution".
I don't quite understand the obsession of victimizing the Palestinians when Hamas has constantly shot thousands of missiles into Israel for years with Israel simply turning the other cheek. Israel has offered towards peace many times and was only met with rejection from Palestine.

Hamas should spend their money on trying to protect their civilians rather that be so focused on destroying the only Jewish state in the world.

The anti-israel protests, honestly, comes off to me as antisemitism.


Gaza offensive: What's different this time?

I don't know why I'm surprised Obama repeated the "Israel has a right to defend" (their illegal settlements) rhetoric over all these years when you shoot this many rockets at the prison that is Gaza and don't expect a salvo back. It really is just escalation. Israel acts with impunity because they know they can get away with it, while most countries are complicit with the war crimes, apartheid, and breaking of human rights. One of the ways is for the international community to boycott/arms embargo/sanctions and until that happens, there won't be a non-violent "solution".

Actually all of Israel's allies are against the settlements, though they don't really do anything to stop them. There are no settlements in Gaza.
I don't quite understand the obsession of victimizing the Palestinians when Hamas has constantly shot thousands of missiles into Israel for years with Israel simply turning the other cheek. Israel has offered towards peace many times and was only met with rejection from Palestine.

Hamas should spend their money on trying to protect their civilians rather that be so focused on destroying the only Jewish state in the world.

The anti-israel protests, honestly, comes off to me as antisemitism.

I don't understand the obsession of victimizing Israel when they've maintained a brutal seige on Gaza and the occupied territories for years, denying human rights to millions of people and building settlements on stolen land which is illegal under international law. The West Bank in particular closely resembles an apartheid state. How the fuck is Israel pushing for peace while building settlements?


I don't understand the obsession of victimizing Israel when they've maintained a seige on Gaza and the occupied territories for years, denying human rights to millions of people and building settlements on stolen land which is illegal under international law.

The blockade on Gaza only came into affect after Hamas took control of Gaza. Israel views Hamas as a terrorist organisation and as such feared that weapons would be funneled into Gaza. Turns out their fears were validated.

The West Bank is a different kettle of fish and Israel should (but won't) dismantle and withdraw it's settlements.
The blockade on Gaza only came into affect after Hamas took control of Gaza. Israel views Hamas as a terrorist organisation and as such feared that weapons would be funneled into Gaza. Turns out their fears were validated.

The West Bank is a different kettle of fish and Israel should (but won't) dismantle and withdraw it's settlements.

...and prior to that Gaza was under Israeli control. What's your point? They went from being controlled and occupied by Israel, to being sieged by Israel.
I don't understand the obsession of victimizing Israel when they've maintained a brutal seige on Gaza and the occupied territories for years, denying human rights to millions of people and building settlements on stolen land which is illegal under international law. The West Bank in particular closely resembles an apartheid state. How the fuck is Israel pushing for peace while building settlements?

Regardless of how you look at it. Both parties have done a lot wrong. More so Hamas and their supporters... Hamas' actions has created a rhetoric that the Palestinians are hateful and want to simply murder all the jews... It's really quite sad. I hope this can come to an agreement soon, but both parties are so stubborn.
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